
Considerando este código:
\documentclass[a4paper, landscape]{article}
\usepackage[margin=0cm, showframe=false]{geometry}
\geometry{paperwidth=15cm, paperheight=30cm}
\usepackage{mwe} % Dummy images
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\usepackage{tikzpagenodes} % current page text area.center
\pgfkeys{/tikz/savevalue/.code 2 args={\global\edef#1{#2}}}
\def\ShowHelps{0} % 1 'yes' 0 'no'
\begin{tabular}{ l }
\large Weight: 65g\\
\large Volume: ?\\
\large Density: ?\\
\AddToShipoutPictureBG{\put(\LenToUnit{.5\paperwidth}, 0){
\begin{tcbitemize}[size=tight, halign=center, raster equal skip=0pt, raster width=\ScaleImagesAndRulers\textwidth, boxrule = 0pt, frame hidden, colframe=white, colback=white, colbacklower=white,
raster left skip=-1mm, raster right skip=-1mm,% including this to solve horizontal alignment issues
\tcbitem \large Top-bottom rotation \vspace{1.5em}\\
\tcbitem \large Side rotation \vspace{1.5em}\\
\begin{tabular}{ l }
© The Author \\
\foreach \i in {\PictureIndexStartsAt,...,\PictureIndexEndsAt}{ %%%% Looping through these pictures
\foreach \image/\rulerpos\captiontext in {
{./Pictures/Cropped-\i}/{2,2}%%%%% Adjust the numbers if you want to have an extra ruler
remember picture, overlay, % page center 1/3
shift={(current page.center)}, % page center 2/3
Help/.style={font=\Huge, red}
\node[anchor=center, %south west,
inner sep=\ImagePadding pt] (myimage) at (0,0) {
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raster left skip=1mm, raster right skip=-1mm]% including this to solve horizontal alignment issues
\tcbitem \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{./Pictures/Cropped-\i.jpg}
\tcbitem \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{./Pictures/Cropped-\iPlusConstant.jpg}
\begin{tcbitemize}[size=tight, halign=center, raster equal skip=0pt, raster width=\ScaleImagesAndRulers\textwidth, boxrule = 0pt, frame hidden, colframe=white, colback=white, colbacklower=white,
raster left skip=-1mm, raster right skip=-1mm]% including this to solve horizontal alignment issues
\tcbitem \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{example-image.jpg}
\tcbitem \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{example-image.jpg}
shift={(myimage.south west)} % page center 3/3
% Restrict the draw area
\clip (-0.5,-0.5) rectangle (1.5,1.5);
% Frame around image - optional
\draw[] (0,0) rectangle (1,1); % optional
% CoSy inside node
\draw[help lines,xstep=.1,ystep=\GridSize] (0,0) grid (1,1);
\foreach \x in {0,1,...,9} { \node[anchor=north] at (\x/10,0) {0.\x}; }
\foreach \y in {0,1,...,9} { \node[anchor=east] at (0,\y/10) {0.\y}; }
\ifnum\ShowHelps=1 \ShowHelpCoSy \fi%
\ifnum\ShowHelps=1\fill[Help] (0.5,0.75) circle(3pt) node[above]{(0.5,0.75)};\fi% <-- Position Test
% Now the stuff:
\path[] (\UOneCoordinateX,\UOneCoordinateY) coordinate(U1) -- (\UTwoCoordinateX,\UTwoCoordinateY) coordinate(U2);
\ifnum\ShowHelps=1 \draw[Help] (U1) circle(2pt) node[label=left:U1]{} -- (U2) circle(2pt) node[label=left:U2]{};\fi % show unitlength line
\path let \p1=($(U2)-(U1)$) in
\pgfextra{ \pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\unitlength}{veclen(\x1,\y1)} }
\ifnum\ShowHelps=1 \node[Help] at (0.725,0.25) {unitlength U1U2 = \u}; \fi%<--- show unitlength
\ifnum\ShowHelps=1 \draw[blue, transform canvas={xshift=2mm}] (U1) -- +(0,\u);\fi % Test
% Small Ruler
\draw[very thick] (\rulerpos) coordinate(A) -- +(0,3*\u);
\foreach \n in {0,1,...,3}{%%
\draw[very thick] ([yshift=\n*\u]A) -- +(-3mm,0) node[left]{\n}
\ifnum\n=0 node[anchor=west, right=3mm]{cm}\fi;
\foreach \n in {0.1,0.2,...,3}{%%
\draw[] ([yshift=\n*\u]A) -- +(-1.5mm,0);
% Image Ruler y (left)
\draw decorate [decoration=ticks,segment length=\mu, /pgf/decoration/amplitude=0.5*\mu]{ (-0.005,0) -- (-0.005,1) };
\draw[thick] decorate [decoration=ticks,segment length=\u, /pgf/decoration/amplitude=1*\mu]{ (-0.01,0) -- (-0.01,1) };
mark=between positions 0 and 1 step \u with {
\node [
name=mark-\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/decoration/mark info/sequence number}
