Alguém já desenhou um campo de futebol em látex?

Alguém já desenhou um campo de futebol em látex?

Alguém já desenhou um campo de futebol em látex? Eu sei que pode parecer um pedido estranho. Mas procuro um pacote que me permita desenhar um campo de futebol.

campo de futebol


Apenas por diversão:

insira a descrição da imagem aqui

\usetikzlibrary{positioning, ducks}

\begin{scope}[shift={#3}, xscale=-.4, yscale=.4]
\path[preaction={fill=red}, pattern=checkerboard, pattern color=white] \duckpathjacket;
\node[font=\sffamily\bfseries] at ([xshift=5mm]wing) {#1};
\node[font=\sffamily\bfseries] at (1.1,-.22) {#2};

\begin{scope}[shift={#3}, scale=.4]
\node[font=\sffamily\bfseries] at ([xshift=5mm]wing) {#1};
\node[font=\sffamily\bfseries] at (1.1,-.22) {#2};


\begin{scope}[shift={(#1)}, transform shape, rotate=#2]
\node[minimum width=.55cm,minimum height=1.832cm, anchor=west] (small#2) at (0,0) {};
\node[minimum width=1.65cm,minimum height=4.032cm, anchor=west] (big#2) at (0,0) {};
\node[minimum width=.244cm, minimum height=.732cm, anchor=east] (goal#2) at (0,0) {};
\node[inner sep=.3mm, circle, fill=white] (penalty#2) at (1.1,0) {};
    \tikzset{every path/.style={}}
    \clip (big#2.south east) rectangle ++ (1,5); 
    \draw[white, very thick] (penalty#2) circle (0.915cm);

    every node/.style={draw=white, very thick, inner sep=0, outer sep=0},
   every path/.style={draw=white, very thick},
\fill[field] (-1,-1) rectangle (13,10);
\node[minimum width=12cm, minimum height=9cm] (contour) at (6,4.5) {};

%\draw (contour.south west) grid (contour.north east);

% Center
\draw (contour.north) -- (contour.south);
\draw ( circle (0.915cm);
\fill[white] ( circle (.5mm);

% Areas

% Corners
\foreach \corner [count=\xi starting from 0] in {south west, south east, north east, north west}{
    \begin{scope}[rotate around={90*\xi:(contour.\corner)}]
        \draw ([xshift=1mm]contour.\corner) arc (0:90:1mm);



Alguns comentários:

O código do campo de futebol é deAlenanno.

Copiei nomes de jogadores (e posições) de jornais espanhóis que não mostram a grafia correta para jogadores croatas/franceses. Por favor, preencha livremente para corrigi-los ou deixe-me saber a grafia correta.

Atualizar: marmotsugeriu uma tikzmarmotsversão. Aqui está.

insira a descrição da imagem aqui


\newcommand{\croacia}[3]{ \begin{scope}[shift={#3}, scale=.5] \marmot \path[preaction={fill=red}, pattern=checkerboard, pattern color=white] (1.35,0.71) .. controls (1.35,0.41) and (1.17,0.37) .. (0.92,0.37) .. controls (0.69,0.37) and (0.48,0.41) .. (0.48,0.71) .. controls (0.48,1.01) and (0.67,1.26) .. (0.91,1.26) .. controls (1.15,1.26) and (1.3 5,1.01) .. (1.35,0.71) -- cycle; \node[font=\sffamily\bfseries] at (0.95,0.82) {#1}; \node[font=\sffamily\bfseries] at (1.1,-.22) {#2}; \end{scope} }

\newcommand{\france}[3]{ \begin{scope}[shift={#3}, scale=.5] \marmot[body=brown!80!yellow] \path[fill=blue] (1.35,0.71) .. controls (1.35,0.41) and (1.17,0.37) .. (0.92,0.37) .. controls (0.69,0.37) and (0.48,0.41) .. (0.48,0.71) .. controls (0.48,1.01) and (0.67,1.26) .. (0.91,1.26) .. controls (1.15,1.26) and (1.3 5,1.01) .. (1.35,0.71) -- cycle; \node[font=\sffamily\bfseries] at (0.95,0.82) {#1}; \node[font=\sffamily\bfseries] at (1.1,-.22) {#2}; \end{scope} }

