Como inserir seção de disciplinas eletivas em um diagrama

Como inserir seção de disciplinas eletivas em um diagrama

Este é um adendo à seção "Ingredientes" postada em uma pergunta anterior:Como desenhar um diagrama de correlatividades de assuntos personalizados.

Precisamos de mais dois ingredientes:

  • Faça uma disciplina eletiva. Podemos rotulá-lo como nonfillable elective subject:

    Disciplina eletiva não preenchível

    Além disso, precisamos ter uma disciplina eletiva preenchível, chamada, por exemplo fillable elective subject:

    Disciplina eletiva preenchível

    Como dito na pergunta, você pode usaresta resposta muito útil.

  • Faça uma forma que contenha um conjunto de disciplinas eletivas:

    Shape contendo disciplinas eletivas

(Tanto a cor de fundo da forma quanto a TextFieldcor podem variar. Não se preocupe com isso).

O que eu preciso

  1. A última forma deve ficar na parte inferior do grande retângulo laranja, sem atingir todas as margens.
  2. As disciplinas eletivas podem ter alturas diferentes dependendo da pilha de disciplinas eletivas mas a largura é sempre a mesma, mas as disciplinas eletivas dentro dela devem estar centralizadas:


  3. Observe que as disciplinas eletivas não se relacionam com nenhum objeto, por isso podemos reduzir a largura da forma azul claro.

O que eu fiz

O mesmo código-fonte doresposta da marmota:

\tikzset{text field/.style={text height=1.5ex,align=center,rounded corners},
title field/.style={text height=2ex,text depth=0.3em,anchor=south,text
pics/fillable subject/.style={code={%
\node[text field] (-TF) 
{\hspace*{-0.5em}\TextField[align=1,name=#1-day,width=1em,charsize=7pt,maxlen=2,bordercolor={1 1 1}]~~/\hspace*{-0.15em}\TextField[align=1,name=#1-month,width=1em,charsize=7pt,maxlen=2,bordercolor={1 1 1}]~~/\hspace*{-0em}\TextField[align=1,name=#1-year,width=2em,charsize=7pt,maxlen=4,bordercolor={1 1 1}]{}~};
\node[title field] (-Title) 
at ([yshift=0.4em]-TF.north) {#1};
\draw[rounded corners] (-TF.south west) |- (-Title.south west)
|- (-Title.north east) -- (-Title.south east) -| (-TF.south east)
 -- cycle;
\draw ([xshift=4pt]-Title.south west) -- ([xshift=-4pt]-Title.south east);
pics/nonfillable subject/.style={code={%
\node[text field] (-TF) 
\node[title field] (-Title) 
at ([yshift=0.4em]-TF.north) {#1};
\draw[rounded corners] (-TF.south west) |- (-Title.south west)
|- (-Title.north east) -- (-Title.south east) -| (-TF.south east)
 -- cycle;
\draw ([xshift=4pt]-Title.south west) -- ([xshift=-4pt]-Title.south east);
 manoooh/.style={column sep=-2cm,row sep=5mm}


\thispagestyle{empty}   % To suppress page number

\fill[white,fill=orange] (0,0) rectangle (\paperwidth,-2cm) node[midway,align=center,font=\Huge] {\bfseries Some text here\\\LARGE More text here};

\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=3.14cm]
 % step 1: add the matrices, name them mat0, mat1 etc.
 \begin{scope}[local bounding box=matrices] 
  \matrix[manoooh] (mat0)  {
         \pic (A)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; & & 
         \pic (B)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; \\
         & \pic (C)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; & \\
  \matrix[manoooh,right=of mat0] (mat1){
         \pic (D)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; \\ 
         \pic (E)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; \\
         \pic (F)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; \\ 
         \pic (G)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; \\ 
  \matrix[manoooh,right=of mat1] (mat2)  {
         \pic (H)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; & & 
         \pic (I)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; \\
         & \pic (J)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}};  & \\
         \pic (K)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; 
         & &
         \pic (L)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; \\
  \matrix[manoooh,right=of mat2] (mat3)  {
         & \pic (M)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}};  & \\
         \pic (N)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; & & 
         \pic (O)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; \\
         \pic (P)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; 
         & &
         \pic (Q)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; \\
 \foreach \X in {0,...,3} %<- if you have more or less matrices, adjust 3       
 at (mat\X |-matrices.north) (L\X) {Level $\X$};
 \begin{scope}[on background layer]
  % the fit parameters determine the shape of the background rectangles
  \node[fit=(L\X) (mat\X) (matrices.south-|mat\X.south),inner ysep=5mm,
  inner xsep=5mm,fill=orange!30,rounded corners=50pt](F\X){};
 % now add the arrows 
 \foreach \X in {D,...,G}
 {\draw[blue,-latex] (B-Title) to[out=0,in=180] (\X-Title);}