\pgfmathparse{int(\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/decoration/mark info/sequence number}-1)}
\draw [thick,postaction={decorate}] (0,0) -- (0,1);
% Image Ruler y (right)
\draw decorate [decoration=ticks,segment length=\mu, /pgf/decoration/amplitude=0.5*\mu]{ (1.005,1) -- (1.005,0) };
\draw[thick] decorate [decoration=ticks,segment length=\u, /pgf/decoration/amplitude=1*\mu]{ (1.01,1) -- (1.01,0) };
mark=between positions 0 and 1 step \u with {
\node [
name=mark-\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/decoration/mark info/sequence number}
\pgfmathparse{int(\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/decoration/mark info/sequence number}-1)}
\draw [thick,postaction={decorate}] (1,1) -- (1,0);
% Image Ruler x (bottom)
\draw decorate [decoration=ticks,segment length=\mu, /pgf/decoration/amplitude=0.5*\mu]{ (0,-0.01) -- (1,-0.01) };
\draw[thick] decorate [decoration=ticks,segment length=\u, /pgf/decoration/amplitude=1*\mu]{ (0,-0.02) -- (1,-0.02) };
mark=between positions 0 and 1 step \u with {
\node [
name=mark-\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/decoration/mark info/sequence number}
\pgfmathparse{int(\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/decoration/mark info/sequence number}-1)}
\draw [thick,postaction={decorate}] (0,0) -- (1,0);
% Image Ruler x (top)
\draw decorate [decoration=ticks,segment length=\mu, /pgf/decoration/amplitude=0.5*\mu]{ (1,1.01) -- (0,1.01) };
\draw[thick] decorate [decoration=ticks,segment length=\u, /pgf/decoration/amplitude=1*\mu]{ (1,1.02) -- (0,1.02) };
mark=between positions 0 and 1 step \u with {
\node [
name=mark-\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/decoration/mark info/sequence number}
\pgfmathparse{int(\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/decoration/mark info/sequence number}-1)}
\draw [thick,postaction={decorate}] (1,1) -- (0,1);
\begin{tcbitemize}[raster columns=3, size=tight, halign=center, raster equal skip=0pt, raster width=1\textwidth, boxrule = 0pt, frame hidden, colframe=white, colback=white, colbacklower=white,
raster left skip=-1mm, raster right skip=-1mm,% including this to solve horizontal alignment issues
\tcbitem \large \textbf{Object-00001}\\
\tcbitem \large Found at: \textbf{51.208 North, 4.383 East}\\ Found in: \textbf{August 2020}\\
\tcbitem \large Picture \i\ of \PictureIndexEndsAt \\
Versão antiga:
Os usos a seguir tcolorbox
(que se baseiam amplamente no TikZ) para todas as tarefas de posicionamento (nenhum pacote adicional é necessário aqui) e TikZ
para as anotações de régua.
Primeiro: Ocomprimento unitário \u
deve ser determinadocomo aqui.
O método baseia-se em medir as dimensões das caixas raster e assim definir as dimensões das réguas, por exemplo
% Image Ruler y
\path let \p1=($(LL)-(UL)$) in
\pgfextra{ \pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\RasterboxHeight}{veclen(\x1,\y1)} }
\pgfmathsetmacro\NoYdiv{\h/\u} % Number of y dividions
Nota: Caso não haja um comumrégua xpara ambas as imagens, mas duas imagens separadas para as duas imagens, o método é exatamente o mesmo, apenas algumas coordenadas devem ser alteradas.
Observação: A cor do papel foi definida como levemente cinza para ver as bordas.
A.Este é o caso de umDIN A4página comMargens de 2cm; o que provavelmente é útil se o documento puder ser impresso.
B.Se for um documento puramente eletrônico e as dimensões da página não forem importantes (e se escala=1 for obrigatória para as imagens), comentamos em
\geometry{paperwidth=15cm, paperheight=30cm, margin=0mm}% optional
% arara: pdflatex
% arara: pdflatex
% arara: pdflatex
\documentclass[a4paper, landscape]{article}
%\geometry{paperwidth=15cm, paperheight=30cm, margin=2mm}% optional
%\usepackage{mwe} % Dummy Images
\usepackage{textcomp} % \textcopyright
\pgfkeys{/tikz/savevalue/.code 2 args={\global\edef#1{#2}}}
%\pagecolor{lightgray!22} % see page margins
NoGaps/.style={boxsep=0mm, left=0pt, right=0pt, top=0pt, bottom=0pt, before skip=0pt, after skip=0pt,},
CommonStyle/.style={sharp corners,
enhanced, % allows TikZ etc.
