Quero produzir as duas primeiras linhas desta tabela de 5 colunas em LaTeX:
Como você pode ver, é um tipo especial de tabela onde vemos:
- listas detalhadas dentro, mas de forma inconsistente, ou seja. coluna 4, todas as linhas possuem listas discriminadas dentro, as colunas 2,3 e 5 possuem listas discriminadas em algumas, mas não em todas as linhas, a coluna 1 não possui listas discriminadas.
- o belo alinhamento da mesa
- a aparência doce como aquela
para que o pacote foi criado - é uma mesa compacta que não contém espaços desagradáveis
- as listas têm marcadores quadrados
\thispagestyle{empty} % hide page number
\setlength{\belowcaptionskip}{\abovecaptionskip}% Correct skip for caption on top
\caption{Wide Itemized Mixed Table}
\textbf{BSL} & \textbf{Agents} & \textbf{Practices} & \textbf{Primary barriers} & \textbf{Secondary barriers} \\
1 & Not known to consistently cause diseases in healthy adults & standard microbiological practices & no primary barriers required, PPE & bench and sink required \\
2 & - Agents associated with human diseases - Routes of transmission include per-cutaneous injury, ingestion, mucous membrane exposure & BSL-1 practice plus: - limited access - Biohazard warning signs - ``Sharps'' precautions - Biosafety manual defining any needed waste decontamination or medical surveillance polices & Primary barriers: - BSCs or other physical containment devices used for all manipulations of agents that cause splashes or aerosols of infectious materials - PPE: Laboratory coats, gloves, face and eye protection, as needed & BSL-1 plus: - Autoclave available\\
A resposta mais próxima que encontrei foiaqui, mas infelizmente esta resposta pressupõe que todas as linhas possuem uma lista detalhada e não algumas delas, portanto, por favor, preste atenção a este ponto antes de rotular esta postagem como duplicada.
A resposta seria colocar a lista dentro de uma minipágina ou parbox, mas isso não é muito divertido. Aqui está outra solução para enumitem
usar as teclas before
e after
e o comando \tablistcommand
: Use tabitemize
quando você tiver uma célula apenas com uma lista e limpe a before
chave com o texto anterior à lista. As linhas estão alinhadas corretamente.
leftmargin = * ,
label = \textbullet ,
nosep ,
before = \tablistcommand ,
after = \tablistcommand
\caption{Wide Itemized Mixed Table}
\textbf{BSL} & \textbf{Agents} & \textbf{Practices}
& \textbf{Primary barriers} & \textbf{Secondary barriers} \\
1 & Not known to consistently cause diseases in healthy adults
& standard microbiological practices
& \begin{tabitemize}
\item no primary barriers required,
\item PPE
& bench and sink required \tabularnewline
2 & \begin{tabitemize}
\item Agents associated with human diseases
\item Routes of transmission include per-cutaneous injury,
ingestion, mucous membrane exposure
& BSL-1 practice plus:
\item limited access
\item Biohazard warning signs
\item ``Sharps'' precautions
\item Biosafety manual defining any needed waste
decontamination or medical surveillance polices
& Primary barriers:
\item BSCs or other physical containment devices used for all
manipulations of agents that cause splashes or aerosols of
infectious materials
\item PPE: Laboratory coats, gloves, face and eye protection,
as needed
& BSL-1 plus:
\item Autoclave available
Realmente depende do seu caso de uso, mas provavelmente eu faria uma tabela como esta em um documento. Se você tiver uma mesa muito longa, faria mais sentido girá-la.
format = plain ,
font = footnotesize ,
labelfont = bf ,
justification = centerlast ,
labelsep = period ,
position = top ,
aboveskip = 5pt ,
belowskip = 0pt
leftmargin = * ,
label = \textbullet ,
nosep ,
before = \tablistcommand ,
after = \tablistcommand
\caption{Wide Itemized Mixed Table}
\scriptsize BSL & \scriptsize Agents & \scriptsize Practices
& \scriptsize Primary barriers & \scriptsize Secondary barriers \\
1 & Not known to consistently cause diseases in healthy adults
& standard microbiological practices
& \begin{tabitemize}
\item no primary barriers required,
\item PPE
& bench and sink required \tabularnewline\addlinespace
2 & \begin{tabitemize}
\item Agents associated with human diseases
\item Routes of transmission include per-cutaneous injury,
ingestion, mucous membrane exposure
& BSL-1 practice plus:
\item limited access
\item Biohazard warning signs
\item ``Sharps'' precautions
\item Biosafety manual defining any needed waste
decontamination or medical surveillance polices
& Primary barriers:
\item BSCs or other physical containment devices used for all
manipulations of agents that cause splashes or aerosols of
infectious materials
\item PPE: Laboratory coats, gloves, face and eye protection,
as needed
& BSL-1 plus:
\item Autoclave available
Aqui está umenumitemversão:
Eu defini uma tableitems
variante do itemize
ambiente e usei-a dentro da sua mesa. Observe o hack desajeitado usado \vspace
para listas que não possuem cabeçalho. Sem isso, há uma linha vazia na lista.
