O código a seguir cria uma tabela que se estende por duas páginas. No entanto, estou enfrentando três problemas:
- A tabela não cabe na página corretamente e está alinhada de forma estranha. Eu usei anteriormente
e essa tabela se encaixava bem (em uma determinada página, mas não se estendia para a próxima página_. Embora a postagem que @Werner me redirecionou anteriormente forneça algumas dicas úteis, estou me deparando com esses problemas. Existe um maneira fácil de resolver esse problema? Para mostrar o que quero alcançar, veja a imagem, Exemplo 1, abaixo (que foi construída usandotabularx
) que tem a tabela devidamente centralizada. - Da mesma forma, as linhas agora também não estão alinhadas e há lacunas irregulares entre as linhas. Novamente, o Exemplo 1 não enfrenta esse problema.
- Esta é uma questão menor, mas como no Exemplo 1, a primeira linha é mais grossa que as linhas abaixo. Existe alguma maneira de fazer isso com longtable (ou seja, o código abaixo)?
Dito isto, preciso agradecer ao @leandriis por tentar ajudar anteriormente com uma pergunta semelhante. Embora @leandriis gentilmente tenha sugerido que eu usasse xltabular
, não consegui encontrar muitos exemplos úteis que me permitissem construir a tabela usando este pacote. @leandriis, você acha que os três pontos acima podem ser resolvidos com xltabular
Agradecemos antecipadamente por qualquer sugestão!
Aqui está o código:
\caption{Coronavirus rates as a logarithmic function of social distancing}\\[-1.5ex]
\multicolumn{7}{@{}p{\linewidth}@{}}{\footnotesize Something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something. }
\\ [8ex]
& \multicolumn{7}{c}{Dependent Variable: $\mathbbm{1}${(Death$_{j,t}$)}} \\
& (1) & (2) & (3) & (4) & (5) & (6)& (7) \\
\multicolumn{7}{@{}l@{}}{continues from the previous page}\\
& \multicolumn{7}{c}{Dependent Variable: $\mathbbm{1}${(Death$_{j,t}$)}} \\
& (1) & (2) & (3) & (4) & (5) & (6) & (7) \\
\multicolumn{7}{@{}r@{}}{continues on the next page}
$\mathbbm{1}${(Not Social Distancing$_{j,t}$)}
& 0.322& 0.278& 0.276 & 0.387*** & 0.304*** & 0.305*** & 0.381*** \\
& (0.3333) & (0.2232) & (0.2323) & (0.333) & (0.334) & (0.334) & (0.333) \\
$\mathbbm{1}${(Pnst Type$_{j,t}$)} & & & & & 0.331*** & 0.331*** & \\
& & & & & (0.3359) & (0.3359) & \\
$\mathbbm{1}${(Long variable name$_{j,t}$)} & & & & & -0.3315 & -0.3313 & \\
& & & & & (0.3313) & (0.3313) & \\
$\mathbbm{1}${(Intense 3$_{j,t}$)} & & & & & 0.07** & 0.08** & 0.06* \\
& & & & & (0.000) & (0.000) & (0.000) \\
$\mathbbm{1}${(Insurance$_{j,t}$)}& & & & & 0.133 & 0.149 & 0.114 \\
& & & & & (0.090) & (0.090) & (0.091) \\
$\mathbbm{1}${(Gender$_{j,t}$)} & & & & & 0.3*** & 0.3*** & 0.07** \\
