Como adicionar um texto girado abaixo de um cubo?

Como adicionar um texto girado abaixo de um cubo?

Eu tenho um cubo conforme mostrado abaixo. Quero adicionar um atributo de texto para o cubo, de forma que o texto abaixo do cubo seja girado junto com a figura

insira a descrição da imagem aqui

Esta é a minha definição do cubo

    annotated cuboid/.pic={
        every edge quotes/.append style={midway, auto},
      \draw [\cubeline,every edge/.append style={pic actions,\cubeback, opacity=.5}, pic actions]
      (0,0,0) coordinate (o-\cubelabel) -- ++(-\cubescale*\cubex,0,0) coordinate (a-\cubelabel) -- ++(0,-\cubescale*\cubey,0) coordinate (b-\cubelabel) edge coordinate [pos=1] (g-\cubelabel) ++(0,0,-\cubescale*\cubez)  -- ++(\cubescale*\cubex,0,0) coordinate (c-\cubelabel) -- cycle
      (o-\cubelabel) -- ++(0,0,-\cubescale*\cubez) coordinate (d-\cubelabel) -- ++(0,-\cubescale*\cubey,0) coordinate (e-\cubelabel) edge (g-\cubelabel) -- (c-\cubelabel) -- cycle
      (o-\cubelabel) -- (a-\cubelabel) -- ++(0,0,-\cubescale*\cubez) coordinate (f-\cubelabel) edge (g-\cubelabel) -- (d-\cubelabel) -- cycle;

    /cuboid/.search also={/tikz},
    width/.store in=\cubex,
    height/.store in=\cubey,
    depth/.store in=\cubez,
    units/.store in=\cubeunits,
    scale/.store in=\cubescale,
    label/.store in=\cubelabel,
    line/.store in=\cubeline,
    backline/.store in=\cubeback,
    backline=densely dashed

Meu código completo (MWE):

\usetikzlibrary{quotes,arrows.meta, decorations.pathreplacing}
    annotated cuboid/.pic={
        every edge quotes/.append style={midway, auto},
      \draw [\cubeline,every edge/.append style={pic actions, \cubeback, opacity=.5}, pic actions]
      (0,0,0) coordinate (o-\cubelabel) -- ++(-\cubescale*\cubex,0,0) coordinate (a-\cubelabel) -- ++(0,-\cubescale*\cubey,0) coordinate (b-\cubelabel) edge coordinate [pos=1] (g-\cubelabel) ++(0,0,-\cubescale*\cubez)  -- ++(\cubescale*\cubex,0,0) coordinate (c-\cubelabel) -- cycle
      (o-\cubelabel) -- ++(0,0,-\cubescale*\cubez) coordinate (d-\cubelabel) -- ++(0,-\cubescale*\cubey,0) coordinate (e-\cubelabel) edge (g-\cubelabel) -- (c-\cubelabel) -- cycle
      (o-\cubelabel) -- (a-\cubelabel) -- ++(0,0,-\cubescale*\cubez) coordinate (f-\cubelabel) edge (g-\cubelabel) -- (d-\cubelabel) -- cycle;
    /cuboid/.search also={/tikz},
    width/.store in=\cubex,
    height/.store in=\cubey,
    depth/.store in=\cubez,
    units/.store in=\cubeunits,
    scale/.store in=\cubescale,
    label/.store in=\cubelabel,
    line/.store in=\cubeline,
    backline/.store in=\cubeback,
    backline=densely dashed,
     \pic [#1] at (0,0) {annotated cuboid={#2}};
\tikzstyle{cubecontainer}=[outer sep = 0pt, inner sep= 0pt]
\tikzstyle{connectarrow}=[-{Triangle[angle=60:0pt 2]}, line width= 10pt, shorten >=3mm,shorten <=3mm, draw=gray!60]
\node[cubecontainer] (a) at (0,0) {\cuboid{fill=cyan!20, text=green!50!black, draw=black}{label=A, width=6, height=20, depth=15, units=mm}};
%\node[cubecontainer] (b) at (2,0) {\cuboid{fill=cyan!20, text=green!50!black, draw=black}{label=B, width=6, height=20, depth=15, units=mm}};
%\node[cubecontainer] (c) at (5,0) {\cuboid{fill=cyan!20, text=green!50!black, draw=black}{label=C, width=6, height=20, depth=15, units=mm}};
%%\node[draw,dotted,fit=(a) (b) (c)] {};


