Legendas de tabela expandindo-se pelas duas colunas em uma tabela de coluna única

Legendas de tabela expandindo-se pelas duas colunas em uma tabela de coluna única

Estou usando o de 2 colunasModelo IETe estou tendo um problema com tabelas. Ou seja, as legendas das tabelas estendem-se por ambas as colunas, mesmo quando a tabela em si é de coluna única. Eu configurei umprojeto fictíciocom um arquivo MWE .tex para demonstrar o problema:





\author{\au{First Author$^{1}$}, \au{Second Author$^{2\corr}$}, \au{Third Author$^{3}$}}

\address{\add{1}{First Department, First University, Address, City, Country Name}
\add{2}{Second Company Department, Company Address, City, Country Name}
\add{3}{Third Department, Third University, Address, Country Name}
\add{4}{Current affiliation: Fourth Department, Fourth University, Address, Country Name}
\email{[email protected]}}

In the beginning the Universe was created. This had made many people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.



Figures work fine as seen in Figure \ref{fig:sample}.

    \caption{This is a fairly long caption that doesn't actually provide any relevant, helpful, or indeed at all useful information about the figure in question.}


However, table captions extend over two columns even when the table itself is in a single column as seen in Table \ref{tab:sample}.

    \caption{This is another long and unhelpful caption that doesn't actually say anything about the below table but it does helpfully demonstrate the problem being discussed. Notice the table itself is appropriately placed and centred but the caption extends over both columns.}
         1 & 2 \\
         3 & 4


PDF compilado do código acima

(Não consigo colar o próprio arquivo de classe, pois ele ultrapassa o limite de 30 mil caracteres.)

O que preciso corrigir no arquivo de classe para resolver esse problema? Gostaria de evitar a necessidade de adicionar quebras de linha manuais em todas as legendas da minha tabela.


A cta-authorclasse possui uma sintaxe bastante peculiar necessária para table.

\usepackage{lipsum} % for filler text




\author{\au{First Author$^{1}$}, \au{Second Author$^{2\corr}$}, \au{Third Author$^{3}$}}

\address{\add{1}{First Department, First University, Address, City, Country Name}
\add{2}{Second Company Department, Company Address, City, Country Name}
\add{3}{Third Department, Third University, Address, Country Name}
\add{4}{Current affiliation: Fourth Department, Fourth University, Address, Country Name}
\email{[email protected]}}

In the beginning the Universe was created. This had made many people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.



Figures work fine as seen in Figure \ref{fig:sample}.

    \caption{This is a fairly long caption that doesn't actually provide any relevant, helpful, or indeed at all useful information about the figure in question.}


However, table captions extend over two columns even when the table itself is in a single column as seen in Table \ref{tab:sample}.

\processtable{This is another long and unhelpful caption that doesn't actually say anything 
about the below table but it does helpfully demonstrate the problem being 
discussed. Notice the table itself is appropriately placed and centred but the 
caption extends over both columns.\label{tab:sample}}
1 & 2 \\
3 & 4



insira a descrição da imagem aqui

Na verdade, a legenda está escrita com a mesma largura da tabela (por motivos que não consigo entender), então trapaceei com \makebox[\columnwidth]{...}.

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