Consulte um item paralista em uma seção

Consulte um item paralista em uma seção

Estou usando paralistem asparaenumvez de subseções. Ocasionalmente, porém, gostaria de me referir a um asparaenumitem. Aqui está um MWE:

\chapter{The First}\label{1-0}
Some stuff
Important Stuff
Occasionally, I would like to refer to just the item Important Stuff in \Cref{1-1} \nameref{1-1} rather than to the whole section 1.


Tente adicionar rótulos após os itens, algo como \item\label{1-1-2}%2 Important Stuffe depois referenciá-los, por exemplo\ref{1-1-2}

Trecho do pacote \verb+paralist+, página 6:

insira a descrição da imagem aqui

No seu exemplo:



\chapter{The First}\label{1-0}

Excerpt from \verb+paralist+ package, page 6:

As an example, we use \verb+asparaenum+ within this paragraph.
\item   Every \verb+\item+ is basically set as a separate paragraph. The second
line is not indented (this is a feature, not a bug).
\item   The next \verb+\item+ looks like this and is labeled.
The example was produced by the following piece of code:
\item Every \dots
\item The next \dots \label{pl1}
By saying \verb+\ref{pl1}+ we get \ref{pl1}.

The \verb+inparaenum+ environment formats an enumerated list within a paragraph, just like the one in the introduction.

The example in the introduction was set by the following commands:
\dots of an enumerated environment that
    \item can be used within paragraphs,
    \item takes care of enumeration and
    \item has items that can be referenced. \label{pl2}
Another posting mentioned ...
By saying \verb+\ref{pl2}+ we get c.


In your case:
\item   Some stuff
\item\label{item:1-1-2} Important Stuff
Occasionally, I would like to refer to just the item \emph{Important Stuff}, e.g \cref{item:1-1-2} in above list \dots

With use referencing some list item, you should be aware that when you do again like in the following case:
\item   Some stuff second time
\item\label{item:1-2-2} Important Stuff again
the  \emph{Important Stuff again} has the same \verb+\cref+ mark as before, but corect hyperlink, e.g \cref{item:1-2-2},


which work correctly  from any part of document, e.g see \cref{item:1-2-2} on the page \pageref{item:1-2-2}!


insira a descrição da imagem aqui


insira a descrição da imagem aqui

Digite o seguinte no preâmbulo:

\crefname{aspar}{Important Item}{Important Items}
\Crefname{aspar}{Important Item}{Important Items}
\crefformat{aspar}{Important Item #1}
\newcommand{\labelasp}[1]{\label[aspar]{#1}} % a new command for custom referncing important items

Onde asparestá um novo tipo de etiqueta para cleverefo pacote identificar. \labelaspé um novo comando que você pode usar para identificar itens importantes. Observe que você Important Itempode alterar o nome que desejar, mas certifique-se de definir o plural e o singular corretamente.

Um código completo é mostrado abaixo:


\crefname{aspar}{Important Item}{Important Items}
\Crefname{aspar}{Important Item}{Important Items}
\crefformat{aspar}{Important Item #1}
\newcommand{\labelasp}[1]{\label[aspar]{#1}} % a new command for custom referncing important items


\chapter{The First}\label{1-0}

\item Some stuff
\item \labelasp{imp1}
Important stuff 2
\item \labelasp{imp2}
Important stuff 3
\item \labelasp{imp3}
Important stuff 4


Now you can refer to \cref{imp1} in page \labelcpageref{imp1} or multiple \cref{imp2,,imp3,,imp1} in \cref{1-1}. 


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