boxrule=0mm, % 0.5mm = default
colframe=white, %frame hidden,
raster equal skip=0pt,
raster equal height=rows,
raster halign=center, raster valign=center,
% =======================================
% Input ===================================
\xdef\author{The Author}
\def\TopTitleMiddle{Found in August 2020 at 51.2 North, 49.1 East}
\def\TopTitleRight{Picture 1 of 16}
\def\TopTitleLeftBelow{Weight: 65g \\ Volume: ? \\ Density: ?}
\pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\u}{51.07425pt}% unitlength
\def\ShowHelps{1} % 1 'yes' 0 'no'
% =======================================
% =======================================
\tcbset{ShowHelps/.style={boxrule=1mm, colframe=#1},
} \else
\begin{tcbitemize}[CommonStyle, RasterStyle, ShowHelps=brown,
NoGaps, boxsep=1mm,
raster columns=100, % Trick: '100 percent'...
\tcbitem[raster multicolumn=23, halign=left] \TopTitleLeft
\tcbitem[raster multicolumn=54, halign=center] \TopTitleMiddle
\tcbitem[raster multicolumn=23, halign=right] \TopTitleRight
% Page Box:
\begin{tcolorbox}[CommonStyle, ShowHelps=red,
NoGaps, % top=3mm,
valign=center, halign=center, % Box content to page center
%Top Title ==========================
\node[align=left, anchor=north west] at (title.south west){\TopTitleLeftBelow};
% Bottom Title ========================
space to upper,
lower separated=false
% Images:
\begin{tcbitemize}[CommonStyle, RasterStyle, NoGaps, ShowHelps=cyan,
raster columns=2,
halign=center, valign=center,
raster width=\linewidth-2.4cm, % 1.2cm vspace for y Ruler left / right
%raster left skip=-1mm, raster right skip=-1mm,% not needed
\tcbitem[remember as=LeftRasterbox] \ImageLeft
\tcbitem[remember as=RightRasterbox] \ImageRight
\end{tcbitemize} % remeber as=<name> for later TikZ-usage
\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture,
Help/.style={fill=yellow, text=red, inner sep=1pt},
\coordinate[] (LL) at (LeftRasterbox.south west); % Lower Left
\coordinate[] (LR) at (RightRasterbox.south east);% Lower Right
\coordinate[] (UL) at (LeftRasterbox.north west); % Upper Left
\coordinate[] (UR) at (RightRasterbox.north east);% Upper Right
%\coordinate[label=x] (MR) at (LeftRasterbox.north east); % not used here
% Images Ruler x
\path let \p1=($(LL)-(LR)$) in
\pgfextra{ \pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\RasterboxesWidth}{veclen(\x1,\y1)} }
\pgfmathsetmacro\NoXdiv{\w/\u} % Number of x dividions
\ifnum\ShowHelps=1 \node[Help, align=left, anchor=south east, yshift=3mm] at (LR.north west){Rasterboxes width w= \w \\ No. x divisions w/u= \NoXdiv}; \fi
\draw[Ruler] (#1) coordinate(X) -- (#2);
\foreach \n in {0,1,...,\NoXdiv}{%%
\draw[Ruler] ([xshift=\n*\u]X) -- +(0,#4) node[#3, inner sep=1pt]{\ifnum\n=1 \n\,cm \else \n\fi};
\foreach \n in {0.1,0.2,...,\NoXdiv}{%%
\draw[] ([xshift=\n*\u]X) -- +(0,#5);
% Image Ruler y
\path let \p1=($(LL)-(UL)$) in
\pgfextra{ \pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\RasterboxHeight}{veclen(\x1,\y1)} }
\pgfmathsetmacro\NoYdiv{\h/\u} % Number of y dividions
\ifnum\ShowHelps=1 \node[Help, align=left, anchor=north west, xshift=3mm] at (UL.south east){Rasterbox height h= \h \\ No. y divisions h/u= \NoYdiv}; \fi
\draw[Ruler] (#1) coordinate(Y) -- (#2);
\foreach \n in {0,1,...,\NoYdiv}{%%
\draw[Ruler] ([yshift=\n*\u]Y) -- +(#4,0) node[#3, inner sep=1pt]{\ifnum\n=1 \n\,cm \else \n\fi};
\foreach \n in {0.1,0.2,...,\NoYdiv}{%%
\draw[] ([yshift=\n*\u]Y) -- +(#5,0);
\node[Help, anchor=south west, yshift=3mm] at (LL.north east) {unitlength setted u= \u};
\foreach \Coord/\Pos in {LL/left,LR/right, UL/left,UR/right}
\draw[red, thick] (\Coord) circle(2pt) node[Help, opacity=0.5, \Pos]{\Coord}; \fi
Nova versão:
Novo 1.Apagar horizontalmente com espaços.