\begin{scope}[shift={(#1)}, transform shape, rotate=#2]
\node[minimum width=.55cm,minimum height=1.832cm, anchor=west] (small#2) at (0,0) {};
\node[minimum width=1.65cm,minimum height=4.032cm, anchor=west] (big#2) at (0,0) {};
\node[minimum width=.244cm, minimum height=.732cm, anchor=east] (goal#2) at (0,0) {};
\node[inner sep=.3mm, circle, fill=white] (penalty#2) at (1.1,0) {};
    \tikzset{every path/.style={}}
    \clip (big#2.south east) rectangle ++ (1,5); 
    \draw[white, very thick] (penalty#2) circle (0.915cm);

    every node/.style={draw=white, very thick, inner sep=0, outer sep=0},
   every path/.style={draw=white, very thick},
\fill[field] (-1,-1) rectangle (13,10);
\node[minimum width=12cm, minimum height=9cm] (contour) at (6,4.5) {};

%\draw (contour.south west) grid (contour.north east);

% Center
\draw (contour.north) -- (contour.south);
\draw ( circle (0.915cm);
\fill[white] ( circle (.5mm);

% Areas

% Corners
\foreach \corner [count=\xi starting from 0] in {south west, south east, north east, north west}{
    \begin{scope}[rotate around={90*\xi:(contour.\corner)}]
        \draw ([xshift=1mm]contour.\corner) arc (0:90:1mm);



2ª atualização: Eu quase esqueci tikzpeople.

Não consegui personalizar a camisa croata. Se você souber como fazer isso, por favor me avise ou fique à vontade para editar o código.

insira a descrição da imagem aqui



\begin{scope}[font=\small\sffamily, text=black!70!red]
    \node[person, minimum size=.8cm, anchor=center, shirt=red, #1] (#3) at #4 {#3};
    \path ( node[midway]{#2};

\begin{scope}[font=\small\sffamily, text=black!70!red]
    \node[person, minimum size=.8cm, anchor=center, mirrored, shirt=blue, #1] (#3) at #4 {#3};
    \path ( node[midway]{#2};


\begin{scope}[shift={(#1)}, transform shape, rotate=#2]
\node[minimum width=.55cm,minimum height=1.832cm, anchor=west] (small#2) at (0,0) {};
\node[minimum width=1.65cm,minimum height=4.032cm, anchor=west] (big#2) at (0,0) {};
\node[minimum width=.244cm, minimum height=.732cm, anchor=east] (goal#2) at (0,0) {};
\node[inner sep=.3mm, circle, fill=white] (penalty#2) at (1.1,0) {};
    \tikzset{every path/.style={}}
    \clip (big#2.south east) rectangle ++ (1,5); 
    \draw[white, very thick] (penalty#2) circle (0.915cm);

    every node/.style={draw=white, very thick, inner sep=0, outer sep=0},
   every path/.style={draw=white, very thick},
\fill[field] (-1,-1) rectangle (13,10);
\node[minimum width=12cm, minimum height=9cm] (contour) at (6,4.5) {};

%\draw[yellow,thin] (contour.south west) grid (contour.north east);

% Center
\draw (contour.north) -- (contour.south);
\draw ( circle (0.915cm);
\fill[white] ( circle (.5mm);

% Areas

% Corners
\foreach \corner [count=\xi starting from 0] in {south west, south east, north east, north west}{
    \begin{scope}[rotate around={90*\xi:(contour.\corner)}]
        \draw ([xshift=1mm]contour.\corner) arc (0:90:1mm);




Esta é a minha versão disso. Usei as medidas oficiais, depois dividi por 10 e mudei de metros para centímetros (caso contrário, você precisaria de uma medida realmenteenormepedaço de papel para imprimir).