Acho que também poderíamos usar o matrixcomando do TikPacote Z para posicionar as imagens dentro da forma azul claro, mas precisamos definir um novo tipo de subject: (non)fillable elective subject.

Resultado final

Semelhante à pergunta original, mas adicionando essas novas formas e centralizando verticalmente os assuntos que estão entre o "Nível X" e as formas azuis claras:

Resultado final



Aqui está uma resposta para sua pergunta atualizada. (Para aqueles que acham que não devo acrescentar duas respostas: ficarei feliz em remover uma delas. No entanto, acho que a outra pode ser potencialmente útil para outros.) Como antes, a estratégia é escrever distâncias calculadas para o arquivo aux para que possam ser usados ​​após uma recompilação.

\tikzset{text field/.style={text height=1.5ex,align=center,rounded corners},
title field/.style={text height=2ex,text depth=0.3em,anchor=south,text
pics/fillable subject/.style={code={%
\node[text field] (-TF) 
{\hspace*{-0.5em}\TextField[align=1,name=#1-day,width=1em,charsize=7pt,maxlen=2,bordercolor={1 1 1}]~~/\hspace*{-0.15em}\TextField[align=1,name=#1-month,width=1em,charsize=7pt,maxlen=2,bordercolor={1 1 1}]~~/\hspace*{-0em}\TextField[align=1,name=#1-year,width=2em,charsize=7pt,maxlen=4,bordercolor={1 1 1}]{}~};
\node[title field] (-Title) 
at ([yshift=0.4em]-TF.north) {#1};
\draw[rounded corners] (-TF.south west) |- (-Title.south west)
|- (-Title.north east) -- (-Title.south east) -| (-TF.south east)
 -- cycle;
\draw ([xshift=4pt]-Title.south west) -- ([xshift=-4pt]-Title.south east);
pics/nonfillable subject/.style={code={%
\node[text field] (-TF) 
\node[title field] (-Title) 
at ([yshift=0.4em]-TF.north) {#1};
\draw[rounded corners] (-TF.south west) |- (-Title.south west)
|- (-Title.north east) -- (-Title.south east) -| (-TF.south east)
 -- cycle;
\draw ([xshift=4pt]-Title.south west) -- ([xshift=-4pt]-Title.south east);
 manoooh/.style={column sep=-1.75cm,row sep=5mm},
 manooohE/.style={column sep=-2.25cm,row sep=5mm,anchor=south},
 electives/.style={column sep=-2.25cm,row sep=5mm},
 fit sep/.initial=10pt,
 fit dist/.initial=20pt,
 inlay top sep/.initial=24pt,
 matrix top sep/.initial=24pt,

\makeatletter% from

\thispagestyle{empty}   % To suppress page number
\fill[white,fill=orange] (0,0) rectangle (\paperwidth,-2cm) node[midway,align=center,font=\Huge] {\bfseries Some text here\\\LARGE More text here};

\typeout{Please\space recompile\space your\space file!}
\typeout{Please\space recompile\space your\space file!}
\typeout{Please\space recompile\space your\space file!}

