O que há de errado na composição do documento?

O que há de errado na composição do documento?

Eu gerei o documento automaticamente e recebi o erro. ! Extra alignment tab has been changed to \cr.Conheço esse erro, mas não consigo entender o motivo no meu caso. Aqui está um exemplo mínimo:

        \usepackage[left=72pt,right=72pt, top=72pt,bottom=72pt,bindingoffset=0cm]{geometry}
        \newcolumntype{R}[2]{>{\raggedleft \arraybackslash \hspace{0pt}}{#2}{#1}}
    \item item
                Own party & &  Unscored \\ [10pt]
                Own parties & & & \\ [10pt]
            Entity that is contracting on our behalf \\{Which of our own parties is contracting on our behalf?}&{Unknown}&Unscored& \\ [10pt]
        Reference name \\ {Reference name used to refer to the own party}&{Unknown}&Unscored& \\ [10pt]

                Counterparties & &  Unscored \\ [10pt] 
                Counterparty & & & \\ [10pt]
        Reference name \\{Reference name used to refer to the counterparty}&{Unknown}&Unscored& \\ [10pt] 
        Counterparty identity\\{None provided}&{Unknown}&Unscored& \\[10pt] 
        Whether we are contracting with a company, branch, individual or some other kind of entity? \\ {The type of entity you are planning to contract with is really important when deciding whether the deal is appropriate. For example, you can hold a company to account for most contract terms it agrees to. But the same is not true when you are dealing with an individual - they might be able to get out of these terms even if they had signed up to them. }&{Unknown}&Unscored& \\[10pt]
Name of counterparty \\ {None provided}&{Unknown}&Unscored& \\[10pt]

O erro desaparece quando removo parte do texto ( For example, you can hold a company...) ou quando removo parbox do cabeçalho, ou quando removo parbox da primeira tabela longa..... não consigo entender por que isso acontece??? Como corrigir o erro sem remover partes do documento?

Você pode me explicar, o que há de errado neste caso?

Atualização (devido a comentários): se a última tabela parecer assim (sem last \\) ainda não funciona após pequenas alterações no TEXT:

                Counterparties & &  Unscored \\ \\ 
                Counterparty & & & \\ \\
        Reference name \\{Reference name used to refer to the counterparty}&{Unknown}&Unscored& \\ \\ 
        Counterparty identity\\{None provided}&{Unknown}&Unscored& \\ \\ 
        Whether we are contracting with a company, branch, individual or some other kind of entity? \\ {The type of entity you are planning to contract with is really important when deciding whether the deal is appropriate. For example, you can hold a company to account for most contract terms it agrees to. But the same is not true when you are dealing with an individual - they might be able to get out of these terms even if they had signed up to them. }&{Unknown}&Unscored& \\ \\ 
Name of counterparty \\ {None provided}&{Unknown}&Unscored& \\ 


Não use \\ \\. se precisar de mais espaço, use algo como \\[10pt]adicionar 10 pontos após a linha. E, claro, na sua definição de cabeçalho com \fancyheaduse tabulare _ not_ longtable.

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