problema de formatação de texto de legenda ltablex

problema de formatação de texto de legenda ltablex

Estou usando o ltablexpacote para criar tabelas longas em várias páginas. Para minhas outras tabelas pequenas eu uso o tabularxpacote e notei um erro de formatação ou talvez um bug?

O texto da legenda da tabela longa criada não está alinhado corretamente com a bottomrulelinha.

Ao executar o código, você verá que a legenda na parte inferior da pequena tabela está alinhada corretamente com a bottomrulelinha. Mas na tabela longa, o texto da legenda não combinava corretamente com a bottomrulelinha. Lá o texto se destaca um pouco no lado esquerdo.

Quando eu uso minha mesa pequena sem o \begin{table]ambiente \end{table}e e coloco a legenda dentro do tabularx, aparece o mesmo problema da mesa longa, então como posso acertar trabalhando na mesa longa. Não consigo usar lá o \begin{table]and \end{table}Environment, então existe outra maneira de formatar o texto da legenda como na minha mesinha com o \begin{table]and \end{table}Environment?

Adicionei duas fotos dele. A primeira mostra um pedaço da mesa comprida e a segunda a mesinha.

insira a descrição da imagem aqui insira a descrição da imagem aqui

EDITAR - Código Completo

\usepackage{mathptmx}% Times



\textbf{Column 1} & \textbf{Column 2} \\
$R$ & 1This is an example sentence \\
$R$ & 2As well as the line before \\
$A$ & 3Also this is an example \\
$R$ & 4This is an example sentence \\
$R$ & 5As well as the line before \\
$A$ & 6Also this is an example \\
$R$ & 7This is an example sentence \\
$R$ & 8As well as the line before \\
$A$ & 9Also this is an example \\
$R$ & 10This is an example sentence \\
$R$ & 11As well as the line before \\
$A$ & 12Also this is an example \\
\caption{Example of an table} 


\textbf{Column 1} & \textbf{Column 2} \\
$R$ & 1This is an example sentence \\
$R$ & 2As well as the line before \\
$A$ & 3Also this is an example \\
$R$ & 4This is an example sentence \\
$R$ & 5As well as the line before \\
$A$ & 6Also this is an example \\
$R$ & 7This is an example sentence \\
$R$ & 8As well as the line before \\
$A$ & 9Also this is an example \\
$R$ & 10This is an example sentence \\
$R$ & 11As well as the line before \\
$A$ & 12Also this is an example \\
$R$ & 13This is an example sentence \\
$R$ & 14As well as the line before \\
$A$ & 15Also this is an example \\
$R$ & 16This is an example sentence \\
$R$ & 17As well as the line before \\
$A$ & 18Also this is an example \\
$R$ & 19This is an example sentence \\
$R$ & 20As well as the line before \\
$A$ & 21Also this is an example \\
$R$ & 22This is an example sentence \\
$R$ & 23As well as the line before \\
$A$ & 24Also this is an example \\
$R$ & 25This is an example sentence \\
$R$ & 26As well as the line before \\
$A$ & 27Also this is an example \\
$R$ & 28This is an example sentence \\
$R$ & 29As well as the line before \\
$A$ & 30Also this is an example \\
$R$ & 31This is an example sentence \\
$R$ & 32As well as the line before \\
$A$ & 33Also this is an example \\
$R$ & 34This is an example sentence \\
$R$ & 35As well as the line before \\
$A$ & 36Also this is an example \\
$R$ & 37This is an example sentence \\
$R$ & 1This is an example sentence \\
$R$ & 2As well as the line before \\
$A$ & 3Also this is an example \\
$R$ & 4This is an example sentence \\
$R$ & 5As well as the line before \\
$A$ & 6Also this is an example \\
$R$ & 7This is an example sentence \\
$R$ & 8As well as the line before \\
$A$ & 9Also this is an example \\
$R$ & 10This is an example sentence \\
$R$ & 11As well as the line before \\
$A$ & 12Also this is an example \\
$R$ & 13This is an example sentence \\
$R$ & 14As well as the line before \\
$A$ & 15Also this is an example \\
$R$ & 16This is an example sentence \\
$R$ & 17As well as the line before \\
$A$ & 18Also this is an example \\
$R$ & 19This is an example sentence \\
$R$ & 20As well as the line before \\
$A$ & 21Also this is an example \\
$R$ & 22This is an example sentence \\
$R$ & 23As well as the line before \\
$A$ & 24Also this is an example \\
$R$ & 25This is an example sentence \\
$R$ & 26As well as the line before \\
$A$ & 27Also this is an example \\
$R$ & 28This is an example sentence \\
$R$ & 29As well as the line before \\
$A$ & 30Also this is an example \\
$R$ & 31This is an example sentence \\
$R$ & 32As well as the line before \\
$A$ & 33Also this is an example \\
$R$ & 34This is an example sentence \\
$R$ & 35As well as the line before \\
$A$ & 36Also this is an example \\
$R$ & 37This is an example sentence \\
\caption{Example of an table2} 





        \textbf{Column 1} & \textbf{Column 2} \\\midrule
        $R$ & 1This is an example sentence \\
        $R$ & 2As well as the line before \\
        $A$ & 3Also this is an example \\
        $R$ & 4This is an example sentence \\
        $R$ & 5As well as the line before \\
        $A$ & 6Also this is an example \\
        $R$ & 7This is an example sentence \\
        $R$ & 8As well as the line before \\
        $A$ & 9Also this is an example \\
        $R$ & 10This is an example sentence \\
        $R$ & 11As well as the line before \\
        $A$ & 12Also this is an example \\
    \caption{Example of an table} \\

