Estou a usar (Tema Metropolis como um Beamer) e faço uma tabela simples e aparece algo grande, aí procurei como reduzir e usei:
e funciona bem, mas a mesa não está na posição central, mova sempre mais para o lado direito. Tento incluir toda a tabela usando \centering \begin{center} and \begin{flushleft}
, mas ela não se move.
Aqui minha tabela:
\begin{tabular}{l| l l}
\textbf{Parameters} & \textbf{Description of values} \\
$ Prohibited\_times $ & Timeslots prohibited for the event. \\
$ Prohibited\_rooms $ & Rooms prohibited for the event. \\
$ Prohibited\_events\_clash $ & Events you can not clash. \\
$ Count\_students $ & Number of students associated to the event. \\
$ Predecessor $ & Events predecessor to the event. \\
$ Successor $ & Event successor to the events. \\
$ Features $ & Characteristics of the event. \\
Alguma ideia? cumprimentos
Você já tentou incluir \centering
depois \begin{table}[h]
Além disso, você pode remover o minipage
O exemplo abaixo funcionou muito bem para mim:
\begin{tabular}{l l l}
\textbf{Parameters} & \textbf{Description of values} \\
$ Prohibited\_times $ & Timeslots prohibited for the event. \\
$ Prohibited\_rooms $ & Rooms prohibited for the event. \\
$ Prohibited\_events\_clash $ & Events you can not clash. \\
$ Count\_students $ & Number of students associated to the event. \\
$ Predecessor $ & Events predecessor to the event. \\
$ Successor $ & Event successor to the events. \\
$ Features $ & Characteristics of the event. \\
Tentei com o Adjustbox e funcionou. cumprimentos.
\begin{adjustbox}{max width=\textwidth}
\begin{tabular}{l| l l}
\textbf{Parameters} & \textbf{Description of values} \\
$ Prohibited\_times $ & Timeslots prohibited for the event. \\
$ Prohibited\_rooms $ & Rooms prohibited for the event. \\
$ Prohibited\_events\_clash $ & Events you can not clash. \\
$ Count\_students $ & Number of students associated to the event. \\
$ Predecessor $ & Events predecessor to the event. \\
$ Successor $ & Event successor to the events. \\
$ Features $ & Characteristics of the event. \\