Problemas com cabeçalho no layout de página de duas colunas

Problemas com cabeçalho no layout de página de duas colunas

Quero criar um dicionário usando o layout de página de duas colunas, mas ocorrem alguns problemas inesperados ao formatar o cabeçalho das páginas. Os problemas relacionados ao cabeçalho são descritos a seguir:

  1. Como remover o cabeçalho da coluna no início de cada página da coluna esquerda? A imagem está a seguir:

insira a descrição da imagem aqui

  1. Como elevar o cabeçalho do lado direito nas páginas pares e o cabeçalho do lado esquerdo nas páginas ímpares para uma posição mais alta? Veja as seguintes fotos:

insira a descrição da imagem aqui

insira a descrição da imagem aqui

  1. Como adicionar marcadores (mudar para todas as letras maiúsculas, como A, B, C, etc. na posição inicial de cada grupo de palavras) no documento PDF de saída. Para ser mais preciso, quando abro a saída através do Acrobat Adobe Pro não consegui encontrar os marcadores no lado esquerdo. Já carreguei o pacote hyperref, porém não funcionou.

O exemplo mínimo de trabalho é:

\usepackage[top=2.0cm, bottom=3.5cm, left=2cm, right=2cm]{geometry}%default top=1.5cm
\usepackage[french, english]{babel}

\newcommand{\ornpar}{\noindent \textcolor{darkgray}{ \raisebox{-1.9pt}[10pt][10pt]{\leafright} \hrulefill \raisebox{-1.9pt}[10pt][10pt]{\leafright \decofourleft \decothreeleft  \aldineright \decotwo \floweroneleft \decoone}}}%even-footer part
\newcommand{\ornimpar}{\textcolor{darkgray}{\raisebox{-1.9pt}[10pt][10pt]{\decoone \floweroneright \decotwo \aldineleft \decothreeright \decofourright \leafleft} \hrulefill \raisebox{-1.9pt}[10pt][10pt]{\leafleft}}}%odd-footer part

\newcommand\entry[4][]{\hangpara{2em}{1}{\fontfamily{phv}\selectfont{\textbf{{#2}}}}\ #4\ 
#3 \ifx\relax #1 \relax \markboth{#2}{#2}\else\markboth{#1}{#1}\fi
\vspace*{5pt}\par} \nopagebreak[4]%entry of dictionary


% use fancyhdr or whatever you want to add
% the boxes to the header to make them appear
% on every page

% new counter to hold the current number of the
% letter to determine the vertical position
% newcounter for the sum of all letters to get
% the right height of a box
% some margin settings
% calculate the box height by dividing the page height
% box width
% style the boxes
   minimum height=\thumbheight,
   text width=\thumbwidth,
   outer sep=0pt,
    % see pgfmanual.pdf for more information about this part
    \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
        \node [thumb,text centered,anchor=north east,] at ($%
            (current page.north east)-%
        $) {#1};
    % see pgfmanual.pdf for more information about this part
    \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
        \node [thumb,text centered,anchor=north west,] at ($%
            (current page.north west)-%
        $) {#1};

% create a new command to set a new lettergroup
\chead{\oddthumb{#1}}% chapters start only on odd pages

% step the counter of the letters

      \def\headrule{ {\color{darkgray}\raisebox{-2.1pt}[10pt][10pt]{\leafright} \hrulefill \raisebox{-2.1pt}[10pt][10pt]{~~~\decofourleft \decotwo \decofourright~~~} \hrulefill \raisebox{-2.1pt}[10pt][10pt]{ \leafleft}} }

 % \renewcommand\headrule{ {\color{darkgray}\raisebox{-2.1pt}[10pt][10pt]{\leafright} \hrulefill \raisebox{-2.1pt}[10pt][10pt]{~~~\decofourleft \decotwo \decofourright~~~} \hrulefill \raisebox{-2.1pt}[10pt][10pt]{ \leafleft}} }