\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=3.14cm]
 % step 1: add the matrices, name them mat0, mat1 etc.
 \begin{scope}[local bounding box=matrices] 
  \matrix[manoooh] (mat0) at (0*\mymatdist,{\LstMatShifts[0]}) {
         \pic[local bounding box=A] (A)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; & & 
         \pic (B)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; \\
         & \pic (C)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; & \\
  \matrix[manooohE,column sep=8pt] (matE0)  at (0*\mymatdist,\mymatbottom) {
         \pic (AE)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; &  
         \pic (BE)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; \\
         \pic (CE)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; &  
         \pic (DE)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; \\         
  \matrix[manoooh] (mat1) at (1*\mymatdist,{\LstMatShifts[1]}) {
         \pic (D)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; \\ 
         \pic (E)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; \\
         \pic (F)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; \\ 
         \pic (G)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; \\ 
         \pic (D')  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; \\ 
         \pic (E')  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; \\
         \pic (F')  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; \\ 
         \pic (G')  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; \\ 
  \matrix[manoooh] (mat2) at (2*\mymatdist,{\LstMatShifts[2]}) {
         \pic (H)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; & & 
         \pic (I)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; \\
         & \pic (J)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}};  & \\
         \pic (K)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; 
         & &
         \pic (L)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; \\
  \matrix[manooohE] (matE2) at (2*\mymatdist,\mymatbottom) {
         \pic (HE)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; \\
  \matrix[manoooh] (mat3) at (3*\mymatdist,{\LstMatShifts[3]}) {
         & \pic (M)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}};  & \\
         \pic (N)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; & & 
         \pic (O)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; \\
         \pic (P)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; 
         & &
         \pic (Q)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; \\
  \matrix[manooohE] (matE3) at (3*\mymatdist,\mymatbottom) {
         &\pic (ME)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}};  &\\
         \pic (NE)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; & &
         \pic (POE)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; \\
         \pic (PE)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; &  &
         \pic (QE)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; \\         
 \foreach \X in {0,...,3} %<- if you have more or less matrices, adjust 3       
  \ifnodedefined{matE\X}{% has inlay
   \path let \p1=($(mat\X.north east)-(mat\X.south west)$),
    \p2=($(matE\X.north east)-(matE\X.south west)$)
       \pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/inlay top sep}+\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/matrix top sep},%
     \pgfmathsetmacro{\myshift}{(\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/inlay top sep}+\y2)/2}
     \xdef\LstMatShifts{\myshift pt}
     \xdef\LstMatShifts{\LstMatShifts,\myshift pt}
     \fi};}{% no inlay
    let \p1=($(mat\X.north east)-(mat\X.south west)$)  in 
    \pgfmathsetmacro{\myheight}{max(\y1+\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/matrix top sep},\myheight)} 
  at (mat\X |-matrices.north) (L\X) {Level $\X$};
  \begin{scope}[on background layer]
   % the fit parameters determine the shape of the background rectangles
   \node[fit=(L\X) (mat\X) (matrices.south-|mat\X.south),inner ysep=5mm,
   minimum width=\mymatdist-\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/fit dist}/2,
   fill=orange!30,rounded corners=50pt](F\X){};
 %\typeout{height1:\myheight} % 
 sep}+\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/fit dist}}
 \foreach \X in {0,...,3} %
 {\ifnodedefined{matE\X}{\path let \p1=($(mat\X.north)-(mat\X.south)$),
      \n1={max(abs(\y1)/2+abs(\y2)+2*\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/inlay top sep},\mymatbottom)}
     in \pgfextra{\xdef\mymatbottom{\n1}}
     node[anchor=south east,xshift=-2cm,font=\LARGE\bfseries] (El\X)
      at (matE\X.north){Electives};
  \begin{scope}[on background layer]      
    \node[fit=(matE\X) (El\X)] (FE\X){};
    \fill[blue!30,rounded corners=30pt] (\X*\mymatdist-
    \mymatdist/2+\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/fit dist}/4+10pt,0|-FE\X.north)
    rectangle (\X*\mymatdist+
    \mymatdist/2-\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/fit dist}/4-10pt,0|-FE\X.south);
 \immediate\write\@mainaux{\xdef\string\mymatdist{\mydist pt}\relax}

 % now add the arrows 
 \foreach \X in {D,...,G}
 {\draw[blue,-latex] (B-Title) to[out=0,in=180] (\X-Title);}


insira a descrição da imagem aqui


A principal complicação é que ainda não é possível (?) aninhar matrizes tikz. Portanto, esta proposta segue uma estratégia ligeiramente diferente, que é conceitualmente mais ou menos igual àaquele usado aqui:

  1. Construa as matrizes com algumas distâncias estimadas.
  2. Meça as matrizes.
  3. Calcule distâncias "ótimas" a partir dos valores medidos.
  4. Escreva as distâncias "ideais" no arquivo aux para que possam ser usadas após a recompilação.

