Estou escrevendo meu primeiro documento de especificação formal e estou tendo problemas para tentar alinhar o texto à esquerda e uma tabela tabular à direita.
A patient population includes an initially-empty set of patients(as identified as by their unique set as type $\mathbb{P})$. Each patient has some information about them of type $\mathbb{I})$
\begin{tabular}{|l| c |r|}
this is a test and this\\is a new line\\
Esta é uma solução, mas deveriaprovavelmentefeito com wrapfig
ou similar (dependendo do seu caso de uso real).
A patient population includes an initially-empty set of patients
(as identified as by their unique set as type $P$).
Each patient has some information about them of type $I$)
\begin{tabular}[t]{|l| c |r|}
this is a test and this\\is a new line\\