comando \cite não funciona

comando \cite não funciona

Eu estava usando biblatexsem tantos problemas. Mas de repente, quando eu quis usar \cite, nenhuma fonte bibliográfica apareceu. Aqui está um MWE:

 \usepackage[spanish, es-tabla]{babel}
 \cite{debabrata_bhadra_synthesis_2011} % this reference actually does EXIST

E então copio a referência:

title = {Synthesis of {PVDF}/{BiFeO}3 Nanocomposite and Observation of Enhanced Electrical Conductivity and Low-Loss Dielectric Permittivity at Percolation Threshold},
volume = {50},
doi = {10.1002/polb.23041},
pages = {572--579},
shortjournal = {J. Polym. Sci., Part B: Polym. Phys.},
author = {{Debabrata Bhadra} and {Md. G. Masud} and {S. Sarkar} and {J. Sannigrahi} and {S. K. De} and {B. K. Chaudhuri}},
date = {2011-11-21},
file = {PVDF  BiFeO3 intro OK.pdf:C\:\\Users\\L-COM\\AppData\\Roaming\\Zotero\\Zotero\\Profiles\\wvijlgbz.default\\zotero\\storage\\I7SAEGPC\\PVDF  BiFeO3 intro OK.pdf:application/pdf}

Isso acontece com todas as referências que tenho na bibliografia. Aqui vai o relatório de erros:

  Data encoding is 'utf8'.
 No file tesis.bbl.
 Font shape `OT1/cmss/m/it' in size <10> not available(Font) Font shape            `OT1/cmss/m/sl' tried instead
   Overfull \hbox (15.0pt too wide) in paragraph
    Citation 'debabrata_bhadra_synthesis_2011' on page 3 undefined
Overfull \hbox (15.0pt too wide) in paragraph
Underfull \vbox (badness 1275) has occurred while \output is active []
Overfull \hbox (15.0pt too wide) in paragraph
  Overfull \hbox (129.53575pt too wide) in paragraph
`h' float specifier changed to `ht'.
  Overfull \hbox (15.0pt too wide) in paragraph
   Overfull \hbox (15.0pt too wide) in paragraph
    Overfull \hbox (15.0pt too wide) in paragraph
    Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph
    Empty bibliography
    There were undefined references.
   Please (re)run BibTeX on the file(s):(biblatex) tesis(biblatex) and rerun           LaTeX afterwards.

Muito obrigado!


Algumas sugestões:

  • adicione a instrução \printbibliographyonde a bibliografia deve ser impressa

  • mudar \addbibresource{biblio}para\addbibresource{biblio.bib}

  • remova as chaves internas dos campos authorejournaltitle

  • certifique-se de executar o BibTeX e depois o LaTeX mais duas vezes.

Com essas alterações, a bibliografia de um item deverá ficar assim:

insira a descrição da imagem aqui

title = {Synthesis of {PVDF}/{BiFeO}3 Nanocomposite and Observation of Enhanced Electrical Conductivity and Low-Loss Dielectric Permittivity at Percolation Threshold},
volume = {50},
doi = {10.1002/polb.23041},
pages = {572--579},
shortjournal = {J. Polym. Sci., Part B: Polym. Phys.},
author = {Debabrata Bhadra and Md. G. Masud and S. Sarkar and J. Sannigrahi and S. K. De and B. K. Chaudhuri},
date = {2011-11-21},
file = {PVDF  BiFeO3 intro OK.pdf:C\:\\Users\\L-COM\\AppData\\Roaming\\Zotero\\Zotero\\Profiles\\wvijlgbz.default\\zotero\\storage\\I7SAEGPC\\PVDF  BiFeO3 intro OK.pdf:application/pdf},

 \usepackage[spanish, es-tabla]{babel}

\cite{debabrata_bhadra_synthesis_2011} % this reference actually does EXIST

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