Medindo as larguras da imagem como
isso pode ser usado
\tcbitem[remember as=LeftRasterbox, width=\LeftWidth] \ImageLeft
durante a configuração raster force size=false
para o ambiente tcbitemize.
Novo 2.Réguas x personalizadas.
Adicionando algumas coordenadas e colocando a medição no x-ruler-command
% Images Ruler x
\path let \p1=($(#1)-(#2)$) in
\pgfextra{ \pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\RasterboxesWidth}{veclen(\x1,\y1)} }
\pgfmathsetmacro\NoXdiv{\w/\u} % Number of x dividions
\draw[Ruler, transform canvas={xshift=0mm}] (#1) coordinate(X) -- (#2);
\foreach \n in {0,1,...,\NoXdiv}{%%
\draw[Ruler] ([xshift=\n*\u]X) -- +(0,#4) node[#3, inner sep=1pt]{\ifnum\n=1 \n\,cm \else \n\fi};
\foreach \n in {0.1,0.2,...,\NoXdiv}{%%
\draw[transform canvas={xshift=0mm}] ([xshift=\n*\u]X) -- +(0,#5);
permite, por exemplo\xRuler{LRM}{LR}{below}{-4mm}{-2mm}
Com versão do resultado \def\ShowHelps{0}
% arara: pdflatex
% arara: pdflatex
% arara: pdflatex
\documentclass[a4paper, landscape]{article}
%\geometry{paperwidth=15cm, paperheight=30cm, margin=2mm}% optional
%\usepackage{mwe} % Dummy Images
\usepackage{textcomp} % \textcopyright
\pgfkeys{/tikz/savevalue/.code 2 args={\global\edef#1{#2}}}
NoGaps/.style={boxsep=0mm, left=0pt, right=0pt, top=0pt, bottom=0pt, before skip=0pt, after skip=0pt,},
CommonStyle/.style={sharp corners,
enhanced, % allows TikZ etc.
boxrule=0mm, % 0.5mm = default
colframe=white, %frame hidden,
raster equal skip=0mm,
raster equal height=rows,
raster halign=center, raster valign=center,
% =======================================
% Input ===================================
\xdef\author{The Author}
\def\TopTitleMiddle{Found in August 2020 at 51.2 North, 49.1 East}
\def\TopTitleRight{Picture 1 of 16}
\def\TopTitleLeftBelow{Weight: 65g \\ Volume: ? \\ Density: ?}
\pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\u}{51.07425pt}% unitlength
\def\ShowHelps{1} % 1 'yes' 0 'no'
% =======================================
% =======================================
\pagecolor{lightgray!22} % see page margins
\tcbset{ShowHelps/.style={boxrule=\HelpBoxRule, colframe=#1},
} \else
\begin{tcbitemize}[CommonStyle, RasterStyle, ShowHelps=brown,
NoGaps, boxsep=1mm,
raster columns=100, % Trick: '100 percent'...
\tcbitem[raster multicolumn=23, halign=left] \TopTitleLeft
\tcbitem[raster multicolumn=54, halign=center] \TopTitleMiddle
\tcbitem[raster multicolumn=23, halign=right] \TopTitleRight
% Page Box:
\begin{tcolorbox}[CommonStyle, ShowHelps=red,
NoGaps, % top=3mm,
valign=center, halign=center, % Box content to page center
%Top Title ==========================
\node[align=left, anchor=north west] at (title.south west){\TopTitleLeftBelow};
% Bottom Title ========================
space to upper,
lower separated=false
% Images:
\begin{tcbitemize}[CommonStyle, RasterStyle, NoGaps, ShowHelps=cyan,
raster columns=2, %boxsep=\HelpGap,
halign=center, valign=center,
%raster width=\linewidth-2.4cm, % 1.2cm vspace for y Ruler left / right
%raster left skip=-1mm, raster right skip=-1mm,% not needed
raster force size=false, %size=tight,
%raster equal skip=\HelpBoxRule,
\tcbitem[remember as=LeftRasterbox, ShowHelps=pink,
width=\LeftWidth+\HelpBoxRule+\HelpBoxRule+\HelpGap+\HelpGap] \ImageLeft
\tcbitem[remember as=RightRasterbox,
width=\RightWidth+\HelpBoxRule+\HelpBoxRule+\HelpGap+\HelpGap] \ImageRight
