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O texto da tabela ultrapassa a margem direita
\begin{tabular}{| c | |c |}
Feature & Elaboration \\ [3ex]
\\Budget Friendly & The system inputs financial budget of user in it's system, and provides a list of hotels that can be accessed with that budget. \\ [10ex]
\\Interactivity & While using the system, the barrier between machine and user is eradicated to the maximum capability. A user should feel as he/she is talking to a representative of a hotel. \\ [10ex]
\\Data Handling & The data of a user is recorded by the system. It can be easily accessed in the system. \\ [10ex]


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Feature         & Elaboration \\ \hline\hline
Budget Friendly & The system inputs financial budget of user in it's system, and provides a list of hotels that can be accessed with that budget. \\ 
Interactivity   & While using the system, the barrier between machine and user is eradicated to the maximum capability. A user should feel as he/she is talking to a representative of a hotel. \\
Data Handling   & The data of a user is recorded by the system. It can be easily accessed in the system.\\ \hline


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