& & & & & (0.021) & (0.021) & (0.067) \\
$\mathbbm{1}${(Facility P$_{j,t}$)} & & & & & 0.006 & 0.005 & 0.025** \\
& & & & & (0.008) & (0.008) & (0.033) \\
$\mathbbm{1}${(Att$_{j,t}$)} & & & & & 0.3345 & 0.0234 & 0.0215 \\
& & & & & (0.038) & (0.042) & (0.333) \\
$\mathbbm{1}${(Ptt$_{j,t}$)}& & & & & 0.0988 & 0.0849 & 0.0873 \\
& & & & & (0.153) & (0.151) & (0.203) \\
$\mathbbm{1}${(Variable 3$_{[1,5],}$ $_{j,t}$)} & & & & & 0.315 & 0.327 & 0.229 \\
& & & & & (0.206) & (0.202) & (0.200) \\
$\mathbbm{1}${(Variable 3$_{(5,11],}$ $_{j,t}$)} & & & & & -0.336 & 0.025 & 0.007 \\
& & & & & (0.043) & (0.042) & (0.023) \\
$\mathbbm{1}${(Variable 3$_{(11,20],}$ $_{j,t}$)}& & & & & -0.43** & -0.33** & -0.40** \\
& & & & & (0.178) & (0.175) & (0.185) \\
$\mathbbm{1}${(Variable 3$_{(20,35],}$ $_{j,t}$)}& & & & & 1.203** & 1.116** & 1.066* \\
& & & & & (0.534) & (0.538) & (0.565) \\
$\mathbbm{1}${(Variable 3$_{>35},$ $_{j,t}$)} & & & & & 0.020 & 0.030 & 0.003 \\
& & & & & (0.0420) & (0.0433) & (0.0219) \\
$\mathbbm{1}${(Age Group 1$_{j,t}$)} & & & & & 0.291*** & 0.218** & 0.213** \\
& & & & & (0.119) & (0.116) & (0.0846) \\
$\mathbbm{1}${(Age Group 2$_{j,t}$)} & & & & & 0.3392 & 0.0823 & 0.0702 \\
& & & & & (0.337) & (0.337) & (0.117) \\
$\mathbbm{1}${(Age Group 3$_{j,t}$)} & & & & & 0.0250 & 0.0207 & 0.3379 \\
& & & & & (0.021) & (0.021) & (0.023) \\
$\mathbbm{1}${(Age Group 4$_{j,t}$)} & & & & & 0.0621 & -0.334 & -0.3355 \\
& & & & & (0.120) & (0.339) & (0.121) \\
$\mathbbm{1}${(Age Group 5$_{j,t}$)} & & & & & 0.137 & 0.355** & 0.123 \\
& & & & & (0.160) & (0.157) & (0.166) \\
\textbf{Fixed Effects} \\
Time &X&X&X&X&X&X&X \\
Country &&X&X&&X&X & \\
Time$\times$Country &&&X&&&X & \\
Location &&&&X&&&X \\
Observations & 16,175 & 16,175 & 16,158 & 16,059 & 15,041 & 15,041 & 14,941 \\
R-squared & 0.095 & 0.144 & 0.193 & 0.353 & 0.171 & 0.205 & 0.357 \\ \hline
Modificação: Seguindo a sugestão do @Bernard, modifiquei o código:
\caption{Coronavirus rates as a logarithmic function of social distancing}\\[-1.5ex]
\multicolumn{7}{@{}p{\linewidth}@{}}{\footnotesize Something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something. } \\ [8ex]
& \multicolumn{8}{c}{Dependent Variable: $\mathbbm{1}${(Death$_{j,t}$)}} \\
& (1) & (2) & (3) & (4) & (5) & (6)& (7) \\
\multicolumn{8}{@{}l@{}}{continues from the previous page}\\
& \multicolumn{8}{c}{Dependent Variable: $\mathbbm{1}${(Death$_{j,t}$)}} \\
& (1) & (2) & (3) & (4) & (5) & (6) & (7) \\
\multicolumn{8}{@{}r@{}}{continues on the next page}
$\mathbbm{1}${(Not Social Distancing$_{j,t}$)}
& 0.322& 0.278& 0.276 & 0.387*** & 0.304*** & 0.305*** & 0.381*** \\