\end{tcbitemize} % remeber as=<name> for later TikZ-usage
\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture,
Help/.style={|-|, very thick, yellow!77!orange, fill, text=red, inner sep=0.5pt, align=left},
\coordinate[shift={(\hbr,\hbr)}] (LL) at (LeftRasterbox.south west);% Lower Left
\coordinate[shift={(-\hbr,\hbr)}] (LR) at (RightRasterbox.south east);% Lower Right
\coordinate[shift={(\hbr,-\hbr)}] (UL) at (LeftRasterbox.north west);% Upper Left
\coordinate[shift={(-\hbr,-\hbr)}] (UR) at (RightRasterbox.north east);% Upper Right
\coordinate[shift={(-\hbr,\hbr)}] (LLM) at (LeftRasterbox.south east);% Lower Left Middle
\coordinate[shift={(-\hbr,-\hbr)}] (ULM) at (LeftRasterbox.north east);% Upper Left Middle
\coordinate[shift={(\hbr,\hbr)}] (LRM) at ([xshift=0]RightRasterbox.south west);% Lower Right Middle
\coordinate[shift={(\hbr,-\hbr)}] (URM) at ([xshift=0]RightRasterbox.north west);% Upper Left Middle
% Images Ruler x
\path let \p1=($(#1)-(#2)$) in
\pgfextra{ \pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\RasterboxesWidth}{veclen(\x1,\y1)} }
\pgfmathsetmacro\NoXdiv{\w/\u} % Number of x dividions
\draw[Ruler] (#1) coordinate(X) -- (#2);
\foreach \n in {0,1,...,\NoXdiv}{%%
\draw[Ruler] ([xshift=\n*\u]X) -- +(0,#4) node[#3, inner sep=1pt]{\ifnum\n=1 \n\,cm \else \n\fi};
\foreach \n in {0.1,0.2,...,\NoXdiv}{%%
\draw[] ([xshift=\n*\u]X) -- +(0,#5);
%\xRuler{LL}{LR}{below}{-4mm}{-2mm}% old
\draw[Help, transform canvas={yshift=25mm}] (LL) -- +(\w,0) node[Help, pos=0.65, below=2pt] {LeftWidth = \LeftWidth \\
LL--LLM = w = \w \\
No. x divisions w/u = \NoXdiv};
\draw[Help, transform canvas={yshift=25mm}] (LRM) -- +(\w,0) node[Help, pos=0.65, below=2pt] {RightWidth = \RightWidth \\
LRM--LR = w = \w \\
No. x divisions w/u = \NoXdiv};
% Image Ruler y
\def\ifzero{1} % show zero
\path let \p1=($(#1)-(#2)$) in
\pgfextra{ \pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\RasterboxesHeight}{veclen(\x1,\y1)} }
\pgfmathsetmacro\NoYdiv{\h/\u} % Number of y dividions
\draw[Ruler] (#1) coordinate(Y) -- (#2);
\foreach \n in {0,1,...,\NoYdiv}{%%
\draw[Ruler] ([yshift=\n*\u]Y) -- +(#4,0) node[#3, inner sep=1pt]{
\ifnum\n=0 \ifnum\ifzero=1 \n \fi%
\ifnum\n=1 \n\,cm%
\else \n%
\foreach \n in {0.1,0.2,...,\NoYdiv}{%%
\draw[] ([yshift=\n*\u]Y) -- +(#5,0);
\draw[Help, transform canvas={xshift=5mm}] (LL) -- +(0,\h) node[Help, pos=0.85, right=2pt] {(Left) Image Height h= \h \\ No. y divisions h/u= \NoYdiv};
\def\ifzero{0} % do not show zero
\draw[Help, transform canvas={xshift=5mm}] (LRM) -- +(0,\h) node[Help, pos=0.85, right=2pt] {(Right) Image Height h= \h \\ No. y divisions h/u= \NoYdiv};
\draw[Help, transform canvas={yshift=5mm}] (LL) -- +(\u,0) node[Help, pos=1.05, anchor=west]{Unit-length set u= \u};
\node[draw=cyan, fill=cyan!22, text=cyan, anchor=west, line width=\HelpBoxRule, align=left, inner sep=\HelpBoxRule] at ([yshift=3*\u, xshift=10mm]LRM) {HelpBoxRule = \HelpBoxRule \\ 0pt in result};
\foreach \Coord/\Anchor in {LL/{north east}, LR/{north west},
UL/{south east}, UR/{south west}, LLM/{south east}, ULM/{north east}, LRM/{south west}, URM/{north west}%
\draw[red, thick] (\Coord) circle(2pt) node[Help, opacity=0.5, anchor=\Anchor]{\Coord};
Provavelmente fazer cálculos em termos de \number\numexpr...\relax
funciona para você?
