Alternativa para quebras de página de minipágina

Alternativa para quebras de página de minipágina

Eu gostaria de substituir meu design de minipágina deste ambiente de exercícios. Aprendi recentemente que as minipáginas são inquebráveis ​​além dos limites da página. E como um novato no sistema de programação TeX/LaTeX, estou achando um pouco difícil entender seus componentes internos. Portanto, eu apreciaria qualquer ajuda que pudesse obter - examinei alguns pacotes, como Adjustwidth e tcolorbox, mas com pouco sucesso.
O resultado final que espero obter é um algoritmo que permitiria ajudar meu ambiente de exercícios a ultrapassar os limites da página. Deixe-me dizer também que sou muito novo no grupo e no site, então não sei como funciona o sistema de pontuação. Aqui está um MWE


%% Redefining Section Command
                    {section}%                                 %% name
                    {1}%                                       %% level
                    {0pt}%                                     %% no indent from left margin
                    {-1\baselineskip minus\parskip}%           %% beforeskip
                    {0.4\baselineskip}%                        %% afterskip
                    {\normalfont\normalsize\bfseries\raggedright}}% %% style
%% Redefining Subsection Command
%% following command definitions are used in the new exercise environments
%% new theoremstyle for Exercises: asterisked/starred exercise) theoremstyle
\newtheoremstyle{starredexercises}                        %% Name
{5pt plus1pt minus1pt}                                    %% Space above (or before) the environment
{5pt plus1pt minus1pt}                                    %% Space below (or after) the environment
{\normalfont}                                             %% Style Body font
%{\normalfont\small}                                       %% Style Body font
{0pt}                                                     %% Indentation of 1st Line of body text
{\normalfont}                                             %% Style Head font
{}                                                        %% Head Punctuation after head Style
{0pt}                                                     %% Horizontal space after Head Style
{\sbast\thmnumber{#2.}~\thmname{#1}\thmnote{~{\normalfont(#3)}}}%% Custom Theorem Head SPEC
%% new theoremstyle for Exercises:  (unstarred exercise) theoremstyle
{5pt plus1pt minus1pt}
{5pt plus1pt minus1pt}
{\nbast\thmnumber{#2.}~\thmname{#1}\thmnote{~{\normalfont(#3)}}}%% Custom Theorem Head SPEC

Define a relation $R$ on $\zvert{K}$ by $vRw$ if there exists an edge path in $K$ from $v$ to $w$.
\item\label{12SimComExer37i} Show that $R$ is an equivalence relation on $\zvert{K}$.
\item\label{12SimComExer37ii} For each $x\in \zvert{K}$, define the \textbf{component} of $K$ containing $x$ as the family of all simplexes $s\in K$ with $\zvert{s}$ contained in the $R$-equivalence class of $x$. Show that each component of $K$ is a connected subcomplex and that $K$ is their disjoint union.
\item\label{12SimComExer37iii} If $x\in \zvert{K}$ and $L$ is the component of $K$ containing $x$, then
    \pi(K,x) \cong \pi(L,x).
Define a relation $R$ on $\zvert{K}$ by $vRw$ if there exists an edge path in $K$ from $v$ to $w$.
\item\label{12SimComExer38i} Show that $R$ is an equivalence relation on $\zvert{K}$.
\item\label{12SimComExer38ii} For each $x\in \zvert{K}$, define the \textbf{component} of $K$ containing $x$ as the family of all simplexes $s\in K$ with $\zvert{s}$ contained in the $R$-equivalence class of $x$. Show that each component of $K$ is a connected  subcomplex and that $K$ is their disjoint union.
\item\label{12SimComExer38iii} If $x\in \zvert{K}$ and $L$ is the component of $K$ containing $x$, then
    \pi(K,x) \cong \pi(L,x).



Esta é uma possível solução para a questão postada; muito obrigado a David por seus conselhos e sugestões.


%% Redefining Section Command
                    {section}%                                 %% name
                    {1}%                                       %% level
                    {0pt}%                                     %% no indent from left margin
                    {-1\baselineskip minus\parskip}%           %% beforeskip
                    {0.4\baselineskip}%                        %% afterskip
                    {\normalfont\normalsize\bfseries\raggedright}}% %% style
%% Redefining Subsection Command
%% the following command definitions are used in the new exercise styles!
%% Non-starred Exercise environment      nexercise
%%----- list style parameters -----
  label=\nbast\theexer.,                         % Label: Chapter.exercise number.
  align=left,                                    % Left align labels
  leftmargin=0.10\textwidth,                     % Space between margin of list and following lines
  labelwidth=*,                                  % Auto computation of width of label
  topsep=4pt plus0pt minus1pt,                   % Vertical space between preceding text and 1st item
  itemsep=0pt,                                   % Vertical space between pairs of items
  before=\normalfont                             % changing font before start of enumeration
%  before=\normalfont\small                       % changing font before start of enumeration
  \refstepcounter{exer}                               % Add 1 to exercise counter
  \item\label{nlbl:\theexer.\arabic{nExercisesi}}%    % Append label to item
  \setlist[enumerate, 1]{%
    }%            % Label for subexercises, but only within an exercise
%% Starred Exercise environment
%%----- list style parameters -----
  label=\sbast\theexer.,                         % Label: Exercise Chapter.exercise
  align=left,                                    % Left align labels
  leftmargin=0.10\textwidth,                     % Distance from Left edge of environ to left edge of list text
  labelwidth=*,                                  % Auto computation of width of label
  topsep=4pt plus0pt minus1pt,                   % Vertical space between preceding text and 1st item
  itemsep=0pt,                                   % Vertical space between pairs of items
  before=\normalfont                             % Changing font size before start of enumeration
  \refstepcounter{exer}                               % Add 1 to exercise counter
  \item\label{slbl:\theexer.\arabic{sExercisesi}}%    % Append label to item
  \setlist[enumerate, 1]{%
    }%            % Label for subexercises, but only within an exercise

Define a relation $R$ on $\zvert{K}$ by $vRw$ if there exists an edge path in $K$ from $v$ to $w$.
\item\label{12SimComExer37i} Show that $R$ is an equivalence relation on $\zvert{K}$.
\item\label{12SimComExer37ii} For each $x\in \zvert{K}$, define the \textbf{component} of $K$ containing $x$ as the family of all simplexes $s\in K$ with $\zvert{s}$ contained in the $R$-equivalence class of $x$. Show that each component of $K$ is a connected subcomplex and that $K$ is their disjoint union.
\item\label{12SimComExer37iii} If $x\in \zvert{K}$ and $L$ is the component of $K$ containing $x$, then
    \pi(K,x) \cong \pi(L,x).
Consider the set $[X,A]$, wher $A$ is a fixed space. Show that a continuous map $\fmap{f}X\to Y$ gives rise to a function $\fmap{f_{\bast}}[X,A]\to [Y,A]$ with the following properties.
\item\label{12SimComExer39i} If $f\simeq g$, then $f_{\bast}=g_{\bast}$.
\item\label{12SimComExer39ii} If $\fmap{1}X\to X$ is the identity map, then $1_{\bast}$ is the identity function.
\item\label{12SimComExer39iii} If $\fmap{g}Y\to Z$ is another continuous map, then $(qf)_{\bast}=g_{\bast}f_{\bast}$.
Deduce that if $X\simeq Y$ there is a $(1-1)$-correspondence between the sets $[X,A]$ and $[Y,A]$.\par
What are the corresponding results for the sets $[X,A]$, for a fixed space $A$?


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