    \textbf{Column 1} & \textbf{Column 2} \\
    $R$ & 1This is an example sentence \\
    $R$ & 2As well as the line before \\

A legenda deve estar dentro do arquivo tabularx. E fazernãouse o ambiente tablepara o tabularx. Possui tablecontador próprio.

insira a descrição da imagem aqui

insira a descrição da imagem aqui


A solução para o meu problema é usar \captionsetup{margin=1pt}com o pacote caption. Com 2pt consegui o alinhamento correto da legenda.

graças aHerberto!

ou como alternativa ao usar o Komascript - como eu - o comando \setcapmargin{2pt}fará o mesmo.


A legenda deve ser incorporada na tabela – assim como acontece com longtable, dentro das footespecificações, caso queira a legenda na parte inferior da tabela, ou nas headespecificações colocá-la acima da tabela (o que é recomendado).

Além disso, se você carregar ltablex, não precisará carregar tabularxnem, longtablepois eles são carregados pelo ltablex.

    \usepackage{ltablex, booktabs}
    \captionsetup[table]{singlelinecheck=off, position=bottom}


    \textbf{Column 1} & \textbf{Column 2} \\
    $R$ & 1This is an example sentence \\
    $R$ & 2As well as the line before \\
    $A$ & 3Also this is an example \\
    $R$ & 4This is an example sentence \\
    $R$ & 5As well as the line before \\
    $A$ & 6Also this is an example \\
    $R$ & 7This is an example sentence \\
    $R$ & 8As well as the line before \\
    $A$ & 9Also this is an example \\
    $R$ & 10This is an example sentence \\
    $R$ & 11As well as the line before \\
    $A$ & 12Also this is an example \\
    \caption{Example of an table}

    \caption{Example of an table}\label{xyz}
    \caption{Example of an table}
    \textbf{Column 1} & \textbf{Column 2} \\
    $R$ & 1This is an example sentence \\
    $R$ & 2As well as the line before \\
    $A$ & 3Also this is an example \\
    $R$ & 4This is an example sentence \\
    $R$ & 5As well as the line before \\
    $A$ & 6Also this is an example \\
    $R$ & 7This is an example sentence \\
    $R$ & 8As well as the line before \\
    $A$ & 9Also this is an example \\
    $R$ & 10This is an example sentence \\
    $R$ & 11As well as the line before \\
    $A$ & 12Also this is an example \\
    $R$ & 13This is an example sentence \\
    $R$ & 14As well as the line before \\
    $A$ & 15Also this is an example \\
    $R$ & 16This is an example sentence \\
    $R$ & 17As well as the line before \\
    $A$ & 18Also this is an example \\
    $R$ & 19This is an example sentence \\
    $R$ & 20As well as the line before \\
    $A$ & 21Also this is an example \\
    $R$ & 22This is an example sentence \\
    $R$ & 23As well as the line before \\
    $A$ & 24Also this is an example \\
    $R$ & 25This is an example sentence \\
    $R$ & 26As well as the line before \\
    $A$ & 27Also this is an example \\
    $R$ & 28This is an example sentence \\
    $R$ & 29As well as the line before \\
    $A$ & 30Also this is an example \\
    $R$ & 31This is an example sentence \\
    $R$ & 32As well as the line before \\
    $A$ & 33Also this is an example \\
    $R$ & 34This is an example sentence \\
    $R$ & 35As well as the line before \\
    $A$ & 36Also this is an example \\
    $R$ & 37This is an example sentence \\
    $R$ & 1This is an example sentence \\
    $R$ & 2As well as the line before \\
    $A$ & 3Also this is an example \\
    $R$ & 4This is an example sentence \\
    $R$ & 5As well as the line before \\
    $A$ & 6Also this is an example \\
    $R$ & 7This is an example sentence \\
    $R$ & 8As well as the line before \\
    $A$ & 9Also this is an example \\
    $R$ & 10This is an example sentence \\
    $R$ & 11As well as the line before \\
    $A$ & 12Also this is an example \\
    $R$ & 13This is an example sentence \\
    $R$ & 14As well as the line before \\
    $A$ & 15Also this is an example \\
    $R$ & 16This is an example sentence \\
    $R$ & 17As well as the line before \\
    $A$ & 18Also this is an example \\
    $R$ & 19This is an example sentence \\
    $R$ & 20As well as the line before \\
    $A$ & 21Also this is an example \\
    $R$ & 22This is an example sentence \\
    $R$ & 23As well as the line before \\
    $A$ & 24Also this is an example \\
    $R$ & 25This is an example sentence \\
    $R$ & 26As well as the line before \\
    $A$ & 27Also this is an example \\
    $R$ & 28This is an example sentence \\
    $R$ & 29As well as the line before \\
    $A$ & 30Also this is an example \\
    $R$ & 31This is an example sentence \\
    $R$ & 32As well as the line before \\
    $A$ & 33Also this is an example \\
    $R$ & 34This is an example sentence \\
    $R$ & 35As well as the line before \\
    $A$ & 36Also this is an example \\
    $R$ & 37This is an example sentence


insira a descrição da imagem aqui insira a descrição da imagem aqui

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