% arara: pdflatex
% arara: pdflatex
% arara: pdflatex
\documentclass[a4paper, landscape]{article}
%\geometry{paperwidth=15cm, paperheight=30cm, margin=2mm}% optional
\pgfkeys{/tikz/savevalue/.code 2 args={\global\edef#1{#2}}}
NoGaps/.style={boxsep=0mm, left=0pt, right=0pt, top=0pt, bottom=0pt, before skip=0pt, after skip=0pt,},
CommonStyle/.style={sharp corners,
enhanced, % allows TikZ etc.
boxrule=0mm, % 0.5mm = default
colframe=white, %frame hidden,
raster equal skip=\SeperationBetweenImages,
raster equal height=rows,
raster halign=center, raster valign=center,
% #1 preceding phrase "image-"
% #2 number of image
% #1 preceding phrase "image-"
% #2 number of image
% Input ============
\xdef\author{The Author}
\def\TopTitleMiddle{Found in August 2020 at 51.2 North, 49.1 East}
\def\TopTitleRight{Picture 1 of 16}
\def\TopTitleLeftBelow{Weight: 65g \\ Volume: ? \\ Density: ?}
\pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\u}{15.07425pt}% unitlength
\def\ShowHelps{0} % 1 'yes' 0 'no'
% Input ============
\pagecolor{lightgray!22} % see page margins
\tcbset{ShowHelps/.style={boxrule=\HelpBoxRule, colframe=#1},
\tcbset{ShowHelps/.style=,} \fi
\begin{tcbitemize}[CommonStyle, RasterStyle, ShowHelps=brown,
NoGaps, boxsep=1mm,
raster columns=100, % Trick: '100 percent'...
\tcbitem[raster multicolumn=23, halign=left] \TopTitleLeft
\tcbitem[raster multicolumn=54, halign=center] \TopTitleMiddle
\tcbitem[raster multicolumn=23, halign=right] \TopTitleRight
% Definition of Image Ruler x
\path let \p1=($(#1)-(#2)$) in
\pgfextra{ \pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\RasterboxesWidth}{veclen(\x1,\y1)} }
\pgfmathsetmacro\NoXdiv{\w/\u} % Number of x dividions
\draw[Ruler] (#1) coordinate(X) -- (#2);
\foreach \n in {0,1,...,\NoXdiv}{%%
\draw[Ruler] ([xshift=\n*\u]X) -- +(0,#4) node[#3, inner sep=1pt]{\ifnum\n=1 \n\,cm \else \n\fi};
\foreach \n in {0.1,0.2,...,\NoXdiv}{%%
\draw[] ([xshift=\n*\u]X) -- +(0,#5);
% Definition of Image Ruler y
\def\ifzero{1} % show zero
\path let \p1=($(#1)-(#2)$) in
\pgfextra{ \pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\RasterboxesHeight}{veclen(\x1,\y1)} }
\pgfmathsetmacro\NoYdiv{\h/\u} % Number of y dividions
\draw[Ruler] (#1) coordinate(Y) -- (#2);
\foreach \n in {0,1,...,\NoYdiv}{%%
\draw[Ruler] ([yshift=\n*\u]Y) -- +(#4,0) node[#3, inner sep=1pt]{
\ifnum\n=0 \ifnum\ifzero=1 \n \fi%
\ifnum\n=1 \n\,cm%
\else \n%
\foreach \n in {0.1,0.2,...,\NoYdiv}{%%
\draw[] ([yshift=\n*\u]Y) -- +(#5,0);
% Definition of Image Ruler y BIS
\def\ifzero{1} % show zero
\path let \p1=($(#1)-(#2)$) in
\pgfextra{ \pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\RasterboxesHeight}{veclen(\x1,\y1)} }
\pgfmathsetmacro\NoYdiv{\h/\u} % Number of y dividions
\draw[Ruler] (#1) coordinate(Y) -- (#2);
\foreach \n in {0,1,...,\NoYdiv}{%%
\ifnum\n=1 \ifdim#4>0pt \draw[Ruler] ([yshift=\n*\u]Y) -- +(#4,0) node[#3, inner sep=1pt]{\n\,cm};% 1cm (from left image): bar + text
\draw[Ruler] ([yshift=\n*\u]Y) -- +(#4,0);\fi% 1cm (from right image): bar
\ifdim#4>0pt \draw[Ruler] ([yshift=\n*\u]Y) -- +(#4,0) node[#3, inner sep=1pt, minimum width=2.15em]{\n};% all numbers lower than 10 (from left image), excluding 1: bar + text
\draw[Ruler] ([yshift=\n*\u]Y) -- +(#4,0);\fi;% all numbers (from right image), excluding 1: bar
\foreach \n in {0.1,0.2,...,\NoYdiv}{%%
\draw[] ([yshift=\n*\u]Y) -- +(#5,0);
% Adding \IndexDifference to a given number:
% outside the loop the width of Image-7.jpg or example-image.jpg:
% inside the loop:
\foreach \NiceForEachElement in {1,...,3}{%
% \show\LeftWidth
% Page Box:
\begin{tcolorbox}[CommonStyle, ShowHelps=red,
NoGaps, % top=3mm,
valign=center, halign=center, % Box content to page center
