Gerando um \tableofcontents na classe de artigo sem usar \section s padrão

Gerando um \tableofcontents na classe de artigo sem usar \section s padrão

Existe uma maneira de gerar um \tableofcontentsna classe do artigo sem usar \sections padrão, mas foi usado um \sectionesquema de numeração diferente? Especificamente, veja a segunda parte da resposta de David Carlisle paraQual é a melhor maneira de criar um documento com muitas subseções?. O padrão \tableofcontentsparece não funcionar. Eu sou novo no LaTeX, mas fiquei surpreso com isso \labele \reffuncionou perfeitamente bem.

Editar: eu gostaria de poder criar um índice contendo, por exemplo, o primeiro ou primeiro e segundo nível de títulos (da mesma forma que \setcounter{tocprofundidade}{2} parece funcionar). Abaixo está o código referenciado acima:


\newcounter{pii} [pi]  \renewcommand\thepii{\thepi.\arabic{pii}}
\newcounter{piii}[pii] \renewcommand\thepiii{\thepii.\arabic{piii}}
\newcounter{piv} [piii]\renewcommand\thepiv{\thepiii.\arabic{piv}}
\newcounter{pv}  [piv] \renewcommand\thepv{\thepiv.\arabic{pv}}


  \vspace{\csname pspace\roman{depth}\endcsname}%
  \hspace{\csname phspace\roman{depth}\endcsname}%
  \hangindent=\csname pindent\roman{depth}\endcsname
  \indent\refstepcounter{p\roman{depth}}\llap{\csname thep\roman{depth}\endcsname\ }%
  {\csname pstyle\roman{depth}\endcsname#2\par}}







\sentence{This is a sentence.}

\sentence{This is another sentence. Just like any other sentence one would think but perhaps not.}

\sentence[+1]{This sentence is similar to the others, but longer. This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.}

\sentence{This is a sentence.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.}

\sentence[+1]{This is another sentence.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.}

\sentence[+1]{This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.}

\sentence{This is a sentence.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.}

\sentence{This is another sentence.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.}

\sentence{This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.}

\sentence[+1]{Hey there how is it going my good friend. Hey there how is it going my good friend.}

\sentence[-2]{This is a sentence hey.}

\sentence{This is another sentence.}

\sentence{This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.}

\sentence[-1]{This is a sentence.}



A ToClata é gerada com \addcontentslineum mapeamento dos níveis toc para o depthvalor do contador.

O código


define a \tocstylemacro dependendo do valor de depth, onde 1significa sectionetc.

A linha \addcontentsline{toc}{\toclevel}{\protect\numberline{}#2}adiciona a linha ao ToC e gera hyperlinks, se necessário ao usar hyperref.

Definir tocdeptho valor de 2permitirá apenas os dois primeiros níveis, como acontece com os níveis de corte normais.


\newcounter{pii} [pi]  \renewcommand\thepii{\thepi.\arabic{pii}}
\newcounter{piii}[pii] \renewcommand\thepiii{\thepii.\arabic{piii}}
\newcounter{piv} [piii]\renewcommand\thepiv{\thepiii.\arabic{piv}}
\newcounter{pv}  [piv] \renewcommand\thepv{\thepiv.\arabic{pv}}



  \vspace{\csname pspace\roman{depth}\endcsname}%
  \hspace{\csname phspace\roman{depth}\endcsname}%
  \hangindent=\csname pindent\roman{depth}\endcsname
  \indent\refstepcounter{p\roman{depth}}\llap{\csname thep\roman{depth}\endcsname\ }%
  {\csname pstyle\roman{depth}\endcsname#2\addcontentsline{toc}{\tocstyle}{\protect\numberline{\csname thep\roman{depth}\endcsname}#2}\par}} 






\sentence{This is a sentence.}

\sentence{This is another sentence. Just like any other sentence one would think but perhaps not.}

\sentence[+1]{This sentence is similar to the others, but longer. This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.}

\sentence{This is a sentence.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.}

\sentence[+1]{This is another sentence.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.}

\sentence[+1]{This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.}

\sentence{This is a sentence.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.}

\sentence{This is another sentence.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.}

\sentence{This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.}

\sentence[+1]{Hey there how is it going my good friend. Hey there how is it going my good friend.}

\sentence[-2]{This is a sentence hey.}

\sentence{This is another sentence.}

\sentence{This sentence is similar to the others, but longer.}

\sentence[-1]{This is a sentence.}


insira a descrição da imagem aqui

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