O exemplo tem muitas anotações que devem ajudar a entender o que está acontecendo. Observe também que você precisa fazer um loop sobre as incrustações reais, ou seja, se quiser adicionar ou remover incrustações, talvez seja necessário modificar o arquivo \foreach \X in {0,2,3}.

\tikzset{text field/.style={text height=1.5ex,align=center,rounded corners},
title field/.style={text height=2ex,text depth=0.3em,anchor=south,text
pics/fillable subject/.style={code={%
\node[text field] (-TF) 
{\hspace*{-0.5em}\TextField[align=1,name=#1-day,width=1em,charsize=7pt,maxlen=2,bordercolor={1 1 1}]~~/\hspace*{-0.15em}\TextField[align=1,name=#1-month,width=1em,charsize=7pt,maxlen=2,bordercolor={1 1 1}]~~/\hspace*{-0em}\TextField[align=1,name=#1-year,width=2em,charsize=7pt,maxlen=4,bordercolor={1 1 1}]{}~};
\node[title field] (-Title) 
at ([yshift=0.4em]-TF.north) {#1};
\draw[rounded corners] (-TF.south west) |- (-Title.south west)
|- (-Title.north east) -- (-Title.south east) -| (-TF.south east)
 -- cycle;
\draw ([xshift=4pt]-Title.south west) -- ([xshift=-4pt]-Title.south east);
pics/nonfillable subject/.style={code={%
\node[text field] (-TF) 
\node[title field] (-Title) 
at ([yshift=0.4em]-TF.north) {#1};
\draw[rounded corners] (-TF.south west) |- (-Title.south west)
|- (-Title.north east) -- (-Title.south east) -| (-TF.south east)
 -- cycle;
\draw ([xshift=4pt]-Title.south west) -- ([xshift=-4pt]-Title.south east);
 manoooh/.style={column sep=-1.75cm,row sep=5mm},
 manooohE/.style={column sep=-2.25cm,row sep=5mm,anchor=south},
 wrapper/.style={fit=#1,inner sep=0pt,minimum width=\useVal{matrix_width}}
 electives/.style={column sep=-2.25cm,row sep=5mm},
 fit sep/.initial=10pt,
 fit dist/.initial=20pt,
 inlay top sep/.initial=24pt

\thispagestyle{empty}   % To suppress page number
\fill[white,fill=orange] (0,0) rectangle (\paperwidth,-2cm) node[midway,align=center,font=\Huge] {\bfseries Some text here\\\LARGE More text here};

\typeout{Please\space recompile\space your\space file!}
\typeout{Please\space recompile\space your\space file!}

