Ei pessoal. Nosso instituto tem alguns requisitos especiais de formato, e estou me perguntando se um deles pode ser automatizado por alguma magia inteligente do LaTex:
Uma legenda (também seções e subseções) é definida irregularmente à direita. No entanto, a quebra de linha é feita de tal forma que a linha subsequente é mais longa que a linha anterior (com exceção da última linha, se não for possível mantê-la). No entanto, não se pretende ter a última linha completamente \textwith, mas sim encontrar o primeiro ponto de interrupção que de alguma forma torna a próxima linha um pouco mais longa.
Então aqui estão alguns exemplos:
This is an example of a very long caption of a figure which might be too long to stay in one line so that it will automatically jump to a new line.
Deveria ficar assim:
This is an example of a very long caption of a figure which might be too long to stay in one line so that it will automatically jump to a new line instead.
This is an example of a very long caption of a figure which might be too long to stay in one line so that it will automatically jump to a new line instead but now it is even more text.
Estou realmente curioso para saber se esse tipo de formatação pode ser automatizado.
Tudo de bom, Bernté
isso começa com a primeira linha tendo meia largura e depois ficando mais longa... Avisa bastante no log...
\count@=1 %
This is an example of a very long caption of a figure which might be
too long to stay in one line so that it will automatically jump to a
new line.}
This is an example of a very long caption of a figure which might be
too long to stay in one line so that it will automatically jump to a
new line.
This is an example of a very long caption of a figure which might be
too long to stay in one line so that it will automatically jump to a
new line.}
This is an example of a very long caption of a figure which might be
too long to stay in one line so that it will automatically jump to a
new line.
This is an example of a very long caption of a figure which might be
too long to stay in one line so that it will automatically jump to a
new line.
This is an example of a very long caption of a figure which might be
too long to stay in one line so that it will automatically jump to a
new line.}
This is an example of a very long caption of a figure which might be
too long to stay in one line so that it will automatically jump to a
new line.
This is an example of a very long caption of a figure which might be
too long to stay in one line so that it will automatically jump to a
new line.
This is an example of a very long caption of a figure which might be
too long to stay in one line so that it will automatically jump to a
new line.
This is an example of a very long caption of a figure which might be
too long to stay in one line so that it will automatically jump to a
new line.}
ou com
você obtém um bloco mais retangular:
Isto tenta criar um triângulo para substituir o espaço extra na última linha. Não totalmente aperfeiçoado, pois gostaria de evitar a hifenização e sempre terminar com uma linha completa por último. É possível corrigir erros pelo uso cuidadoso de \rlap
. Por exemplo, exam\rlap{ple}
Provavelmente isso é incompatível com todos os pacotes que modificam o \@makecaption
\sbox\@tempboxa{#1: #2}%
\ifdim \wd\@tempboxa < \hsize
\global \@minipagefalse
\ifdim \wd\@tempboxa < 2\hsize
\dimen0=\dimexpr \wd\@tempboxa - \hsize\relax
\parshape=2 0pt \dimen0 0pt \hsize
#1: #2\par
\count1=\numexpr \wd\@tempboxa/\hsize\relax% number lines
\dimen0=\dimexpr \count1\hsize - \wd\@tempboxa\relax% extra space
\ifdim \dimen0 < 0pt
\advance \count1 by 1
\advance \dimen0 by \hsize
\count2=\numexpr \count1-1\relax
\dimen1=\dimexpr 2\dimen0/\count1/\count2\relax% increment
\ifdim\dimen1 < 2em\relax
\advance\count1 by 1
\advance\dimen0 by \hsize
\dimen1=\dimexpr 2\dimen0/\count1/\count2\relax
\dimen2=\dimexpr \hsize - \count2\dimen1\relax
\edef\@makecaptionparshapeargs{\the\count1}% \parshape arguments
\edef\@makecaptionparshapeargs{\@makecaptionparshapeargs\space0pt \the\dimen2}%
\advance\count1 by -1
\advance\dimen2 by \dimen1
#1: #2\par
\caption{Short cpation.}
\caption{This is an example of a very long caption of a figure which might be
too long to stay in one line.}
\caption{This is an example of a very long caption of a figure which might be
too long to stay in one line so that it will automatically jump to a
new line.}
\caption{This is an example of a very long caption of a figure which might be
too long to stay in one line so that it will automatically jump to a
new line.
This is an example of a very long caption of a figure which might be
too long to stay in one line so that it will automatically jump to a
new line.}
\caption{This is an example of a very long caption of a figure which might be
too long to stay in one line so that it will automatically jump to a
new line.
This is an example of a very long caption of a figure which might be
too long to stay in one line so that it will automatically jump to a
new line.
This is an example of a very long caption of a figure which might be
too long to stay in one line so that it will automatically jump to a
new line.}