% % \renewcommand\headrule{{\leafright} \hrulefill
% % \raisebox{-2.1pt}[10pt][10pt]{\quad\decofourleft\decotwo\decofourright\quad}{\hrulefill}\leafleft}




  \ornimpar \\ \hfill \textcolor{darkgray}{\large \leafNE ~~~ \raisebox{-0.35em}{\textsf{\textbf{\thepage}}} }  

  \fancyfoot[RE]{\ornpar   \\ \textcolor{darkgray}{\large \raisebox{-0.35em}{\textsf{\textbf{\thepage}}} ~~~ \reflectbox{\leafNE}} \hfill}
  }%偶数面的footer, \fancyfoot[RE]{\ornpar   \\ \large  \sffamily\bf \textcolor{darkgray}{\thepage ~~~ \reflectbox{\leafNE}}  \hfill}}





  \centering\Huge \adforn{26}\adforn{21}\quad\adforn{11}\quad\adforn{49}\adforn{54}

\vspace*{2em}{\centering\bf %9em, \usefont{OT1}{cmr}{m}{it} 
\texttt{\textbf{My Own Dictionary}}\par}

{\hfill\centering \large{The Author}\hfill} %\hfill \itshape A story of love, hate and fame


\entry[philosophy]{philosophy} {Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
adipiscing elit. Ut purus elit, vestibulum ut, \emph{plac- erat ac}}{/yinfu/}
\entry[Math]{Math}{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet}{/yinfu/}



PS: My Tex é baseado em dois belos exemplos oferecidos por @Fran noaqui

e por @chejnik emaqui

Qualquer sugestão será apreciada e agradeço antecipadamente.

A imagem a seguir é a saída do código do @Biki Teron.

insira a descrição da imagem aqui

Agora posso resolver a segunda questão em minha postagem original com a ajuda do seguinte código Tex aprimorado:

\usepackage[top=2.0cm, bottom=3.5cm, left=2cm, right=2cm]{geometry}%default top=1.5cm
\usepackage[icelandic, czech, english]{babel}

\newcommand{\ornpar}{\noindent \textcolor{darkgray}{ \raisebox{-1.9pt}[10pt][10pt]{\leafright} \hrulefill \raisebox{-1.9pt}[10pt][10pt]{\leafright \decofourleft \decothreeleft  \aldineright \decotwo \floweroneleft \decoone}}}
\newcommand{\ornimpar}{\textcolor{darkgray}{\raisebox{-1.9pt}[10pt][10pt]{\decoone \floweroneright \decotwo \aldineleft \decothreeright \decofourright \leafleft} \hrulefill \raisebox{-1.9pt}[10pt][10pt]{\leafleft}}}

\newcommand\entry[4][]{\hangpara{2em}{1}{\fontfamily{phv}\selectfont{\textbf{{#2}}}}\ #4\ 
#3 \ifx\relax #1 \relax \markboth{#2}{#2}\else\markboth{#1}{#1}\fi
 \vspace*{5pt}\par} \nopagebreak[4]


% use fancyhdr or whatever you want to add
% the boxes to the header to make them appear
% on every page

% new counter to hold the current number of the
% letter to determine the vertical position
% newcounter for the sum of all letters to get
% the right height of a box
% some margin settings
% calculate the box height by dividing the page height
% box width
% style the boxes
   minimum height=\thumbheight,
   text width=\thumbwidth,
   outer sep=0pt,
    % see pgfmanual.pdf for more information about this part
    \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
        \node [thumb,text centered,anchor=north east,] at ($%
            (current page.north east)-%
        $) {#1};
    % see pgfmanual.pdf for more information about this part
    \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
        \node [thumb,text centered,anchor=north west,] at ($%
            (current page.north west)-%
            $) {#1};

