Estou escrevendo minha dissertação e tenho tabelas de regressão bastante longas, o que significa que só consigo encaixar um espaço limitado de texto em uma página. Existe uma maneira de mover a tabela para cima na página e reduzi-la, permitindo um texto mais explicativo?
\usepackage{siunitx} % added
\hrule\@width \textwidth
\subsection{Objective 1}
\caption{Investment on Bribes: Pooled Sample table\label{tab1}}
Bribes& 0.008 \\
& (0.0136) \\
Medium(20-99) & 0.529 \\
& (0.267) \\
Large(100 and over) & 2.171\sym{***}\\
& (0.460) \\
Government & 0.427 \\
& (0.435) \\
Foreign & -0.337 \\
& (0.257) \\
Fincons & 0.107 \\
& (0.154) \\
Court & -0.168 \\
& (0.148) \\
lnAge & 0.069 \\
& (0.242) \\
Constant & 9.976\sym{***}\\
& (0.574) \\
Year Dummies & \multicolumn{1}{c}{YES}\\
Industry Dummies & \multicolumn{1}{c}{YES}\\
Missing Year Dummy & \multicolumn{1}{c}{YES}\\
Observations & \multicolumn{1}{c}{6417} \\
\multicolumn{2}{l}{\footnotesize \sym{*} \(p<0.05\), \sym{**} \(p<0.01\),
\sym{***} \(p<0.001\)}\\
\multicolumn{2}{l}{\footnotesize Note: Robust standard errors in
parentheses, clustered by Country}\\
The first model estimated, as shown in T, is the most basic form of the mechanism investigated. When controlling for industry and year effects, I find a positive relationship between corruption and bribery, although this result is statistically not significant. Results suggest that for a $1\%$ increase in bribe, this increases ln\_invest by 0.8 percentage points. This positive relationship contradicts our initial hypothesis of bribery
\usepackage{siunitx} % added
\hrule\@width \textwidth
\subsection{Objective 1}
\caption{Investment on Bribes: Pooled Sample table\label{tab1}}
Bribes& 0.008 & (0.0136) \\
Medium(20-99) & 0.529 & (0.267) \\
Large(100 and over) & 2.171\sym{***} & (0.460) \\
Government & 0.427 & (0.435) \\
Foreign & -0.337 & (0.257) \\
Fincons & 0.107 & (0.154) \\
Court & -0.168 & (0.148) \\
lnAge & 0.069 & (0.242) \\
Constant & 9.976\sym{***} & (0.574) \\
Year Dummies & \multicolumn{2}{c}{YES}\\
Industry Dummies & \multicolumn{2}{c}{YES}\\
Missing Year Dummy & \multicolumn{2}{c}{YES}\\
Observations & \multicolumn{1}{c}{6417} \\
\multicolumn{3}{l}{\footnotesize \sym{*} \(p<0.05\), \sym{**} \(p<0.01\),
\sym{***} \(p<0.001\)}\\
\multicolumn{3}{l}{\footnotesize Note: Robust standard errors in
parentheses, clustered by Country}\\
The first model estimated, as shown in T, is the most basic form of the mechanism investigated. When controlling for industry and year effects, I find a positive relationship between corruption and bribery, although this result is statistically not significant. Results suggest that for a $1\%$ increase in bribe, this increases ln\_invest by 0.8 percentage points. This positive relationship contradicts our initial hypothesis of bribery
Diferença paraDavid CarlisleA resposta é que eu exploro pacotes threeparttable
e siunitx
, não uso nenhuma das definições do OP (o propósito deles não está claro para mim), altero ligeiramente a definição para \mc
a qual agora é usada na tabela e do preâmbulo mantenho apenas o pacote usado na tabela:
\usepackage{booktabs, threeparttable}
\newcommand\mc[1]{\multicolumn{2}{c}{#1}}% <-- changed
\caption{Investment on Bribes: Pooled Sample table}
\sisetup{ table-space-text-pre ={(},
\begin{tabular*}{0.6\linewidth}{l S[table-format=-1.4] S[table-format=1.4]}
& \mc{(1)} \\
& \mc{ln\_invest} \\
Bribes & 0.008
& (0.0136) \\
Medium(20-99) & 0.529
& (0.267) \\
Large(100 and over) & 2.171\tnote{***}
& (0.460) \\
Government & 0.427
& (0.435) \\
Foreign & -0.337
& (0.257) \\
Fincons & 0.107 \\
& (0.154) \\
Court & -0.168
& (0.148) \\
lnAge & 0.069
& (0.242) \\
Constant & 9.976\tnote{***}
& (0.574) \\
Year Dummies & \mc{YES} \\
Industry Dummies & \mc{YES} \\
Missing Year Dummy & \mc{YES} \\
Observations & \mc{6417} \\
\begin{tablenotes}[para, flushleft]
\item[*] \(p<0.1\)
\item[**] \(p<0.01\)
\item[***] \(p<0.001\)
Note: Robust standard errors in parentheses, clustered by Country
The first model estimated, as shown in T, is the most basic form of the mechanism investigated. When controlling for industry and year effects, I find a positive relationship between corruption and bribery, although this result is statistically not significant. Results suggest that for a $1\%$ increase in bribe, this increases ln\_invest by 0.8 percentage points. This positive relationship contradicts our initial hypothesis of bribery