%Top Title ==========================
\node[align=left, anchor=north west] at (title.south west){\TopTitleLeftBelow};
% Bottom Title ========================
space to upper,
lower separated=false
% Images:
\begin{tcbitemize}[CommonStyle, RasterStyle, NoGaps, ShowHelps=cyan,
raster columns=2, %boxsep=\HelpGap,
halign=center, valign=center,
raster left skip=-1mm, raster right skip=-1mm,% not needed
raster force size=false, %size=tight,
\tcbitem[remember as=LeftRasterbox, ShowHelps=pink,
width=\LeftWidth+\HelpBoxRule+\HelpBoxRule+\HelpGap+\HelpGap] \ImageLeft{\NiceForEachElement}%
\tcbitem[remember as=RightRasterbox,
width=\RightWidth+\HelpBoxRule+\HelpBoxRule+\HelpGap+\HelpGap] \ImageRight{\AddIndexdifference{\NiceForEachElement}}%
\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture,
Help/.style={|-|, very thick, yellow!77!orange, fill, text=red, inner sep=0.5pt, align=left},
\coordinate[shift={(\hbr,\hbr)}] (LL) at (LeftRasterbox.south west);% Lower Left
\coordinate[shift={(-\hbr,\hbr)}] (LR) at (RightRasterbox.south east);% Lower Right
\coordinate[shift={(\hbr,-\hbr)}] (UL) at (LeftRasterbox.north west);% Upper Left
\coordinate[shift={(-\hbr,-\hbr)}] (UR) at (RightRasterbox.north east);% Upper Right
\coordinate[shift={(-\hbr,\hbr)}] (LLM) at (LeftRasterbox.south east);% Lower Left Middle
\coordinate[shift={(-\hbr,-\hbr)}] (ULM) at (LeftRasterbox.north east);% Upper Left Middle
\coordinate[shift={(\hbr,\hbr)}] (LRM) at ([xshift=0]RightRasterbox.south west);% Lower Right Middle
\coordinate[shift={(\hbr,-\hbr)}] (URM) at ([xshift=0]RightRasterbox.north west);% Upper Left Middle
% Image Ruler x
\draw[Help, transform canvas={yshift=25mm}] (LL) -- +(\w,0) node[Help, pos=0.65, below=2pt] {LeftWidth = \LeftWidth \\
LL--LLM = w = \w \\
No. x divisions w/u = \NoXdiv};
\draw[Help, transform canvas={yshift=25mm}] (LRM) -- +(\w,0) node[Help, pos=0.65, below=2pt] {RightWidth = \RightWidth \\
LRM--LR = w = \w \\
No. x divisions w/u = \NoXdiv};
% Image Ruler y
\draw[Help, transform canvas={xshift=5mm}] (LL) -- +(0,\h) node[Help, pos=0.85, right=2pt] {(Left) Image Height h= \h \\ No. y divisions h/u= \NoYdiv};
% Image Ruler y BIS
\def\ifzero{1} % do show zero
\draw[Help, transform canvas={xshift=5mm}] (LRM) -- +(0,\h) node[Help, pos=0.85, right=2pt] {(Right) Image Height h= \h \\ No. y divisions h/u= \NoYdiv};
\draw[Help, transform canvas={yshift=5mm}] (LL) -- +(\u,0) node[Help, pos=1.05, anchor=west]{Unit-length set u= \u};
\node[draw=cyan, fill=cyan!22, text=cyan, anchor=west, line width=\HelpBoxRule, align=left, inner sep=\HelpBoxRule] at ([yshift=3*\u, xshift=10mm]LRM) {HelpBoxRule = \HelpBoxRule \\ 0pt in result};
\foreach \Coord/\Anchor in {LL/{north east}, LR/{north west},
UL/{south east}, UR/{south west}, LLM/{south east}, ULM/{north east}, LRM/{south west}, URM/{north west}%
\draw[red, thick] (\Coord) circle(2pt) node[Help, opacity=0.5, anchor=\Anchor]{\Coord};
Em vez de fazer cálculos usando uma constante, você também pode usar \foreach
uma lista de padrões a/b,c/d,e/f
- basta fazer algo como:
\foreach \leftelement/\rightelement in {a/b,c/d,e/f}
Na primeira iteração \leftelement
será a
, \rightelement
será b
Na segunda iteração \leftelement
será c
, \rightelement
será d
Na terceira iteração \leftelement
será e
, \rightelement
será f
% arara: pdflatex
% arara: pdflatex
% arara: pdflatex
\documentclass[a4paper, landscape]{article}
%\geometry{paperwidth=15cm, paperheight=30cm, margin=2mm}% optional
\pgfkeys{/tikz/savevalue/.code 2 args={\global\edef#1{#2}}}
NoGaps/.style={boxsep=0mm, left=0pt, right=0pt, top=0pt, bottom=0pt, before skip=0pt, after skip=0pt,},
CommonStyle/.style={sharp corners,
enhanced, % allows TikZ etc.