& (0.3333) & (0.2232) & (0.2323) & (0.333) & (0.334) & (0.334) & (0.333) \\
$\mathbbm{1}${(Pnst Type$_{j,t}$)} & & & & & 0.331*** & 0.331*** & \\
& & & & & (0.3359) & (0.3359) & \\
$\mathbbm{1}${(Long variable name$_{j,t}$)} & & & & & -0.3315 & -0.3313 & \\
& & & & & (0.3313) & (0.3313) & \\
$\mathbbm{1}${(Intense 3$_{j,t}$)} & & & & & 0.07** & 0.08** & 0.06* \\
& & & & & (0.000) & (0.000) & (0.000) \\
$\mathbbm{1}${(Insurance$_{j,t}$)}& & & & & 0.133 & 0.149 & 0.114 \\
& & & & & (0.090) & (0.090) & (0.091) \\
$\mathbbm{1}${(Gender$_{j,t}$)} & & & & & 0.3*** & 0.3*** & 0.07** \\
& & & & & (0.021) & (0.021) & (0.067) \\
$\mathbbm{1}${(Facility P$_{j,t}$)} & & & & & 0.006 & 0.005 & 0.025** \\
& & & & & (0.008) & (0.008) & (0.033) \\
$\mathbbm{1}${(Att$_{j,t}$)} & & & & & 0.3345 & 0.0234 & 0.0215 \\
& & & & & (0.038) & (0.042) & (0.333) \\
$\mathbbm{1}${(Ptt$_{j,t}$)}& & & & & 0.0988 & 0.0849 & 0.0873 \\
& & & & & (0.153) & (0.151) & (0.203) \\
$\mathbbm{1}${(Variable 3$_{[1,5],}$ $_{j,t}$)} & & & & & 0.315 & 0.327 & 0.229 \\
& & & & & (0.206) & (0.202) & (0.200) \\
$\mathbbm{1}${(Variable 3$_{(5,11],}$ $_{j,t}$)} & & & & & -0.336 & 0.025 & 0.007 \\
& & & & & (0.043) & (0.042) & (0.023) \\
$\mathbbm{1}${(Variable 3$_{(11,20],}$ $_{j,t}$)}& & & & & -0.43** & -0.33** & -0.40** \\
& & & & & (0.178) & (0.175) & (0.185) \\
$\mathbbm{1}${(Variable 3$_{(20,35],}$ $_{j,t}$)}& & & & & 1.203** & 1.116** & 1.066* \\
& & & & & (0.534) & (0.538) & (0.565) \\
$\mathbbm{1}${(Variable 3$_{>35},$ $_{j,t}$)} & & & & & 0.020 & 0.030 & 0.003 \\
& & & & & (0.0420) & (0.0433) & (0.0219) \\
$\mathbbm{1}${(Age Group 1$_{j,t}$)} & & & & & 0.291*** & 0.218** & 0.213** \\
& & & & & (0.119) & (0.116) & (0.0846) \\
$\mathbbm{1}${(Age Group 2$_{j,t}$)} & & & & & 0.3392 & 0.0823 & 0.0702 \\
& & & & & (0.337) & (0.337) & (0.117) \\
$\mathbbm{1}${(Age Group 3$_{j,t}$)} & & & & & 0.0250 & 0.0207 & 0.3379 \\
& & & & & (0.021) & (0.021) & (0.023) \\
$\mathbbm{1}${(Age Group 4$_{j,t}$)} & & & & & 0.0621 & -0.334 & -0.3355 \\
& & & & & (0.120) & (0.339) & (0.121) \\
$\mathbbm{1}${(Age Group 5$_{j,t}$)} & & & & & 0.137 & 0.355** & 0.123 \\
& & & & & (0.160) & (0.157) & (0.166) \\
\textbf{Fixed Effects} \\
Time &X&X&X&X&X&X&X \\
Country &&X&X&&X&X & \\
Time$\times$Country &&&X&&&X & \\
Location &&&&X&&&X \\
Observations & 16,175 & 16,175 & 16,158 & 16,059 & 15,041 & 15,041 & 14,941 \\
R-squared & 0.095 & 0.144 & 0.193 & 0.353 & 0.171 & 0.205 & 0.357 \\ \hline
Este código funciona bem, exceto pelo fato de que os comprimentos das colunas não são iguais para cada coluna (ou seja, as colunas 5, 6, 7 têm lacunas muito maiores entre elas).
- muito. mesa muito real...
- Eu usaria
colunas para as colunas 2 a 8 - cálculo da
esquerda para LaTeX - para uso de mesa
com configurações\setlength\LTleft{0pt}\setlength\LTright{0pt}
- reduza o tamanho da fonte da tabela para
\begin{longtable}{@{\extracolsep{\fill}} M{8em}
\caption[Coronavirus rates as a logarithmic function of social distancing]
{Coronavirus rates as a logarithmic function of social distancing\\[1ex]
Something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something. }
\label{tab:čongtable-covit-19} \\
& \multicolumn{7}{c}{Dependent Variable: $\mathbbm{1}${(Death$_{j,t}$)}} \\
& {(1)} & {(2)} & {(3)} & {(4)} & {(5)} & {(6)} & {(7)} \\
\caption[]{Coronavirus rates as a logarithmic function of social distancing (cont.)} \\
& \multicolumn{7}{c}{Dependent Variable: $\mathbbm{1}${(Death$_{j,t}$)}} \\
& {(1)} & {(2)} & {(3)} & {(4)} & {(5)} & {(6)} & {(7)} \\
\multicolumn{7}{@{}r@{}}{\footnotesize\textit{continues on the next page}}
$\mathbbm{1}$ (Not Social Distancing$_{j,t}$)
& 0.322 & 0.278 & 0.276 & 0.387*** & 0.304*** & 0.305*** & 0.381*** \\
& (0.3333) & (0.2232) & (0.2323) & (0.333) & (0.334) & (0.334) & (0.333) \\
$\mathbbm{1}$ (Pnst Type$_{j,t}$)
& & & & & 0.331*** & 0.331*** & \\
& & & & & (0.3359) & (0.3359) & \\
$\mathbbm{1}$ (Long variable name$_{j,t}$)
& & & & & -0.3315 & -0.3313 & \\
& & & & & (0.3313) & (0.3313) & \\
$\mathbbm{1}$ (Intense 3$_{j,t}$)
& & & & & 0.07** & 0.08** & 0.06* \\
& & & & & (0.000) & (0.000) & (0.000) \\
$\mathbbm{1}$ (Insurance$_{j,t}$)
& & & & & 0.133 & 0.149 & 0.114 \\
& & & & & (0.090) & (0.090) & (0.091) \\
$\mathbbm{1}$ (Gender$_{j,t}$)
& & & & & 0.3*** & 0.3*** & 0.07** \\
& & & & & (0.021) & (0.021) & (0.067) \\
$\mathbbm{1}$ (Facility P$_{j,t}$)
& & & & & 0.006 & 0.005 & 0.025** \\
& & & & & (0.008) & (0.008) & (0.033) \\
$\mathbbm{1}$ (Att$_{j,t}$)
& & & & & 0.3345 & 0.0234 & 0.0215 \\
& & & & & (0.038) & (0.042) & (0.333) \\
$\mathbbm{1}$ (Ptt$_{j,t}$)
& & & & & 0.0988 & 0.0849 & 0.0873 \\
& & & & & (0.153) & (0.151) & (0.203) \\
$\mathbbm{1}$ (Variable 3$_{[1,5],}$ $_{j,t}$)
& & & & & 0.315 & 0.327 & 0.229 \\
& & & & & (0.206) & (0.202) & (0.200) \\
$\mathbbm{1}$ (Variable 3$_{(5,11],}$ $_{j,t}$)
& & & & & -0.336 & 0.025 & 0.007 \\
& & & & & (0.043) & (0.042) & (0.023) \\
$\mathbbm{1}$ (Variable 3$_{(11,20],}$ $_{j,t}$)
& & & & & -0.43** & -0.33** & -0.40** \\
& & & & & (0.178) & (0.175) & (0.185) \\
$\mathbbm{1}$ (Variable 3$_{(20,35],}$ $_{j,t}$)
& & & & & 1.203** & 1.116** & 1.066* \\
& & & & & (0.534) & (0.538) & (0.565) \\
$\mathbbm{1}$ (Variable 3$_{>35},$ $_{j,t}$)
& & & & & 0.020 & 0.030 & 0.003 \\
& & & & & (0.0420) & (0.0433) & (0.0219) \\
