Eu tenho muitas tabelas longas no meu trabalho e descobri que SOMENTE a primeira linha da primeira coluna é recuada. Isso não ocorre no restante das linhas. Vi que com outro tipo de tabela (como tabular), que são menores, meu problema não ocorre.
Estava pesquisando como consertar, encontrei esse post, mas a solução não funcionou para mim. alinhamento à esquerda da tabela longa - recuo mínimo indesejado
Pintei o erro de azul. Quero que a primeira linha seja exatamente igual à segunda.
Alguém que sabe como consertar isso?
Muito obrigado antecipadamente.
\usepackage[lmargin=2.5cm, rmargin=2.5cm, top=2cm, bottom=2cm]{geometry}
\item[*] Footnote1
\begin{longtable}{| m{1.7cm} | m{2.1cm}| m{1.4cm}| m{2cm}| m{4.4cm}| m{1.7cm}|}
\caption{\textit{\textbf{It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout}}} \\
\textbf{Foo} & \textbf{Foo} & \textbf{Foo} & \textbf{Foo} & \textbf{Foo (Foo)} & \textbf{Foo\tnote{*}} \\
\multicolumn{6}{l}{\tablename\ \thetable:
\textit{It is a long established fact that a reader }(Cont\ldots)}\\
\textbf{Foo} & \textbf{Foo} & \textbf{Foo} & \textbf{Foo} & \textbf{Foo (Foo} & \textbf{Foo} \\
\noalign {\rule [-1.4ex]{6.7cm}{0.4pt}}
\multirow{4}{*}{10-343} & Foo & 2 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\
& Foo & 1 & Foo & Fooooo (0.001) & F \\
& Foo & 6 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\
& Foo & 4 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\
\multirow{4}{*}{10-343} & Foo & 2 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\
& Foo & 1 & Foo & Fooooo (0.001) & F \\
& Foo & 6 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\
& Foo & 4 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\
\multirow{4}{*}{10-343} & Foo & 2 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\
& Foo & 1 & Foo & Fooooo (0.001) & F \\
& Foo & 6 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\
& Foo & 4 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\
\multirow{4}{*}{10-343} & Foo & 2 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\
& Foo & 1 & Foo & Fooooo (0.001) & F \\
& Foo & 6 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\
& Foo & 4 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\
\multirow{4}{*}{10-343} & Foo & 2 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\
& Foo & 1 & Foo & Fooooo (0.001) & F \\
& Foo & 6 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\
& Foo & 4 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\
\multirow{4}{*}{10-343} & Foo & 2 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\
& Foo & 1 & Foo & Fooooo (0.001) & F \\
& Foo & 6 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\
& Foo & 4 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\
\multirow{4}{*}{10-343} & Foo & 2 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\
& Foo & 1 & Foo & Fooooo (0.001) & F \\
& Foo & 6 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\
& Foo & 4 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\
O problema está com \label{tab:CasosDosVarHom}
. Você deve adicionar um %
após o argumento de \label
(no final da linha de entrada). Caso contrário, produz um espaço perdido.
\usepackage[lmargin=2.5cm, rmargin=2.5cm, top=2cm, bottom=2cm]{geometry}
\item[*] Footnote1
\begin{longtable}{| m{1.7cm} | m{2.1cm}| m{1.4cm}| m{2cm}| m{4.4cm}| m{1.7cm}|}
\caption{\textit{\textbf{It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout}}} \\
\textbf{Foo} & \textbf{Foo} & \textbf{Foo} & \textbf{Foo} & \textbf{Foo (Foo)} & \textbf{Foo\tnote{*}} \\
\multicolumn{6}{l}{\tablename\ \thetable:
\textit{It is a long established fact that a reader }(Cont\ldots)}\\
\textbf{Foo} & \textbf{Foo} & \textbf{Foo} & \textbf{Foo} & \textbf{Foo (Foo} & \textbf{Foo} \\
\noalign {\rule [-1.4ex]{6.7cm}{0.4pt}}
\label{tab:CasosDosVarHom}% <--ADD PERCENT HERE!!
