Eu tenho uma tabela que está em scriptsize
e quando compilo meu código se numera em 2.2 em vez de 2.1. Destina-se ao meu segundo capítulo. Alguém sabe o que devo fazer para começar a numerar esta tabela em 2.1?
Desde já, obrigado!
\caption{An overview of meta-competences that enable engineering students to solve the future challenge, based on \shortcite{Siddique2013}}
\begin{tabular}{ l | l }
\textbf{Dim.} & \textbf{Description} \\
\textbf{MC1} & \textbf{The ability to manage information} \\
MC1.1 & To gather, interpret, validate and use information \\
MC1.2 & Understand and use quantitative and qualitative information \\
MC1.3 & Discard useless information \\
\textbf{MC2} & \textbf{The ability to manage thinking} \\
MC2.1 & Ability to identify and manage dilemmas associated with the realization of complex, \\ & sustainable, socio-techno eco-systems \\
MC2.2 & Ability to think across disciplines \\
MC2.3 & Holistic thinking, conceptual thinking and switching from divergent and convergent thinking \\
MC2.4 & Ability to speculate and to identify research topics worthy of investigation \\
MC2.5 & Ability to engage in critical discussion \\
MC2.6 & Identify and explore opportunities for developing break-through products, systems or services \\
MC2.7 & Ability to think strategically by using both theory and methods \\
\textbf{MC3} & \textbf{The ability to manage collaboration} \\
MC3.1 & Ability to manage the collaboration process in local and global settings \\
MC3.2 & Ability to create new knowledge collaboratively in a diverse team \\
MC3.3 & Competence in negotiation \\
MC3.4 & Teamwork competence \\
\textbf{MC4} & \textbf{The ability to manage learning} \\
MC4.1 & Ability to identify the competencies and meta-competencies needed to create value in the engineering world \\
MC4.2 & Ability to self-instruct and self-monitor learning \\
MC4.3 & Ability to interact with multiple modes of learning \\
MC4.4 & Ability to manage a lifetime of learning or lifelong learning \\
\textbf{MC5} & \textbf{The ability to manage attitude} \\
MC5.1 & Ability to self-motivate \\
MC5.2 & Ability to cope with chaos \\
MC5.3 & Ability to identify and acknowledge mistakes and unproductive paths; \\
MC5.4 & Ability to assess and manage risk taking \\
Eu tive um problema semelhante ao usar tabularx
dentro de um table
ambiente ealguns outro pessoasfez isso também. Embora não possamos ter certeza sem o conhecimento da classe e do preâmbulo do documento do OP, esse pode ser o mesmo efeito causado por uma interação com o longtable
Como atenuação (isso não resolve o problema real), você pode diminuir manualmente o contador da tabela assim:
% Manually decrease table counter to mitigate a bug with tabularx loading
% longtable and skipping uneven table numbers.
% your table content
Esta correção foi descrita nesteresposta de leandriis.