![Alinhe duas imagens centralmente lado a lado](https://rvso.com/image/392333/Alinhe%20duas%20imagens%20centralmente%20lado%20a%20lado.png)
Eu tenho este código:
\subfloat[2D MOT]{\includegraphics[scale = 0.05]{"2D-MOT".jpg} } %
\subfloat[Differential pumping section]{\includegraphics[scale = 0.075]{"2D-MOTcoils".jpg} } %
\caption{\textbf{Figure \ref*{fig:realMOT} }: The assembled 2D-MOT. Once cured, the glue turned orange. Showing single core copper wire for quad coils, blue offset coils}
que produz este resultado:
Gostaria que as duas figuras estivessem alinhadas pelo centro.
Já vi outras respostas e todas envolvem subfigure
e minipage
outros pacotes.
Existe uma maneira simples de incluir umvspace
apenaspara um dos subflutuantes?
\subfloat[2D MOT]{\includegraphics[height=2cm,valign=c]{"2D-MOT".jpg} } %
\subfloat[Differential pumping section]{\includegraphics[height=3cm,valign=c]{"2D-MOTcoils".jpg}}
\caption{The assembled 2D-MOT. Once cured, the glue turned orange. Showing single core copper wire for quad coils, blue offset coils}
\noindent or
\subfloat{\includegraphics[height=3cm,valign=c]{"2D-MOTcoils".jpg}} \\
\subfloat[2D MOT]{\rule{0.4\linewidth}{0pt}}
\subfloat[Differential pumping section]{\rule{0.4\linewidth}{0pt}}
\caption{The assembled 2D-MOT. Once cured, the glue turned orange. Showing single core copper wire for quad coils, blue offset coils}