\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=3.14cm]
 % step 1: add the matrices, name them mat0, mat1 etc.
 \begin{scope}[local bounding box=matrices] 
  \matrix[manoooh] (mat0) at (0*\mymatdist,0) {
         \pic[local bounding box=A] (A)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; & & 
         \pic (B)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; \\
         & \pic (C)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; & \\
  \matrix[manooohE,column sep=8pt] (matE0)  at (0*\mymatdist,\mymatbottom) {
         \pic (AE)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; &  
         \pic (BE)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; \\
         \pic (CE)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; &  
         \pic (DE)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; \\         
  \matrix[manoooh] (mat1) at (1*\mymatdist,0) {
         \pic (D)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; \\ 
         \pic (E)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; \\
         \pic (F)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; \\ 
         \pic (G)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; \\ 
  \matrix[manoooh] (mat2) at (2*\mymatdist,0) {
         \pic (H)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; & & 
         \pic (I)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; \\
         & \pic (J)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}};  & \\
         \pic (K)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; 
         & &
         \pic (L)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; \\
  \matrix[manooohE] (matE2) at (2*\mymatdist,\mymatbottom) {
         \pic (HE)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; \\
  \matrix[manoooh] (mat3) at (3*\mymatdist,0) {
         & \pic (M)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}};  & \\
         \pic (N)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; & & 
         \pic (O)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; \\
         \pic (P)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; 
         & &
         \pic (Q)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; \\
  \matrix[manooohE] (matE3) at (3*\mymatdist,\mymatbottom) {
         &\pic (ME)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}};  &\\
         \pic (NE)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; & &
         \pic (POE)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; \\
         \pic (PE)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; &  &
         \pic (QE)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; \\         
 \foreach \X in {0,...,3} %<- if you have more or less matrices, adjust 3       
 {\path let \p1=($(mat\X.east)-(mat\X.west)$) in 
 at (mat\X |-matrices.north) (L\X) {Level $\X$};
 \begin{scope}[on background layer]
  % the fit parameters determine the shape of the background rectangles
  \node[fit=(L\X) (mat\X) (matrices.south-|mat\X.south),inner ysep=5mm,
  minimum width=\mymatdist-\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/fit dist}/2,
  fill=orange!30,rounded corners=50pt](F\X){};
 sep}+\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/fit dist}}
 \foreach \X in {0,2,3} %<run only over those entries that have inlays
 {\path let \p1=($(mat\X.north)-(mat\X.south)$),
      \n1={max(abs(\y1)/2+abs(\y2)+2*\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/inlay top sep},\mymatbottom)}
     in \pgfextra{\xdef\mymatbottom{\n1}}
     node[anchor=south east,xshift=-2cm,font=\LARGE\bfseries] (El\X)
      at (matE\X.north){Electives};
  \begin{scope}[on background layer]      
    \node[fit=(matE\X) (El\X)] (FE\X){};
    \fill[blue!30,rounded corners=30pt] (\X*\mymatdist-
    \mymatdist/2+\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/fit dist}/4+10pt,0|-FE\X.north)
    rectangle (\X*\mymatdist+
    \mymatdist/2-\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/fit dist}/4-10pt,0|-FE\X.south);
 \immediate\write\@mainaux{\xdef\string\mymatdist{\mydist pt}\relax}

 % now add the arrows 
 \foreach \X in {D,...,G}
 {\draw[blue,-latex] (B-Title) to[out=0,in=180] (\X-Title);}


insira a descrição da imagem aqui

E este é um segundo exemplo com anotações que também está mais próximo da captura de tela.

\tikzset{text field/.style={text height=1.5ex,align=center,rounded corners},
title field/.style={text height=2ex,text depth=0.3em,anchor=south,text
pics/fillable subject/.style={code={%
\node[text field] (-TF) 
{\hspace*{-0.5em}\TextField[align=1,name=#1-day,width=1em,charsize=7pt,maxlen=2,bordercolor={1 1 1}]~~/\hspace*{-0.15em}\TextField[align=1,name=#1-month,width=1em,charsize=7pt,maxlen=2,bordercolor={1 1 1}]~~/\hspace*{-0em}\TextField[align=1,name=#1-year,width=2em,charsize=7pt,maxlen=4,bordercolor={1 1 1}]{}~};
\node[title field] (-Title) 
at ([yshift=0.4em]-TF.north) {#1};
\draw[rounded corners] (-TF.south west) |- (-Title.south west)
|- (-Title.north east) -- (-Title.south east) -| (-TF.south east)
 -- cycle;
\draw ([xshift=4pt]-Title.south west) -- ([xshift=-4pt]-Title.south east);
pics/nonfillable subject/.style={code={%
\node[text field] (-TF) 
\node[title field] (-Title) 
at ([yshift=0.4em]-TF.north) {#1};
\draw[rounded corners] (-TF.south west) |- (-Title.south west)
|- (-Title.north east) -- (-Title.south east) -| (-TF.south east)
 -- cycle;
\draw ([xshift=4pt]-Title.south west) -- ([xshift=-4pt]-Title.south east);
 manoooh/.style={column sep=-1.75cm,row sep=5mm},
 manooohE/.style={column sep=-2.25cm,row sep=5mm,anchor=south},
 wrapper/.style={fit=#1,inner sep=0pt,minimum width=\useVal{matrix_width}}
 electives/.style={column sep=-2.25cm,row sep=5mm},
 fit sep/.initial=10pt,
 fit dist/.initial=20pt,
 inlay top sep/.initial=24pt

