Classe moderncv - \cvitem recuo da segunda linha

Classe moderncv - \cvitem recuo da segunda linha

Class moderncv, style bankingtem o recuo para \cvitemconfigurar como:

Title: very long description that runs to the next line very long description 
that runs to the next line very long description that runs to the next line
very long description that runs to the next line

Eu gostaria que a segunda linha fosse recuada um pouco assim:

Title: very long description that runs to the next line very long description 
  that runs to the next line very long description that runs to the next line
  very long description that runs to the next line

Quero que esta seja uma modificação global, sem precisar ser específico sobre o recuo toda vez que adiciono um novo arquivo \cvitem.

Aqui está um MWE:

\documentclass[11pt, letterpaper, sans]{moderncv}
\cvitem{Title}{very long description that runs to the next line very long description that runs to the next line very long description that runs to the next line very long description that runs to the next line very long description that runs to the next line}


Uma possibilidade que você tem é recuar a "descrição muito longa ..." para obter

Title: very long description that runs to the next line very long description 
       that runs to the next line very long description that runs to the next 
       line very long description that runs to the next line

Se você quiser obter isso, siga por favorminha resposta aqui. A vantagem aqui é que each \mycvitemtem o comprimento de dado Title:.

Se você - como mostrado na sua pergunta - deseja apenas recuar um pequeno parágrafo no parágrafo completo, você pode usar a seguinte solução:

    \item[\ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{}}{}{\hintstyle{#2}: }] #3

Então você pode usar o comando \mycvitemem seu currículo para obter o que deseja:

\documentclass[11pt, letterpaper, sans]{moderncv}


    \item[\ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{}}{}{\hintstyle{#2}: }] #3

\cvitem{Title}{very long description that runs to the next line very long description that runs to the next line very long description that runs to the next line very long description that runs to the next line very long description that runs to the next line}
\mycvitem{Title}{very long description that runs to the next line very long description that runs to the next line very long description that runs to the next line very long description that runs to the next line very long description that runs to the next line}
\cvitem{Title}{very long description that runs to the next line very long description that runs to the next line very long description that runs to the next line very long description that runs to the next line very long description that runs to the next line}

com o resultado:

cv resultante

informação relacionada