\usepackage{mathabx}% for \sqbullet
\thispagestyle{empty} % hide page number
\setlength{\belowcaptionskip}{\abovecaptionskip}% Correct skip for caption on top
\caption{Wide Itemized Mixed Table}
\textbf{BSL} & \textbf{Agents} & \textbf{Practices} & \textbf{Primary barriers} & \textbf{Secondary barriers} \\
1 & Not known to consistently cause diseases in healthy adults
& standard microbiological practices
\item No primary barriers required
\item PPE
& bench and sink required
2 & \vspace{-1ex}
\item Agents associated with human diseases
\item Routes of transmission include per-cutaneous injury,
ingestion, mucous membrane exposure
& BSL-1 practice plus:
\item limited access
\item Biohazard warning signs
\item ``Sharps'' precautions
\item Biosafety manual defining any needed waste
decontamination or medical surveillance polices
& Primary barriers:
\item BSCs or other physical containment devices used for all
manipulations of agents that cause splashes or aerosols of
infectious materials
\item PPE: Laboratory coats, gloves, face and eye protection, as needed
& BSL-1 plus:
\item Autoclave available
Não é perfeito, mas veja se é útil:
\thispagestyle{empty} % hide page number
\caption{Wide Itemized Mixed Table}
& \thead{Agents}
& \thead{Practices}
& \thead{Primary barriers}
& \thead{Secondary barriers} \\
1 & Not known to consistently cause diseases in healthy adults
& standard microbiological practices
& \vspace{-2ex}
\item No primary barriers required,
\item PPE
& Laboratora bench and sink required \\
2 & \vspace{-2ex}
\item Agents associated with human diseases
\item Routes of transmission include per-cutaneous injury, ingestion, mucous membrane exposure
& BSL-1 practice plus:
\item limited access
\item Biohazard warning signs
\item ``Sharps'' precautions
\item Biosafety manual defining any needed waste decontamination or medical surveillance polices
& Primary barriers:
\item BSCs or other physical containment devices used for all manipulations of agents that cause splashes or aerosols of infectious materials
\item PPE: Laboratory coats, gloves, face and eye protection, as needed
& BSL-1 plus:
\item Autoclave available
\end{compactitem} \\
Em vez de landscape
usar sidewaystable
from package rotating
e for lists dentro da tabela compactitem
from package paralist
. Resultado semelhante você pode obter com enumitem
package (com o qual estou menos familiarizado). Para tabela eu prefiro usar tabularx
package onde para formatação eu uso \RaggedRight
from ragged2e
Termo aditivo: Parece que a combinação das três respostas dará a melhor solução :-). Então eu combino o seguinte
from packagemathabx
package conforme proposto por Andrew em sua resposta- a maneira como Arash Esbati usa o pacote
em sua resposta tabularx
e alinhamento de texto para cabeçalhos de colunas,sidewaystable
conforme proponho em minha resposta.RaggedRight
Com isso o código "comum" passa a ser:
\usepackage{mathabx}% for \sqbullet
\usepackage{enumitem}% for nice list
\newcommand{\tablistcommand}{% <-- for eliminating vertical space
% before and after itemize
\newlist{tableitems}{itemize}{1}% <-- defined new list
\setlist[tableitems]{nosep, % <-- new list setup
topsep = 0pt ,
partopsep = 0pt ,
leftmargin = * ,
label = $\sqbullet$ ,
before = \tablistcommand ,
after = \tablistcommand
\caption{Wide Itemized Mixed Table}
& \thead{Agents}
& \thead{Practices}
& \thead{Primary barriers}
& \thead{Secondary barriers} \\
1 & Not known to consistently cause diseases in healthy adults
& standard microbiological practices
& \begin{tableitems}
\item No primary barriers required,
\item PPE
& Laboratory bench and sink required \\
2 & \begin{tableitems}
\item Agents associated with human diseases
\item Routes of transmission include per-cutaneous injury, ingestion, mucous membrane exposure
& BSL-1 practice plus:
\begin{tableitems}[before=]% <-- nullifying before skip
\item limited access
\item Biohazard warning signs
\item ``Sharps'' precautions
\item Biosafety manual defining any needed waste decontamination or medical surveillance polices
& Primary barriers:
\begin{tableitems}[before=]% <-- nullifying before skip
\item BSCs or other physical containment devices used for all manipulations of agents that cause splashes or aerosols of infectious materials
\item PPE: Laboratory coats, gloves, face and eye protection, as needed
& BSL-1 plus:
\begin{tableitems}[before=]% <-- nullifying before skip
\item Autoclave available
\end{tableitems} \\
Com isso a tabela fica como pode ser vista abaixo: