Estou tentando compor uma tabela lateral com numeração automática nas linhas e subnumeração nas colunas. eu useiesta respostapara numerar as linhas, mas isso só me dá os números dos cabeçalhos das linhas. Gostaria que as colunas tivessem subnúmeros correspondentes a cada linha (por exemplo, 1. cabeçalho da linha 1a. aproximadamente duas linhas de..., 1b. ..., 1c. ...). O MWE mantém parte da formatação exigida do meu documento, portanto alguns elementos (como a tabela lateral) podem não ser necessários. Minhas tentativas resultaram na contagem contínua nas linhas, em vez de obter subnúmeros (por exemplo, recebo 1. 2. 3. 4. na primeira linha e a segunda linha começa em 5.) Sou novo no LaTeX e este é meu primeiro post, desculpe se isso é óbvio ou se perdi a resposta em outro lugar.
\caption{An Appropriate Table Title}
\multicolumn{1}{>{\makebox[3em][r]{}}l}{} & column header & column header & column header\\
row header & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent\\
row header & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent\\
row header & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent\\
row header & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent\\
row header & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent\\
row header & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent\\
row header & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent\\
row header & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent\\
row header & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent\\
Compila como:
Assim? (Eu costumava \hskip
apenas reduzir o número de letras.)
\newcounter{colcount}[rowcount]% auto reset
\caption{An Appropriate Table Title}
\multicolumn{1}{>{\makebox[3em][r]{}}l}{} & column header & column header & column header\\
row header & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent\\
row header & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent\\
row header & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent\\
row header & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent\\
row header & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent\\
row header & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent\\
row header & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent\\
row header & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent\\
row header & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent & approximately two lines of row subcontent\\