Se eu der o próximo parágrafo, então Erro em \DeclareTotalTColorBox

Se eu der o próximo parágrafo, então Erro em \DeclareTotalTColorBox

Minhas tags são as seguintes:


\usepackage{environ} %fancy boxes



\DeclareTotalTColorBox[auto counter]{\myexer}{ O{} m }
{ enhanced,breakable,
  boxrule=0pt,boxsep=0pt,arc=2mm,toptitle=12pt,beforeafter skip=17pt,top=3mm,left=7mm,right=12pt,pad at break=2mm,
%  colframe=yellow!20!white,interior hidden,
  colframe=black!10,interior hidden,
  coltitle=black,fonttitle=\bfseries\large,title={\hspace*{10pt}Exercise}, %title={Exercise~\thetcbcounter},
  overlay unbroken and first={\node at ([xshift=20pt,yshift=-21pt]frame.north west) {\bccrayon};},


\begin{center} \textbf{Selling Bicycles} \end{center}
Imagine you buy and sell bicycles from your small store. One day, you receive a customer, Yuya, who tells you the following: ``I want to buy a bicycle whose price is \$200, but I am only willing to pay \$100 for it.'' You know that the total cost of each bicycle is \$160, with \$70 the sum of variable costs and \$90 the sum of \emph{allocated} fixed costs.

Next paragraph text follows here:%%If I remove this enter mark, then it works
    \item Would you sell the bicycle for \$100? (Ignore taxes when making your calculations.)


O código acima funciona bem, se eu remover o para enter, mas tiver muitos parágrafos de texto, como posso corrigir esse problema? Por favor, avise...


Você precisa permitir parágrafos no argumento obrigatório, que é obtido com +mem vez de m.


\usepackage{environ} %fancy boxes



\DeclareTotalTColorBox[auto counter]{\myexer}{ O{} +m }
  beforeafter skip=17pt,
  pad at break=2mm,
  interior hidden,
  overlay unbroken and first={\node at ([xshift=20pt,yshift=-21pt]frame.north west) {\bccrayon};},


  \begin{center} \textbf{Selling Bicycles} \end{center}
  Imagine you buy and sell bicycles from your small store. One day, you receive a 
  customer, Yuya, who tells you the following: ``I want to buy a bicycle whose price 
  is \$200, but I am only willing to pay \$100 for it.'' You know that the total cost 
  of each bicycle is \$160, with \$70 the sum of variable costs and \$90 the sum of 
  \emph{allocated} fixed costs.
  interior hidden,

  Next paragraph text follows here:
    \item Would you sell the bicycle for \$100? (Ignore taxes when making your calculations.)


insira a descrição da imagem aqui

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