% create a new command to set a new lettergroup

 \chead{\oddthumb{#1}}% chapters start only on odd pages


  \fancyhead[LO]{ \raisebox{1em}{ \fontfamily{phv} \selectfont{\textbf{\rightmark}} } \oddthumb{#1}}
  \fancyhead[RE]{ \raisebox{1em}{ \fontfamily{phv}    \selectfont{\textbf{\leftmark}} } \eventhumb{#1}}

  \fancyhead[RO]{{\fontfamily{phv}\selectfont{\textbf{\raisebox{1em}   {\leftmark}}}}}

% step the counter of the letters

       \def\headrule{ { \color{darkgray} \raisebox{-2.1pt}[10pt][10pt]{\leafright} \hrulefill \raisebox{-2.1pt}[10pt][10pt]{~~~\decofourleft \decotwo \decofourright~~~} \hrulefill \raisebox{-2.1pt}[10pt][10pt]{ \leafleft}  } }

     % \renewcommand\headrule{ {\color{darkgray}\raisebox{-2.1pt}[10pt][10pt]{\leafright} \hrulefill \raisebox{-2.1pt}[10pt][10pt]{~~~\decofourleft \decotwo \decofourright~~~} \hrulefill \raisebox{-2.1pt}[10pt][10pt]{ \leafleft}} }

    % % \renewcommand\headrule{{\leafright} \hrulefill
    % % \raisebox{-2.1pt}[10pt][10pt]{\quad\decofourleft\decotwo\decofourright    \quad}{\hrulefill}\leafleft}



  % \fancyhead[LE,LO]{{\fontfamily{phv}\selectfont{\textbf{\raisebox{1em}   {\rightmark}}}}}
  % \fancyhead[CO,CE]{\headrule}%\thepage,\headrule
  % \fancyhead[RE,RO]{{\fontfamily{phv}\selectfont{\textbf{\raisebox{1em}   {\leftmark}}}}}

  \ornimpar \\ \hfill \textcolor{darkgray}{\large \leafNE ~~~    \raisebox{-0.35em}{\textsf{\textbf{\thepage}}} }  }

  \fancyfoot[RE]{\ornpar   \\ \textcolor{darkgray}{\large    \raisebox{-0.35em}   {\textsf{\textbf{\thepage}}} ~~~ \reflectbox{\leafNE}} \hfill  }





  \centering\Huge \adforn{26}\adforn{21}\quad\adforn{11}\quad\adforn{49}   \adforn{54}

\texttt{My Dictionary}\par

{\hfill\centering \large{The Author}\hfill} 


% \hyperlink{A}{\dictchar{A}} 
\entry[philosophy]{philosophy} {Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
adipiscing elit. Ut purus elit, vestibulum ut, \emph{plac- erat ac}}{/yinfu/}
\entry[Math]{Math}{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet}{/yinfu/}




\usepackage[top=2.0cm, bottom=3.5cm, left=2cm, right=2cm]{geometry}%default top=1.5cm
\usepackage[french, english]{babel}

\newcommand{\ornpar}{\noindent \textcolor{darkgray}{ \raisebox{-1.9pt}[10pt][10pt]{\leafright} \hrulefill \raisebox{-1.9pt}[10pt][10pt]{\leafright \decofourleft \decothreeleft  \aldineright \decotwo \floweroneleft \decoone}}}%even-footer part
\newcommand{\ornimpar}{\textcolor{darkgray}{\raisebox{-1.9pt}[10pt][10pt]{\decoone \floweroneright \decotwo \aldineleft \decothreeright \decofourright \leafleft} \hrulefill \raisebox{-1.9pt}[10pt][10pt]{\leafleft}}}%odd-footer part

\newcommand\entry[4][]{\hangpara{2em}{1}{\fontfamily{phv}\selectfont{\textbf{{#2}}}}\ #4\ 
#3 \ifx\relax #1 \relax \markboth{#2}{#2}\else\markboth{#1}{#1}\fi
\vspace*{5pt}\par} \nopagebreak[4]%entry of dictionary