\thispagestyle{empty}   % To suppress page number
\fill[white,fill=orange] (0,0) rectangle (\paperwidth,-2cm) node[midway,align=center,font=\Huge] {\bfseries Some text here\\\LARGE More text here};

\typeout{Please\space recompile\space your\space file!}
\typeout{Please\space recompile\space your\space file!}

\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=3.14cm]
 % step 1: add the matrices, name them mat0, mat1 etc.
 \begin{scope}[local bounding box=matrices] 
  \matrix[manoooh] (mat0) at (0*\mymatdist,0) {
         \pic[local bounding box=A] (A)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; & & 
         \pic (B)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; \\
         & \pic (C)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; & \\
  \matrix[manooohE,column sep=8pt] (matE0)  at (0*\mymatdist,\mymatbottom) {
         \pic (AE)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; &  
         \pic (BE)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; \\
         \pic (CE)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; &  
         \pic (DE)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; \\         
  \matrix[manoooh] (mat1) at (1*\mymatdist,0) {
         \pic (D)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; \\ 
         \pic (E)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; \\
         \pic (F)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; \\ 
         \pic (G)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; \\ 
         \pic (D')  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; \\ 
         \pic (E')  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; \\
         \pic (F')  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; \\ 
         \pic (G')  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; \\ 
  \matrix[manoooh] (mat2) at (2*\mymatdist,0) {
         \pic (H)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; & & 
         \pic (I)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; \\
         & \pic (J)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}};  & \\
         \pic (K)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; 
         & &
         \pic (L)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; \\
  \matrix[manooohE] (matE2) at (2*\mymatdist,\mymatbottom) {
         \pic (HE)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; \\
  \matrix[manoooh] (mat3) at (3*\mymatdist,0) {
         & \pic (M)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}};  & \\
         \pic (N)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; & & 
         \pic (O)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; \\
         \pic (P)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; 
         & &
         \pic (Q)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; \\
  \matrix[manooohE] (matE3) at (3*\mymatdist,\mymatbottom) {
         &\pic (ME)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}};  &\\
         \pic (NE)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; & &
         \pic (POE)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; \\
         \pic (PE)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; &  &
         \pic (QE)  {nonfillable subject={Subject}}; \\         
 \foreach \X in {0,...,3} %<- if you have more or less matrices, adjust 3       
 {\path let \p1=($(mat\X.east)-(mat\X.west)$) in 
 at (mat\X |-matrices.north) (L\X) {Level $\X$};
 \begin{scope}[on background layer]
  % the fit parameters determine the shape of the background rectangles
  \node[fit=(L\X) (mat\X) (matrices.south-|mat\X.south),inner ysep=5mm,
  minimum width=\mymatdist-\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/fit dist}/2,
  fill=orange!30,rounded corners=50pt](F\X){};
 sep}+\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/fit dist}}
 \foreach \X in {0,2,3} %<run only over those entries that have inlays
 {\path let \p1=($(mat\X.north)-(mat\X.south)$),
      \n1={max(abs(\y1)/2+abs(\y2)+2*\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/inlay top sep},\mymatbottom)}
     in \pgfextra{\xdef\mymatbottom{\n1}}
     node[anchor=south east,xshift=-2cm,font=\LARGE\bfseries] (El\X)
      at (matE\X.north){Electives};
  \begin{scope}[on background layer]      
    \node[fit=(matE\X) (El\X)] (FE\X){};
    \fill[blue!30,rounded corners=30pt] (\X*\mymatdist-
    \mymatdist/2+\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/fit dist}/4+10pt,0|-FE\X.north)
    rectangle (\X*\mymatdist+
    \mymatdist/2-\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/fit dist}/4-10pt,0|-FE\X.south);
 \immediate\write\@mainaux{\xdef\string\mymatdist{\mydist pt}\relax}

 % now add the arrows 
 \foreach \X in {D,...,G}
 {\draw[blue,-latex] (B-Title) to[out=0,in=180] (\X-Title);}
 \foreach \X in {0,...,3}
 {\node[circle,red,inner sep=4pt,fill,label={[font=\Huge,text=red]above:mat \X\ center}] (c\X) at 
 \node[circle,blue,inner sep=4pt,fill,
 label={[font=\Huge,text=blue]above:matE \X' south}] (c\X') at 


insira a descrição da imagem aqui

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