Faixa branca na parte superior do pôster

Faixa branca na parte superior do pôster

Tenho um problema estranho com um pôster de látex em que quero colorir o fundo, mas sempre há uma faixa branca na parte superior do pôster que não colore.

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\font\titlefont=cmr12 at 70pt
\font\authorfont=cmr12 at 50pt
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\title{\titlefont The Bubble Chamber} % Poster title
\author{\authorfont CT} % Author(s)


% Title section







    % Page is split into 1-2-1 arrangement for first half 



     \begin{tcolorbox}[colback=white,colframe=blue,boxrule=5pt,title=\centering \Huge Production Process ]

    The bubble chamber was exposed to a beam of $K^-$ mesons which are slowed by ionising the gas in the chamber, creating bubbles until they are close to stationary at which point the $K^-$ will interact with a neighbouring proton.

    This process occurs through the strong interaction wherein the proton and kaon exchange a quark and some gluons:


     \begin{tcolorbox}[colback=white,colframe=blue,boxrule=5pt,title=\centering \Huge $\Sigma$ Identification]

      Visually this is presented in the bubble chamber as a kaon track stopping and two other tracks emerging from it with a $180^{\circ}$ angle between them as shown in Fig 1. 

      Events where the angle between the tracks $\neq 180^{\circ}$ indicates that the particles are not stationary in the lab frame when the interaction, violating one of the requirements for the use of the mass formula.






     \begin{tcolorbox}[colback=white,colframe=blue,boxrule=5pt,title=\centering \Huge Decay Process ]

    The decay of the hyperon then occurs via the weak interaction, a W boson is produced by the Hyperon which pair produces a quark antiquark pair:

However there is the possibility of a semileptonic decay mode, replacing the $q\bar{q}$ pair with a lepton and neutrino:

\Lambda \to p + e^- + \bar{\nu}_e    

Which could be seen in the bubble chamber as an single electron line and proton line emerging instead of a pair of lines corresponding to a proton and pion.

However this process is \textbf{forbidden} by isospin/hypercharge baryon model, thus study of it allows us to test that description of these particles.







 \begin{tcolorbox}[colback=white,colframe=red,boxrule=5pt,title=\centering \Huge $\Sigma$ Mass Formula ]
 The mass of the sigma baryon is calculated through the application of energy and momentum conservation:
p_{\pi} = p_{\Sigma} \hspace{1cm} \textrm{Momentum Conservation} \\
m_0 c^2 = \sqrt{m_{\Sigma}^2 c^4 + p_{\Sigma}^2 c^2} + \sqrt{m_{\pi}^2 c^4 + p_{\pi}^2 c^2} \hspace{1cm} \textrm{Energy Conservation}

 When these two are combined a singe formula for the mass of the Sigma baryon is obtained:

m_{\Sigma} = \frac{1}{c^2} \left[\left( m_0c^2 - \sqrt{m_{\pi}^2c^4+p_{\pi}^2c^2} \right)^2 - p_{\pi}^2c^2  \right]^{1/2}   \hspace{0.7cm}  m_0 = m_p + m_K




    \Huge Production Process

    Some text here.




Aqui está uma captura de tela para que você possa ver qual é o problema:

insira a descrição da imagem aqui

Tentei fazer coisas como colocar um vspace em tudo para forçar o conteúdo para o topo da página, mas a caixa branca persiste.

Qualquer ajuda seria apreciada. Não vi ninguém enfrentando esse problema em lugar nenhum, então realmente não sei o que fazer neste momento.


O problema é causado pela configuração margin=2cmnas opções de geometria. Isto não apenas define as margens horizontais, mas também a margem superior e inferior, o que interfere nas configurações da margem superior dos próprios projetores.

A solução mais fácil seria definir apenas as margens horizontais nas configurações de geometria e deixar o beamer fazer o que quiser com a margem superior:



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