% use fancyhdr or whatever you want to add
% the boxes to the header to make them appear
% on every page

% new counter to hold the current number of the
% letter to determine the vertical position
% newcounter for the sum of all letters to get
% the right height of a box
% some margin settings
% calculate the box height by dividing the page height
% box width
% style the boxes
   minimum height=\thumbheight,
   text width=\thumbwidth,
   outer sep=0pt,
    % see pgfmanual.pdf for more information about this part
    \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
        \node [thumb,text centered,anchor=north east,] at ($%
            (current page.north east)-%
        $) {#1};
    % see pgfmanual.pdf for more information about this part
    \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
        \node [thumb,text centered,anchor=north west,] at ($%
            (current page.north west)-%
        $) {#1};

% create a new command to set a new lettergroup
\chead{\oddthumb{#1}}% chapters start only on odd pages

% step the counter of the letters

      \def\headrule{ {\color{black}\raisebox{3.1pt}{\leafright} \raisebox{1ex}{\rule{7.2cm}{1pt}} \raisebox{3.1pt}{~~~\decofourleft \decotwo \decofourright~~~} \raisebox{1ex}{\rule{7.2cm}{1pt}} \raisebox{3.1pt}{ \leafleft}} }

 % \renewcommand\headrule{ {\color{darkgray}\raisebox{-2.1pt}[10pt][10pt]{\leafright} \hrulefill \raisebox{-2.1pt}[10pt][10pt]{~~~\decofourleft \decotwo \decofourright~~~} \hrulefill \raisebox{-2.1pt}[10pt][10pt]{ \leafleft}} }

% % \renewcommand\headrule{{\leafright} \hrulefill
% % \raisebox{-2.1pt}[10pt][10pt]{\quad\decofourleft\decotwo\decofourright\quad}{\hrulefill}\leafleft}




  \ornimpar \\ \hfill \textcolor{darkgray}{\large \leafNE ~~~ \raisebox{-0.35em}{\textsf{\textbf{\thepage}}} }  

  \fancyfoot[RE]{\ornpar   \\ \textcolor{darkgray}{\large \raisebox{-0.35em}{\textsf{\textbf{\thepage}}} ~~~ \reflectbox{\leafNE}} \hfill}
  }%偶数面的footer, \fancyfoot[RE]{\ornpar   \\ \large  \sffamily\bf \textcolor{darkgray}{\thepage ~~~ \reflectbox{\leafNE}}  \hfill}}





  \centering\Huge \adforn{26}\adforn{21}\quad\adforn{11}\quad\adforn{49}\adforn{54}

\vspace*{2em}{\centering\bf %9em, \usefont{OT1}{cmr}{m}{it} 
\texttt{\textbf{My Own Dictionary}}\par}

{\hfill\centering \large{The Author}\hfill} %\hfill \itshape A story of love, hate and fame


\entry[philosophy]{philosophy} {Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
adipiscing elit. Ut purus elit, vestibulum ut, \emph{plac- erat ac}}{/yinfu/}
\entry[Math]{Math}{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet}{/yinfu/}



insira a descrição da imagem aqui insira a descrição da imagem aqui insira a descrição da imagem aqui insira a descrição da imagem aqui

Minha compilação no Texlive-2017 usando Texmaker-4.1.1

insira a descrição da imagem aqui insira a descrição da imagem aqui insira a descrição da imagem aqui insira a descrição da imagem aqui


Ajustei o código e acabei resolvendo o problema de formatação do cabeçalho. Se não definirmos uma regra principal decorativa global pelo comando renewcommandou pela definição interna do Tex, \makeatleter \define\headrule{...}\makeatotherentão esta regra principal decorativa não aparecerá como um cabeçalho da coluna esquerda. Isso resolve a segunda questão. Por outro lado, podemos controlar o levantamento ou eliminação do cabeçalho esquerdo e direito de toda a página (que contém duas colunas) usando o comando \raisebox{\leftmark or \rightmark}. Isso resolve a primeira questão. Meu código Tex aprimorado é o seguinte:

