Como posso inserir texto vertical abrangendo várias linhas em uma tabela?

Como posso inserir texto vertical abrangendo várias linhas em uma tabela?

Gostaria de adicionar uma coluna à minha tabela que se pareça com a coluna mais à direita da imagem incluída.

insira a descrição da imagem aqui

A partir de agora, estou usando tabularxpara criar a tabela

    \hline 1) No. of Distinct MMSI Detected & 1 \\ 
    \hline 2) Average Time Between Messages (moving ships)& 1 \\ 
    \hline 3) No. of Dopplegangers &  1\\ 
    \hline 4) Total No. of Anomalies &1  \\ 
    \hline 5) List of Anomalies by MMSI &  See Spreadsheet\\ 
    \hline 6) Avergae Mad Time Between Messages from Same Ship & 1 \\ 
    \hline 7) Average Number of Messages per MMSI per Hour  &1  \\ 
    \hline 8) Average Age of Messages on Receipt& 1 \\ 
    \hline 9) Average Age of Messages at System Observation Time&  1\\ 
    \hline 10) Average Dead Reckoning Error for Moving Ships &1  \\ 
    \hline  11) Age Distribution Chart& See Figure  \\
    \hline 12)  Position Error Distribution Chart& See Figure\\

Existe uma maneira fácil de fazer isso? É tabularxo pacote certo?


Você pode ter isso:

\usepackage{rotating, graphicx}
\usepackage{makecell, tabularx, multirow}


        \settowidth\rotheadsize{\theadfont aligned with data}
    \settowidth{\rotheadsize}{Minimum employees}
    \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{|p{1.25cm}| >{\refstepcounter{rownum}\eqmakebox[N] [r]{\therownum)\enspace}}X|c|}
    & No. of Distinct MMSI Detected & 1 \\
    & Average Time Between Messages (moving ships)& 1 \\
    \multirowcell{-3}[-4.5ex]{\hspace*{-.6em}\turnbox{90}{\thead{MMSI\\Statistical\\analysis}}}& No. of Dopplegangers & 1\\
     & Total No. of Anomalies &1 \\
    \multirowcell{-2}[-4.5ex]{\hspace*{-1.8em}\turnbox{90}{\thead{Anomaly\\Detection \\reports}}} & List of Anomalies by MMSI & See Spreadsheet\\
    & Average Mad Time Between Messages from Same Ship & 1 \\
     & Average Number of Messages per MMSI per Hour &1 \\
     & Average Age of Messages on Receipt& 1 \\
     & Average Age of Messages at System Observation Time& 1\\
     & Average Dead Reckoning Error for Moving Ships &1 \\
     & Age Distribution Chart& See Figure \\
    \multirow{-4}{*}[0.25ex]{\hspace*{2.8em}\turnbox{90}{\thead{Systemic Quality\\analysis}}} & Position Error Distribution Chart& See Figure \\


insira a descrição da imagem aqui


Você pode criar facilmente essa tabela com {NiceTabular}of nicematrix. Com esse ambiente, você mescla células verticalmente e horizontalmente com o comando \Blocke a tecla hvlinesdesenhará todas as regras exceto nos blocos (criados por \Block).

Além disso, há um contador LaTeX integrado iRowpara as linhas.



& No. of Distinct MMSI Detected & 1 \\
& Average Time Between Messages (moving ships)& 1 \\
& No. of Dopplegangers & 1\\
\Block{2-1}<\rotate>{Anomaly\\Detection \\reports} 
& Total No. of Anomalies &1 \\
& List of Anomalies by MMSI & See Spreadsheet\\
\Block{7-1}<\rotate>{Systemic Quality\\analysis} 
& Average Mad Time Between Messages from Same Ship & 1 \\
& Average Number of Messages per MMSI per Hour &1 \\
& Average Age of Messages on Receipt& 1 \\
& Average Age of Messages at System Observation Time& 1\\
& Average Dead Reckoning Error for Moving Ships &1 \\
& Age Distribution Chart& See Figure \\
& Position Error Distribution Chart& See Figure \\


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