Estou tentando inserir uma imagem no problema do ambiente e alinhá-la assim
I want to put the picture align with the first row of Problem. I want to put the picture align with the first row of Problem. I want to put the picture align with the first row of Problem. I want to put the picture align with the first row of Problem. I want to put the picture align with the first row of Problem.
\item First line.
\item Second line.
\item Third line.
\item A long line.
\includegraphics[width=0.9\textwidth]{pic_01} % second figure itself
\caption{second figure}
E pegou
Não é isso que eu quero. Como posso obter o resultado correto?
Esta é a imagem que insiro.
E o código faz a imagem
declare function={Y(\x)=(\x^3 - 3*\x^2 + 2);},
axis line style = very thick,
axis lines = center,
xtick={-1, 0, 1,3},
samples=100,xtick distance=1,
ytick distance=1,unit vector ratio*=1 1 1,
grid style={gray!30}]
\addplot [black, thick,name path =B] {Y(x)};
\addplot [black, mark=*,only marks,samples at={-1,0,1,2,3,4}] {Y(x)};
\node at (axis cs:-0.25, -0.25) {$O$} ;
\node at (axis cs:2, 0.2) {$2$} ;
\node at (axis cs:-0.2, 2.2) {$2$} ;
\node at (axis cs:-0.2, -2.2) {$-2$} ;
\addplot[name path =A] {0}\closedcycle;
\addplot[color=black,fill=red, pattern=north east lines, domain=0:1,samples=100] fill between[of=A and B,soft clip={domain=0:2},];
\draw [black,dashed,thick](axis cs:#1,{Y(#1)}) -- (axis cs:#1,0);
\draw [black,dashed,thick](axis cs:#1,{Y(#1)}) -- (axis cs:0,{Y(#1)});
\addplot [thick] coordinates {(2,-2) (2,0)};
Vários pontos:
ambiente deve ficar dentro do 1ºminipage
Não há necessidade de
ambiente, a figura não tem legenda. Mesmo que isso acontecesse, eu usaria\captionof
dentro de 2ndminipage
.Alinhe o
s para cima e desloque para baixo o\includegraphics
para personalizar a enumeração.
I want to put the picture align with the first row of Problem. I want to put the picture align with the first row of Problem. I want to put the picture align with the first row of Problem. I want to put the picture align with the first row of Problem. I want to put the picture align with the first row of Problem.
\item First line.
\item Second line.
\item Third line.
\item A long line.A long line.A long line.A long line.A long line.
\includegraphics[width=0.9\textwidth,height=150pt]{example-image}} % second figure itself
% \caption{second figure}
uma solução alternativa, que considera seu diagrama desenhado por pgfplots
. o código do diagrama é alterado, podendo ser colocado de acordo com sua demanda. nele também é considerada a versão recente do pgfplots
pacote e o código simplificado para ele.
\usepackage{amsmath, amsthm}
%---------------- show page layout. don't use in a real document!
I want to put the picture align with the first row of Problem.
\item First line.
\item Second line.
\item Third line.
\item A long line. A long line. A long line. A long line. A long line. A long line. A long line. A long line. A long line.
\begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=(current bounding box.north)] % <---
\begin{axis}[yshift=1.7ex, width=\linewidth, % <---
axis line style = very thick,
grid = major,
grid style = {gray!30},
axis lines = middle,
xlabel = $x$,
ylabel = $y$,
xtick = {-1,...,3}, xticklabels = {},
ytick = {-2,...,2}, yticklabels = {},
scale only axis, % <---
declare function = {Y(\x)=(\x^3 - 3*\x^2 + 2);},
ymin=-2.5, ymax=2.8,
domain = -1.5:3.5,
samples = 60
\addplot [name path =A] {0}\closedcycle;
\addplot [thick,name path =B] {Y(x)};
\addplot [mark=*,only marks,samples at={-1,0,1,2,3}] {Y(x)};
\node[below left] {$O$} ;
\node[above] at (2,0) {2};
\node[above left] at (0, 2) {$ 2$};
\node[below left] at (0,-2) {$-2$};
\addplot[pattern=north east lines] fill between[of=A and B, soft clip={domain=0:2}];
\draw[dashed,thick] (-1,0) |- (2,{Y(2)}) -- (2,0)
( 0,2) -| (3,0);