Ajustar tabela no texto

Ajustar tabela no texto

Fiz uma tabela mas estou com o seguinte problema: ela não cabe na largura do texto. Tentei consertar com \adjustbox e \tabularx, ambos sem sucesso (fica muito pequeno e quase ilegível). Eu queria saber se existe outra opção para melhorar a aparência das tabelas. Deixo aqui meu código e o resultado dele:

    Verification & Deterministic Versions Comparison & Expected Outcome & True? & Proof \\
    1     & Current allocation vs. Optimized & Optimized - Cheaper allocation & Yes & \euro 411,03M vs. \euro 405,82M \\
    2     & Optimized vs. Capacity constrained (no UK-EUR) & Optimized - Cheaper allocation & Yes & \euro 405,82M vs.\euro 406,40M \\
    3     & Capacity constrained (no UK-EUR) vs. 70\%-30\% volume split by brewery (no UK-EUR) & Capacity constrained (no UK-EUR) - Cheaper allocation & Yes & \euro 406,40M vs. \euro 407,05M \\
    4     & 70\%-30\% volume split by brewery (no UK-EUR) vs. Sustainable version (no UK-EUR) & Sustainable version (no UK-EUR) - Lower transportation costs & Yes & \euro 16,79M vs. \euro 14,40M \\
      \caption{Verification of the expected outcomes of the versions of the deterministic model.}

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Muito obrigado!!


Você precisa quebrar o texto longo nas células em mais linhas:

\usepackage{booktabs, makecell, tabularx}

Ver. & Deterministic Versions Comparison & Expected Outcome & True? & Proof \\
1     & Current allocation vs. Optimized & Optimized - Cheaper allocation & Yes & \euro 411,03M vs. \euro 405,82M \\

2     & Optimized vs. Capacity constrained (no UK-EUR) & Optimized - Cheaper allocation & Yes & \euro 405,82M vs.\euro 406,40M \\

3     & Capacity constrained (no UK-EUR) vs. 70\%-30\% volume split by brewery (no UK-EUR) & Capacity constrained (no UK-EUR) - Cheaper allocation & Yes & \euro 406,40M vs. \euro 407,05M \\

4     & 70\%-30\% volume split by brewery (no UK-EUR) vs. Sustainable version (no UK-EUR) & Sustainable version (no UK-EUR) - Lower transportation costs & Yes & \euro 16,79M vs. \euro 14,40M \\
  \caption{Verification of the expected outcomes of the versions of the deterministic model. Ver. is abbreviation for Verification.}

insira a descrição da imagem aqui


Você provavelmente pode permitir a quebra de linha nas próprias células da tabela.

Além disso, você provavelmente poderá girar tabelas muito largas.


     \vrule width 0pt height 1.25\ht\strutbox depth 0pt %
     \vrule width 0pt height 0pt depth \dimexpr1.25\ht\strutbox-\ht\strutbox+\dp\strutbox

     \vrule width 0pt height 1.25\ht\strutbox depth 0pt %
     \vrule width 0pt height 0pt depth \dimexpr1.25\ht\strutbox-\ht\strutbox+\dp\strutbox



\noindent text text text text text text text text text\linebreak

   Veri\-fi\-ca\-tion&Deterministic Versions Comparison&Expected Outcome&True?&Proof\\
   1 & Current allocation vs. Optimized & Optimized~-- Cheaper allocation & Yes & \euro 411,03M vs. \euro 405,82M \\
   2 & Optimized vs. Capacity constrained (no UK-EUR) & Optimized~-- Cheaper allocation & Yes & \euro 405,82M vs. \euro 406,40M \\
   3 & Capacity constrained (no UK-EUR) vs. 70\%-30\% volume split by brewery (no UK-EUR) & Capacity constrained (no UK-EUR)~-- Cheaper allocation & Yes & \euro 406,40M vs. \euro 407,05M \\
   4 & 70\%-30\% volume split by brewery (no UK-EUR) vs. Sustainable version (no UK-EUR) & Sustainable version (no UK-EUR)~-- Lower transportation costs & Yes & \euro 16,79M vs. \euro 14,40M\\

   \caption{Verification of the expected outcomes of the versions of the deterministic model.}%


\noindent text text text text text text text text text\linebreak

   Veri\-fi\-ca\-tion&Deterministic Versions Comparison&Expected Outcome&True?&Proof\\
   1 & Current allocation vs. Optimized & Optimized~-- Cheaper allocation & Yes & \euro 411,03M vs. \euro 405,82M \\
   2 & Optimized vs. Capacity constrained (no UK-EUR) & Optimized~-- Cheaper allocation & Yes & \euro 405,82M vs. \euro 406,40M \\
   3 & Capacity constrained (no UK-EUR) vs. 70\%-30\% volume split by brewery (no UK-EUR) & Capacity constrained (no UK-EUR)~-- Cheaper allocation & Yes & \euro 406,40M vs. \euro 407,05M \\
   4 & 70\%-30\% volume split by brewery (no UK-EUR) vs. Sustainable version (no UK-EUR) & Sustainable version (no UK-EUR)~-- Lower transportation costs & Yes & \euro 16,79M vs. \euro 14,40M\\

   \caption{Verification of the expected outcomes of the versions of the deterministic model.}%


insira a descrição da imagem aqui

insira a descrição da imagem aqui

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