$\mathbbm{1}$ (Age Group 1$_{j,t}$)
& & & & & 0.291*** & 0.218** & 0.213** \\
& & & & & (0.119) & (0.116) & (0.0846) \\
$\mathbbm{1}$ (Age Group 2$_{j,t}$)
& & & & & 0.3392 & 0.0823 & 0.0702 \\
& & & & & (0.337) & (0.337) & (0.117) \\
$\mathbbm{1}$ (Age Group 3$_{j,t}$)
& & & & & 0.0250 & 0.0207 & 0.3379 \\
& & & & & (0.021) & (0.021) & (0.023) \\
$\mathbbm{1}$ (Age Group 4$_{j,t}$)
& & & & & 0.0621 & -0.334 & -0.3355 \\
& & & & & (0.120) & (0.339) & (0.121) \\
$\mathbbm{1}$ (Age Group 5$_{j,t}$)
& & & & & 0.137 & 0.355** & 0.123 \\
& & & & & (0.160) & (0.157) & (0.166) \\
\textbf{Fixed Effects} \\
& {X} & {X} & {X} & {X} & {X} & {X} & {X} \\
& & {X} & {X} & & {X} & {X} & {X} \\
& & & {X} & & & {X} & \\
& & & & {X} & & & {X} \\
& {16,175} & {16,175} & {16,158} & {16,059} & {15,041} & {15,041} & {14,941} \\
& 0.095 & 0.144 & 0.193 & 0.353 & 0.171 & 0.205 & 0.357 \\
Termo aditivo
Não está claro o significado das $\mathbbm{1}$
células anteriores no conteúdo da primeira coluna. Eu os removeria entre parênteses em torno do conteúdo da célula. Com isto consegue-se um pouco mais de espaço para mesa. Também introduziria um pequeno espaço vertical entre cada segunda linha da primeira parte da tabela. NA segunda parte da tabela considere sua pergunta nos comentários abaixo:
\usepackage{booktabs, longtable}
\begin{longtable}{@{\extracolsep{\fill}} l
\caption[Coronavirus rates as a logarithmic function of social distancing]
{Coronavirus rates as a logarithmic function of social distancing\\[1ex]
Something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something. }
\label{tab:čongtable-covit-19} \\
& \multicolumn{7}{c}{Dependent Variable: $\mathbbm{1}${(Death$_{j,t}$)}} \\
& \mcc{(1)} & \mcc{(2)} & \mcc{(3)} & \mcc{(4)} & \mcc{(5)} & \mcc{(6)} & \mcc{(7)} \\
\caption[]{Coronavirus rates as a logarithmic function of social distancing (cont.)} \\
& \multicolumn{7}{c}{Dependent Variable: $\mathbbm{1}${(Death$_{j,t}$)}} \\
& \mcc{(1)} & \mcc{(2)} & \mcc{(3)} & \mcc{(4)} & \mcc{(5)} & \mcc{(6)} & \mcc{(7)} \\
\multicolumn{8}{@{}r@{}}{\footnotesize\textit{continues on the next page}}
Not Social Distancing$_{j,t}$
& 0.322 & 0.278 & 0.276 & 0.387*** & 0.304*** & 0.305*** & 0.381*** \\
& (0.3333) & (0.2232) & (0.2323) & (0.333) & (0.334) & (0.334) & (0.333) \\
Pnst Type$_{j,t}$
& & & & & 0.331*** & 0.331*** & \\
& & & & & (0.3359) & (0.3359) & \\
Long variable name$_{j,t}$
& & & & & -0.3315 & -0.3313 & \\
& & & & & (0.3313) & (0.3313) & \\
Intense 3$_{j,t}$
& & & & & 0.07** & 0.08** & 0.06* \\
& & & & & (0.000) & (0.000) & (0.000) \\
& & & & & 0.133 & 0.149 & 0.114 \\
& & & & & (0.090) & (0.090) & (0.091) \\
& & & & & 0.3*** & 0.3*** & 0.07** \\
& & & & & (0.021) & (0.021) & (0.067) \\