Incluí um comando \showmeasuresque irá imprimir as medidas (as reais).



insira a descrição da imagem aqui

Com medidas

insira a descrição da imagem aqui


\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta, calc}


    every node/.style={draw=white, very thick, inner sep=0, outer sep=0},
    every path/.style={draw=white, very thick},

\begin{scope}[shift={(#1)}, transform shape, rotate=#2]
\node[minimum width=.55cm,minimum height=1.832cm, anchor=west] (small#2) at (0,0) {};
\node[minimum width=1.65cm,minimum height=4.032cm, anchor=west] (big#2) at (0,0) {};
\node[minimum width=.244cm, minimum height=.732cm, anchor=east] (goal#2) at (0,0) {};
\node[inner sep=.3mm, circle, fill=white] (penalty#2) at (1.1,0) {};
    \tikzset{every path/.style={}}
    \clip (big#2.south east) rectangle ++ (1,5); 
    \draw[white, very thick] (penalty#2) circle (0.915cm);

    \tikzset{every node/.style={draw=none,fill=field, inner sep=2pt, sloped}}
    \draw[black, {Latex}-{Latex}] ($(contour.north west)+(0,.5)$) -- ($(contour.north east)+(0,.5)$) node[midway] {\textbf{Sideline:} min 90m - max 120m};
    \draw[black, {Latex}-{Latex}] ($(contour.south west)+(-.6,0)$) -- ($(contour.north west)+(-.6,0)$) node[midway] {\textbf{Goal line:} min 45m - max 90m};
    \draw[black, -{Latex}] (penalty0) --++ (-15:0.915cm) node[midway, above, font=\scriptsize, fill=none, yshift=2pt] {r = 9.15m};
    \draw[black, {Latex}-{Latex}] ($(small0.south east)+(-.2,0)$) -- ($(small0.north east)+(-.2,0)$) node[midway,above, fill=none,font=\scriptsize] {18.32m};
    \draw[black] ($(small0.north west)+(0,.2)$) -- ($(small0.north east)+(0,.2)$) node[midway, above, font=\scriptsize, fill=none, xshift=3pt] {5.50m};
    \draw[black] (contour.south east) --++ (135:1mm) node[anchor=south east] {r = 1m};
    \draw[black, {Latex}-{Latex}] ($(big180.south east)+(-.5,0)$) -- ($(big180.north east)+(-.5,0)$) node[midway,above, rotate=180,fill=none,font=\scriptsize] {40.32m};
    \draw[black, {Latex}-{Latex}] ($(big180.south west)+(0,.2)$) -- ($(big180.south east)+(0,.2)$) node[midway,above,fill=none,font=\scriptsize] {16.50m};
    \draw[black] (contour.east) --++ (-11mm,0) node[midway,above, fill=none,font=\scriptsize] {11m};
    \node[font=\small, rotate=-90, yshift=5mm] at (goal180) {\textbf{Goal:} 7.32m $\times$ 2.44m};
    \draw[black, -{Latex}] ( --++ (0:0.915cm) node[midway, above, fill=none,font=\scriptsize, yshift=2pt] {r = 9.15m};

\fill[field] (-1,-1) rectangle (13,10);
\node[minimum width=12cm, minimum height=9cm] (contour) at (6,4.5) {};

% Center
\draw (contour.north) -- (contour.south);
\draw ( circle (0.915cm);
\fill[white] ( circle (.5mm);

% Areas

% Corners
\foreach \corner [count=\xi starting from 0] in {south west, south east, north east, north west}{
    \begin{scope}[rotate around={90*\xi:(contour.\corner)}]
        \draw ([xshift=1mm]contour.\corner) arc (0:90:1mm);



Ajuste o próximo código para corrigir as dimensões:

![insira a descrição da imagem aqui



\draw (0,0) rectangle (5,6);
\draw (0,1.5) rectangle ++(1.75,3);
\draw (0,2) rectangle ++(0.5,2);
\draw (0,2.5) rectangle ++(-0.1,1);
\draw (0.1,0) arc (0:90:.1);
\draw (0.1,6) arc (0:-90:.1);
\draw[fill] (1.25,3) circle (1pt);
\draw (5,3.8) arc (90:270:.8);
\clip (1.75,0) rectangle ++(2,6);
\draw (1.25,3) circle (1cm);

\begin{tikzpicture}[background rectangle/.style={fill=green}, show background rectangle]

\begin{scope}[xshift=10cm, xscale=-1]
\draw[fill] (5,3) circle (1pt);



informação relacionada