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Posição circular dos slides na barra de navegação superior dos slides do projetor

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O código que tenho agora é o seguinte:



\renewcommand{\thmhead}[3]{\thmname{#1}\thmnumber{ #2}\thmnote{ (#3)}}

\definecolor{darkcyan}{rgb}{0.0, 0.55, 0.55}
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}


\title{Persistent and Temporary Efficiency in Airport Cost Function}
\author[Gianmaria Martini]{Gianmaria Martini$^\S$, Davide Scotti$^\S$, Domenico Viola$^*$ \& Giorgio Vittadini$^{\dag}$}

%{{\textbf{Gianmaria Martini}$^\S$}, {\textbf{Davide Scotti}$^\S$}, {\textbf{Domenico Viola}$^*$} \& {\textbf{Giorgio Vittadini}$^{\dag}$}
%    \\
%   \textbf{Presentation by Gianmaria Martini}\\
%   \textbf{2017 ATRS World Conference--Antwerp} \\
\institute[Universit\`a degli Studi di Bergamo]
\small{$^\S$Universit\`a degli Studi di Bergamo} \\
\small{$^*$Universit\`a degli Studi di Bari} \\
\small{$^{\dag}$Universit\`a degli Studi di Milano--Bicocca} \\

\date{July 2017}



    \frametitle{Outline of presentation}   % Insert frame title between curly braces

    \frametitle{Motivation \#1}   % Insert frame title 
    \frametitle{Motivation \#2}   % Insert frame title 
    \frametitle{Motivation \#3}   % Insert frame title 

    \frametitle{Data \#1}   % Insert frame title 

    \frametitle{Data \#2}   % Insert frame title 

    \frametitle{Data \#3}   % Insert frame title 

    \frametitle{Literature \#1}   % Insert frame title 

    \frametitle{Literature \#2}   % Insert frame title 

    \frametitle{Literature \#3}   % Insert frame title 



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