Preencha entre duas funções

Preencha entre duas funções

No exemplo abaixo, estou tentando apresentar duas imagens, uma com sombreamento entre um perfil de onda e o perfil do navio (sucesso) e a segunda com sombreamento entre a linha de água \zeta=0e um perfil distorcido do casco subaquático (sem sucesso)... .Eu usei a mesma fill betweensintaxe e li muitas postagens, mas não consigo encontrar meu erro... é óbvio para alguém aí?

% Hull Mapping Diagram
% Author: Richard W. Greenwood


:Title: Hull Mapping
:Author: Richard W. Greenwood

\pgfmathdeclarefunction{wave}{0}{\pgfmathparse{-0.25*cos(\x r)}}
\pgfmathdeclarefunction{tr_deck}{0}{\pgfmathparse{0.5+0.25*cos(\x r)}}

\pgfplotsset{width=10cm, compat=1.10}

[declare function={keelp(\x)=

    axis equal image,
    xtick       = \empty,
    ytick       = \empty,
    axis lines =middle,
    samples     = 160,
    domain      = -1.5*pi:1.5*pi,
    xmin = -1.3*pi, xmax = 1.4*pi,
    ymin = -0.75, ymax = 1.35,
    title style={at={(0.5,-0.2)},anchor=north},
 title = actual immersed hull surface,
\addplot[name path=keelprofile, red,domain={-pi:pi}]{keelp(x)};
\addplot[name path=wave, blue, thick, domain={-1.25*pi:1.25*pi} ] {wave};
%\addplot[name path=tr_wave, blue, thick, domain={-1.25*pi:1.25*pi} ] {tr_wave};
%\addplot[name path=tr_profile, green, thick, domain={-pi:0.97*pi} ] {-(wave-keelprofile(x))};
%\addplot[name path=tr_deck, green, thin, mark=none, domain={-1.*pi:1.*pi}] {tr_deck};
\addplot[name path=deck, red, thin, mark=none, domain={-1.*pi:1.*pi}] {deck};
\addplot[name path=transom,red, thin] coordinates {(-pi,-0.1)(-pi,0.5)};
\addplot[black, thin] coordinates {(0,-0.75)(0,0.9)}node[anchor=south west,black]{$z$};
\addplot[black, thin] coordinates {(-1.3*pi,0)(1.35*pi,0)}node[anchor=south,black]{$x$};
\addplot [pattern=north west lines, pattern color=brown!50]fill between[ of = wave and keelprofile, soft clip={domain=-pi:0.97*pi}];

[declare function={
(\x>=0.94*pi)*(-10.5+3.5*(\x)+0.25*cos(\x r))+and
(\x>-0.66*pi,\x<0.94*pi)*(-0.5+0.25*cos(\x r))+
(\x<=-0.66*pi)*(-0.5+\x*-0.125+0.25*cos(\x r));
    axis equal image,
    xtick       = \empty,
    ytick       = \empty,
    axis lines =middle,
    samples     = 160,
    domain      = -1.5*pi:1.5*pi,
    xmin = -1.3*pi, xmax = 1.4*pi,
    ymin = -0.75, ymax = 1.35,
    title style={at={(0.5,-0.2)},anchor=north},
 title = transformed immersed hull surface,
\addplot[name path=tr_wave, blue, thick, domain={-1.25*pi:1.25*pi} ] {tr_wave};
%\addplot[name path=tr_profile, red, thin, domain={-pi:pi} ] {keelp(x)-wave};
\addplot[name path=trp, red, thin, domain={-pi:pi} ] {trp(x)};
\addplot[name path=tr_deck, red, thin, mark=none, domain={-1.*pi:1.*pi}] {tr_deck};
\addplot[name path=tr_transom,red, thin] coordinates {(-pi,-0.35)(-pi,0.25)};
\addplot[black, thin] coordinates {(0,-0.75)(0,0.9)}node[anchor=south west,black]{$\xi$};
\addplot[black, thin] coordinates {(-1.3*pi,0)(1.35*pi,0)}node[anchor=south,black]{$x$};
\addplot [pattern=north west lines, pattern color=brown!50]fill between[ of = tr_wave and trp, soft clip={domain=-pi:0.97*pi}];


insira a descrição da imagem aqui


Resposta atualizada

O bug relatado foi corrigido e com o lançamento do PGFPlots v1.16 seu exemplo fornece diretamente o resultado esperado.

Resposta original

Isso está relacionado a um já relatadoerroem PGFPlots ao usar fill betweenjunto com soft clipe você atinge as bordas do eixo. Portanto a solução é simples: defina o yminvalor para um valor inferior, por exemplo, para -0.76e você obterá o resultado desejado.

Aqui mostro o resultado apenas das partes relevantes do código (além de algumas coisas adicionais para provar de onde vem esse comportamento estranho).

% used PGFPlots v1.14
        declare function={
            trp(\x) =
                (\x>=0.94*pi)*(-10.5+3.5*(\x)+0.25*cos(\x r))
                + and(\x>-0.66*pi,\x<0.94*pi)*(-0.5+0.25*cos(\x r))
                + (\x<=-0.66*pi)*(-0.5+\x*-0.125+0.25*cos(\x r))
            axis equal image,
            axis lines =middle,
            % -----------------------------------------------------------------
            % that is the important line here
            % it is equal or greater than the minimum value of one of the
            % `fill between' pathes and thus causes the strange behaviour
            % in combination with the `soft clip' path
            ymin=-0.76,         % <-- changed from -0.75
            % -----------------------------------------------------------------
            title style={
            title=transformed immersed hull surface,
            \addplot [
                name path=tr_wave,
            ] {tr_wave};
            \addplot [
                name path=trp,
            ] {trp(x)};

            \addplot [
                pattern=north west lines,
                pattern color=brown!50,
            ] fill between [
                of=tr_wave and trp,
                % to prove that the soft clip is responsible for the bug
                % use e.g. a `ymin' value between -0.70 and -0.75,
                % comment the `soft clip' path and you will get the desired result
                soft clip={
%                    % comment the previous line and use the next one which
%                    % should give the same result as when no `soft clip` path
%                    % is used
%                    % (same domain as `tr_wave')
%                    domain=-1.25*pi:1.25*pi,

            % this line shows you the previous `ymin' and that it touched one
            % of the pathes relevant for the `fill between'
            \draw [help lines, dashed]
                -- (\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/xmax},-0.75)

imagem mostrando o resultado do código acima

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