As referências não aparecem no primeiro quadro

As referências não aparecem no primeiro quadro

Estou preparando minha apresentação usando o Beamer. Durante a execução do arquivo, na saída especialmente no quadro de referência (há 93 referências) no primeiro quadro a referência 1 está aparecendo e 2,3,4 está desaparecendo onde as referências 5 a 93 estão aparecendo continuamente em todos os quadros. Por favor, me dê a solução para isso.

Estou usando o código conforme mostrado abaixo.


J. Akiyama, T. Hamada, I. Yoshimura, On characterizations of the middle graphs, TRU Mathematics 11 (1975) pp, 35-39.

B. Alspach, C.C.Chen, Kevin McAvaney, On a class of Hamiltonian laceable 3-regular graphs, Disc. Math. 151 (1996) pp 19-38.

B. Alspach, C.Q. Zhang, Hamilton cycles in cubic Cayley graphs on dihedral groups, Ars Combin. 28 (1989), pp 101-108.

B.S. Anand, M. Changat, S. Klavzar, I. Peterin, Convex sets in lexicographic products of graphs, Graphs Combin. 28 (2012), 77-84.

M. Basavaraju, L.S. Chandran, D. Rajendraprasad, A. Ramaswamy, Rainbow connection number of graph power and graph products,  arXiv:1104.4190v1 [] (2011).

M. Behzad, G Chartrand, Total graphs and traversability, Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. (2) 15 (1966/67), pp 117-120.


Exemplo completo:

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\newtheorem*{pfc}{Proof ctd...}


\author[K.SRINIVASA RAO] % (optional, use only with lots of authors)
{\\RESEARCH GUIDE \vskip .5cm
{\large XXXX}

\subject{Ph.D Viva-Voce}


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J. Akiyama, T. Hamada, I. Yoshimura, On characterizations of the middle graphs, TRU Mathematics 11 (1975) pp, 35-39.

B. Alspach, C.C.Chen, Kevin McAvaney, On a class of Hamiltonian laceable 3-regular graphs, Disc. Math. 151 (1996) pp 19-38.

B. Alspach, C.Q. Zhang, Hamilton cycles in cubic Cayley graphs on dihedral groups, Ars Combin. 28 (1989), pp 101-108.

B.S. Anand, M. Changat, S. Klavzar, I. Peterin, Convex sets in lexicographic products of graphs, Graphs Combin. 28 (2012), 77-84.

M. Basavaraju, L.S. Chandran, D. Rajendraprasad, A. Ramaswamy, Rainbow connection number of graph power and graph products,  arXiv:1104.4190v1 [] (2011).

M. Behzad, G Chartrand, Total graphs and traversability, Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. (2) 15 (1966/67), pp 117-120.

M. Behzad, A criterion for the planarity of the total graph of a graph, Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 63 (1967), pp 679-681.

M. Behzad, The connectivity of total graphs, Austr. Math. Bull. 1 (1969), pp 175-181.

M. Behzad, a characterization of total graphs, Amer. Math. Soc. 26 (3), (1970), pp 383-389.

Beineke, Derived graphs and digraphs. Beiträge zur Graphentheorie (H. Sachs, H. Voss, and H. Walther, eds.) Teubner, Leipzig 1968, pp 17-33.

J.C. Bermond, N. Homobono, C. Peyrat, Connectivity of Kautz networks, Disc. Math. 114 (1993), pp 51-62.



O problema central é \beamerdefaultoverlayspecification{<+->}simplesmente removê-lo.

Alguns pequenos problemas/comentários:

  • Você não precisa hyperref, graphicxcom colorprojetor
  • não carregue o mesmo pacote várias vezes, por exemplo times, graphicx, , amsthmetc.
  • faltando }no final do seu instituto
  • ausente\end{enumerate}




\setbeamertemplate{frametitle continuation}{}


        J. Akiyama, T. Hamada, I. Yoshimura, On characterizations of the middle graphs, TRU Mathematics 11 (1975) pp, 35-39.

        B. Alspach, C.C.Chen, Kevin McAvaney, On a class of Hamiltonian laceable 3-regular graphs, Disc. Math. 151 (1996) pp 19-38.

        B. Alspach, C.Q. Zhang, Hamilton cycles in cubic Cayley graphs on dihedral groups, Ars Combin. 28 (1989), pp 101-108.

        B.S. Anand, M. Changat, S. Klavzar, I. Peterin, Convex sets in lexicographic products of graphs, Graphs Combin. 28 (2012), 77-84.

        M. Basavaraju, L.S. Chandran, D. Rajendraprasad, A. Ramaswamy, Rainbow connection number of graph power and graph products,  arXiv:1104.4190v1 [] (2011).

        M. Behzad, G Chartrand, Total graphs and traversability, Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. (2) 15 (1966/67), pp 117-120.

        M. Behzad, A criterion for the planarity of the total graph of a graph, Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 63 (1967), pp 679-681.

        M. Behzad, The connectivity of total graphs, Austr. Math. Bull. 1 (1969), pp 175-181.

        M. Behzad, a characterization of total graphs, Amer. Math. Soc. 26 (3), (1970), pp 383-389.

        Beineke, Derived graphs and digraphs. Beiträge zur Graphentheorie (H. Sachs, H. Voss, and H. Walther, eds.) Teubner, Leipzig 1968, pp 17-33.

        J.C. Bermond, N. Homobono, C. Peyrat, Connectivity of Kautz networks, Disc. Math. 114 (1993), pp 51-62.


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