Erros de algoritmo e delimitador de ambiente matemático incorreto

Erros de algoritmo e delimitador de ambiente matemático incorreto

Estou lutando muito para escrever os pseudocódigos em látex. Revise abaixo dois algoritmos. No documento, os algoritmos parecem bons, exceto pela parte destacada na imagem.

insira a descrição da imagem aqui

\caption{Incident Description and Text Separation}
\KwIn{Text file T of all the Incidents}
\KwOut{Short description and Updates of each Incident as a .CSV fIle \(c\).}
split T if line in T begins with `Incident:'\\
\For{\textup{each split of} \(e\) in T}
     Short description \Leftarrow \( \) Line starting with 'short\textunderscore description:'\\
     Updates \Leftarrow \( \) Line starting with 'sys\textunderscore mod\textunderscore count:'\\
\caption{Preprocessing the description field of each incident   \(i\)}
\KwIn{Short description of each incident \(i\)}
\KwOut{Preprocessed short descriptions to single strings.}
convert description of each incident \(i\) to lowercase\\
stopwords \Leftarrow \( \) repeatedly occurring words and person names\\
\For{\textup{each incident} i}
  \If{\textup{\textit{word }in short description} \in stopwords}{\textup{replace \(word\) with nothing}}
\textup{remove all special symbols \& characters}\\
\textup{remove all extra line \& word spaces}\\


Suponho que você esteja usando algorithm2epara inserir algoritmos.

Além disso, você deve inserir símbolos matemáticos no modo matemático, por exemplo, $\Leftarrow$.

Por fim, exclua o Endif.

insira a descrição da imagem aqui



\caption{Preprocessing the description field of each incident $i$}
\KwIn{Short description of each incident $i$.}
\KwOut{Preprocessed short descriptions to single strings.}
convert description of each incident $i$ to lowercase\\
stopwords $\Leftarrow$ repeatedly occurring words and person names\\
\For{\textup{each incident} $i$}
  \If{\textup{\textit{word} in short description $\in$ \textit{stopwords}}}{\textup{replace \textit{word} with nothing}}
  \textup{remove all special symbols \& characters}\\
  \textup{remove all extra line \& word spaces}\\

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