Facility P$_{j,t}$
& & & & & 0.006 & 0.005 & 0.025** \\
& & & & & (0.008) & (0.008) & (0.033) \\
& & & & & 0.3345 & 0.0234 & 0.0215 \\
& & & & & (0.038) & (0.042) & (0.333) \\
& & & & & 0.0988 & 0.0849 & 0.0873 \\
& & & & & (0.153) & (0.151) & (0.203) \\
Variable 3$_{[1,5]\;j,t}$
& & & & & 0.315 & 0.327 & 0.229 \\
& & & & & (0.206) & (0.202) & (0.200) \\
Variable 3$_{(5,11],\;j,t)}$
& & & & & -0.336 & 0.025 & 0.007 \\
& & & & & (0.043) & (0.042) & (0.023) \\
Variable 3$_{(11,20],\;j,t)}$
& & & & & -0.43** & -0.33** & -0.40** \\
& & & & & (0.178) & (0.175) & (0.185) \\
Variable 3$_{(20,35],\;j,t)}$
& & & & & 1.203** & 1.116** & 1.066* \\
& & & & & (0.534) & (0.538) & (0.565) \\
Variable 3$_{>35,\;j,t}$
& & & & & 0.020 & 0.030 & 0.003 \\
& & & & & (0.0420) & (0.0433) & (0.0219) \\
Age Group 1$_{j,t}$
& & & & & 0.291*** & 0.218** & 0.213** \\
& & & & & (0.119) & (0.116) & (0.0846) \\
Age Group 2$_{j,t}$
& & & & & 0.3392 & 0.0823 & 0.0702 \\
& & & & & (0.337) & (0.337) & (0.117) \\
Age Group 3$_{j,t}$
& & & & & 0.0250 & 0.0207 & 0.3379 \\
& & & & & (0.021) & (0.021) & (0.023) \\
Age Group 4$_{j,t}$
& & & & & 0.0621 & -0.334 & -0.3355 \\
& & & & & (0.120) & (0.339) & (0.121) \\
Age Group 5$_{j,t}$
& & & & & 0.137 & 0.355** & 0.123 \\
& & & & & (0.160) & (0.157) & (0.166) \\
\textbf{Fixed Effects} \\
& {X} & {X} & {X} & {X} & {X} & {X} & {X} \\
& & {X} & {X} & & {X} & {X} & {X} \\
& & & {X} & & & {X} & \\
& & & & {X} & & & {X} \\
& {16,175} & {16,175} & {16,158} & {16,059} & {15,041} & {15,041} & {14,941} \\
& {0.095} & {0.144} & {0.193} & {0.353} & {0.171} & {0.205} & {0.357} \\
colunas são definidas nosiunitx
pacote. Eles são usados para alinhar números em casas decimais.- Nas configurações são definidos os recursos das
soluções da seguinte forma:- Tamanho dos números com
tabular-format=<num. of inteders>.>num of decimal digits
. - Espaço adicional antes dos números com
. - Espaço adicional após números com
. - Alinhe os parênteses atrás e
depois do número comtable-align-text-post=false
. - Símbolos de entrada, que são considerados com formação de números (
, que são usados em tabelas) cominput-symbols=()
- para alinhamento à direita do texto nas
colunas servirtable-alignment=right
(de acordo com meu teste, eu omitiria esta opção e usaria a configuração padrão, que écenter
. Neste caso você pode também excluir a definição do\mcc
comando, bem como seu uso nos cabeçalhos das tabelas, como é feito no primeiro exemplo).
- Tamanho dos números com
- Para ter o conteúdo das células na primeira coluna, basta substituir
a coluna porl
, mas com isso é necessário reduzir o tamanho da coluna, essa tabela pode caber na largura do texto.