\usepackage[top=2.0cm, bottom=3.5cm, left=2cm, right=2cm]{geometry}%
\usepackage[icelandic, czech, english]{babel}%

\newcommand{\ornpar}{\noindent \textcolor{darkgray}{ \raisebox{-1.9pt}       [10pt][10pt]{\leafright} \hrulefill \raisebox{-1.9pt}[10pt][10pt] {\leafright \decofourleft \decothreeleft  \aldineright \decotwo                    \floweroneleft \decoone}}}%

\newcommand{\ornimpar}{\textcolor{darkgray}{\raisebox{-1.9pt}[10pt][10pt]{\decoone \floweroneright \decotwo \aldineleft \decothreeright  \decofourright \leafleft} \hrulefill \raisebox{-1.9pt}[10pt][10pt]{\leafleft}}}%

\newcommand\entry[4][]{\hangpara{2em}{1}  {\fontfamily{phv}\selectfont{\textbf{{#2}}}}\ #4\ 
#3 \ifx\relax #1 \relax \markboth{#2}{#2}\else\markboth{#1}{#1}\fi
\vspace*{5pt}\par} \nopagebreak[4]%

% use fancyhdr or whatever you want to add
% the boxes to the header to make them appear
% on every page

% new counter to hold the current number of the
% letter to determine the vertical position
% newcounter for the sum of all letters to get
% the right height of a box
% some margin settings
% calculate the box height by dividing the page height
% box width
% style the boxes
minimum height=\thumbheight,
text width=\thumbwidth,
outer sep=0pt,
% see pgfmanual.pdf for more information about this part
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
    \node [thumb,text centered,anchor=north east,] at ($%
        (current page.north east)-%
    $) {#1};                                              
% see pgfmanual.pdf for more information about this part
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
    \node [thumb,text centered,anchor=north west,] at ($%
        (current page.north west)-%
    $) {#1};

% create a new command to set a new lettergroup

\chead{\oddthumb{#1}}% chapters start only on odd pages


\fancyhead[LO]{ \raisebox{1em}{ \fontfamily{phv}     \selectfont{\textbf{\rightmark}} } \oddthumb{#1}}%
\fancyhead[RE]{ \raisebox{1em}{ \fontfamily{phv}   \selectfont{\textbf{\leftmark}} } \eventhumb{#1}}


\fancyhead[CO,CE]{\color{darkgray} \raisebox{-2.1pt}[10pt][10pt]  {\leafright} \hrulefill \raisebox{-2.1pt}[10pt][10pt]{~~~\decofourleft \decotwo \decofourright~~~} \hrulefill \raisebox{-2.1pt}[10pt][10pt]{  \leafleft}}


 % step the counter of the letters



\ornimpar \\ \hfill \textcolor{darkgray}{\large \leafNE ~~~   \raisebox{-0.35em}{\textsf{\textbf{\thepage}}} }  }

\fancyfoot[RE]{\ornpar   \\ \textcolor{darkgray}{\large  \raisebox{-0.35em}{\textsf{\textbf{\thepage}}} ~~~ \reflectbox{\leafNE}}  \hfill  }





\centering\Huge   \adforn{26}\adforn{21}\quad\adforn{11}\quad\adforn{49}\adforn{54}

\texttt{My Dictionary}\par

{\hfill\centering \large{The Author}\hfill} 



% \hyperlink{A}{\dictchar{A}} 
\entry[philosophy]{philosophy} {Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,  consectetuer
adipiscing elit. Ut purus elit, vestibulum ut, \emph{plac- erat ac}}  {/yinfu/}
\entry[Math]{Math}{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet}{/yinfu/}



A foto aparece da seguinte forma:

insira a descrição da imagem aqui

informação relacionada