Se um nó simples como este: \node [below of=a, node distance=1.4cm,rotate=45,xshift=-1cm] (critical) {20x30x20};for muito caro para você, você pode definir o rótulo dentro tikzsetdo cubecontainer, para rotação você pode usar \rotatebox{45}{#1}. #1é o rótulo, definido no documento:

\tikzset{cubecontainer/.style={outer sep= 0pt, inner sep= 0pt,label={265:\rotatebox{45}{#1}}}
}%optional with red background ... [fill=red]265 ....

265é o ângulo de posicionamento, contado no sentido anti-horário de 0=leste a 360=leste. (Por um quadrado: 0=leste, 90=norte, 180=oeste, 270=sul,... )

... e use-o para rotular o nó com label = 20x20x30( \node[cubecontainer=20x20x30]):

\node[cubecontainer=20x20x30] (a) at (0,0) {\cuboid{fill=cyan!20, text=green!50!black, draw=black}{label=A, width=6, height=20, depth=15, units=mm}};


EDITAR: 2.Verison of cubecontainer- Altere o tamanho da fonte com o seguintecubecontainer/.style

\tikzset{cubecontainer/.style={outer sep= 0pt, inner sep= 0pt,label={265:\rotatebox{45}{\Huge #1}}} }

  1. Versão:

insira a descrição da imagem aqui

  1. Versão: tamanho da fonte (\Huge)

(Comparação da primeira (esquerda) e segunda versão (direita))

insira a descrição da imagem aqui


\usetikzlibrary{quotes,arrows.meta, decorations.pathreplacing}
    annotated cuboid/.pic={
        every edge quotes/.append style={midway, auto},
      \draw [\cubeline,every edge/.append style={pic actions, \cubeback, opacity=.5}, pic actions]
      (0,0,0) coordinate (o-\cubelabel) -- ++(-\cubescale*\cubex,0,0) coordinate (a-\cubelabel) -- ++(0,-\cubescale*\cubey,0) coordinate (b-\cubelabel) edge coordinate [pos=1] (g-\cubelabel) ++(0,0,-\cubescale*\cubez)  -- ++(\cubescale*\cubex,0,0) coordinate (c-\cubelabel) -- cycle
      (o-\cubelabel) -- ++(0,0,-\cubescale*\cubez) coordinate (d-\cubelabel) -- ++(0,-\cubescale*\cubey,0) coordinate (e-\cubelabel) edge (g-\cubelabel) -- (c-\cubelabel) -- cycle
      (o-\cubelabel) -- (a-\cubelabel) -- ++(0,0,-\cubescale*\cubez) coordinate (f-\cubelabel) edge (g-\cubelabel) -- (d-\cubelabel) -- cycle;
    /cuboid/.search also={/tikz},
    width/.store in=\cubex,
    height/.store in=\cubey,
    depth/.store in=\cubez,
    units/.store in=\cubeunits,
    scale/.store in=\cubescale,
    label/.store in=\cubelabel,
    line/.store in=\cubeline,
    backline/.store in=\cubeback,
    backline=densely dashed,
     \pic [#1] at (0,0) {annotated cuboid={#2}};
\tikzset{cubecontainer/.style={outer sep= 0pt, inner sep= 0pt,label={[fill=white]265:\rotatebox{45}{#1}}}
%\tikzset{cubecontainer/.style={outer sep= 0pt, inner sep= 0pt,label={265:\rotatebox{45}{\Huge #1}}} }
\tikzstyle{connectarrow}=[-{Triangle[angle=60:0pt 2]}, line width= 10pt, shorten >=3mm,shorten <=3mm, draw=gray!60]
\node[cubecontainer=20x20x30] (a) at (0,0) {\cuboid{fill=cyan!20, text=green!50!black, draw=black}{label=A, width=6, height=20, depth=15, units=mm}};
%\node [below of=a, node distance=1.4cm,rotate=45,xshift=-1cm]  (critical) {20x30x20};

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