\multirow{4}{*}{10-343} & Foo & 2 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\
& Foo & 1 & Foo & Fooooo (0.001) & F \\
& Foo & 6 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\
& Foo & 4 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\
\multirow{4}{*}{10-343} & Foo & 2 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\
& Foo & 1 & Foo & Fooooo (0.001) & F \\
& Foo & 6 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\
& Foo & 4 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\
\multirow{4}{*}{10-343} & Foo & 2 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\
& Foo & 1 & Foo & Fooooo (0.001) & F \\
& Foo & 6 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\
& Foo & 4 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\
\multirow{4}{*}{10-343} & Foo & 2 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\
& Foo & 1 & Foo & Fooooo (0.001) & F \\
& Foo & 6 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\
& Foo & 4 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\
\multirow{4}{*}{10-343} & Foo & 2 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\
& Foo & 1 & Foo & Fooooo (0.001) & F \\
& Foo & 6 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\
& Foo & 4 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\
\multirow{4}{*}{10-343} & Foo & 2 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\
& Foo & 1 & Foo & Fooooo (0.001) & F \\
& Foo & 6 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\
& Foo & 4 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\
\multirow{4}{*}{10-343} & Foo & 2 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\
& Foo & 1 & Foo & Fooooo (0.001) & F \\
& Foo & 6 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\
& Foo & 4 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\
Eu reorganizaria o preâmbulo da sua mesa. Cortar a grama \label
imediatamente após a legenda resolve seu problema:
\usepackage[hmargin=2.5cm, vmargin=2cm]{geometry}
\usepackage{array, booktabs,
longtable, multirow,
\item[*] Footnote1
\begin{longtable}{| m{1.7cm} | m{2.1cm}| m{1.4cm}| m{2cm}| m{4.4cm}| m{1.7cm}|}
\caption{It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout}
\label{tab:CasosDosVarHom} \\ % <---
\textbf{Foo} & \textbf{Foo} & \textbf{Foo}
& \textbf{Foo} & \textbf{Foo (Foo)} & \textbf{Foo\tnote{*}} \\
\caption[]{It is a long established fact that a reader \dots (Cont.)} \\
\textbf{Foo} & \textbf{Foo} & \textbf{Foo}
& \textbf{Foo} & \textbf{Foo (Foo)} & \textbf{Foo} \\
\multicolumn{6}{r}{\footnotesize\textit{Continue on the next page}} \\
\multirow{4}{*}{10-343} & Foo & 2 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\*
& Foo & 1 & Foo & Fooooo (0.001) & F \\*
& Foo & 6 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\*
& Foo & 4 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\
\multirow{4}{*}{10-343} & Foo & 2 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\*
& Foo & 1 & Foo & Fooooo (0.001) & F \\*
& Foo & 6 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\*
& Foo & 4 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\
\multirow{4}{*}{10-343} & Foo & 2 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\*
& Foo & 1 & Foo & Fooooo (0.001) & F \\*
& Foo & 6 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\*
& Foo & 4 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\
\multirow{4}{*}{10-343} & Foo & 2 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\*
& Foo & 1 & Foo & Fooooo (0.001) & F \\*
& Foo & 6 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\*
& Foo & 4 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\
\multirow{4}{*}{10-343} & Foo & 2 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\*
& Foo & 1 & Foo & Fooooo (0.001) & F \\*
& Foo & 6 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\*
& Foo & 4 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\
\multirow{4}{*}{10-343} & Foo & 2 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\*
& Foo & 1 & Foo & Fooooo (0.001) & F \\*
& Foo & 6 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\*
& Foo & 4 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\
\multirow{4}{*}{10-343} & Foo & 2 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\*
& Foo & 1 & Foo & Fooooo (0.001) & F \\*
& Foo & 6 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\*
& Foo & 4 & Foo & Foooo (0.001) & F \\
Outras pequenas alterações em seu código tornam a tabela mais consistente (adicionadas linhas no final de cada parte da tabela, informações de que a tabela continua na próxima página, permitindo a quebra da tabela apenas no início das multirow