boxrule=0mm, % 0.5mm = default
colframe=white, %frame hidden,
raster equal skip=\SeperationBetweenImages,
raster equal height=rows,
raster halign=center, raster valign=center,
% #1 preceding phrase "image-"
% #2 number of image
% #1 preceding phrase "image-"
% #2 number of image
% Input ============
\xdef\author{The Author}
\def\TopTitleMiddle{Found in August 2020 at 51.2 North, 49.1 East}
\def\TopTitleRight{Picture 1 of 16}
\def\TopTitleLeftBelow{Weight: 65g \\ Volume: ? \\ Density: ?}
\pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\u}{15.07425pt}% unitlength
\def\ShowHelps{0} % 1 'yes' 0 'no'
% Input ============
\pagecolor{lightgray!22} % see page margins
\tcbset{ShowHelps/.style={boxrule=\HelpBoxRule, colframe=#1},
\tcbset{ShowHelps/.style=,} \fi
\begin{tcbitemize}[CommonStyle, RasterStyle, ShowHelps=brown,
NoGaps, boxsep=1mm,
raster columns=100, % Trick: '100 percent'...
\tcbitem[raster multicolumn=23, halign=left] \TopTitleLeft
\tcbitem[raster multicolumn=54, halign=center] \TopTitleMiddle
\tcbitem[raster multicolumn=23, halign=right] \TopTitleRight
% Definition of Image Ruler x
\path let \p1=($(#1)-(#2)$) in
\pgfextra{ \pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\RasterboxesWidth}{veclen(\x1,\y1)} }
\pgfmathsetmacro\NoXdiv{\w/\u} % Number of x dividions
\draw[Ruler] (#1) coordinate(X) -- (#2);
\foreach \n in {0,1,...,\NoXdiv}{%%
\draw[Ruler] ([xshift=\n*\u]X) -- +(0,#4) node[#3, inner sep=1pt]{\ifnum\n=1 \n\,cm \else \n\fi};
\foreach \n in {0.1,0.2,...,\NoXdiv}{%%
\draw[] ([xshift=\n*\u]X) -- +(0,#5);
% Definition of Image Ruler y
\def\ifzero{1} % show zero
\path let \p1=($(#1)-(#2)$) in
\pgfextra{ \pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\RasterboxesHeight}{veclen(\x1,\y1)} }
\pgfmathsetmacro\NoYdiv{\h/\u} % Number of y dividions
\draw[Ruler] (#1) coordinate(Y) -- (#2);
\foreach \n in {0,1,...,\NoYdiv}{%%
\draw[Ruler] ([yshift=\n*\u]Y) -- +(#4,0) node[#3, inner sep=1pt]{
\ifnum\n=0 \ifnum\ifzero=1 \n \fi%
\ifnum\n=1 \n\,cm%
\else \n%
\foreach \n in {0.1,0.2,...,\NoYdiv}{%%
\draw[] ([yshift=\n*\u]Y) -- +(#5,0);
% Definition of Image Ruler y BIS
\def\ifzero{1} % show zero
\path let \p1=($(#1)-(#2)$) in
\pgfextra{ \pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\RasterboxesHeight}{veclen(\x1,\y1)} }
\pgfmathsetmacro\NoYdiv{\h/\u} % Number of y dividions
\draw[Ruler] (#1) coordinate(Y) -- (#2);
\foreach \n in {0,1,...,\NoYdiv}{%%
\ifnum\n=1 \ifdim#4>0pt \draw[Ruler] ([yshift=\n*\u]Y) -- +(#4,0) node[#3, inner sep=1pt]{\n\,cm};% 1cm (from left image): bar + text
\draw[Ruler] ([yshift=\n*\u]Y) -- +(#4,0);\fi% 1cm (from right image): bar
\ifdim#4>0pt \draw[Ruler] ([yshift=\n*\u]Y) -- +(#4,0) node[#3, inner sep=1pt, minimum width=2.15em]{\n};% all numbers lower than 10 (from left image), excluding 1: bar + text
\draw[Ruler] ([yshift=\n*\u]Y) -- +(#4,0);\fi;% all numbers (from right image), excluding 1: bar
\foreach \n in {0.1,0.2,...,\NoYdiv}{%%
\draw[] ([yshift=\n*\u]Y) -- +(#5,0);
% outside the loop the width of Image-7.jpg or example-image.jpg:
% inside the loop:
% Assuming pictures image-1.jpg, image-2.jpg, image-3.jpg,
% image-17.jpg, image-18.jpg, image-19.jpg
\foreach \NiceForEachLeftElement/\NiceForEachRightElement in {1/17,2/18,3/19}{%
% \show\LeftWidth
% Page Box:
\begin{tcolorbox}[CommonStyle, ShowHelps=red,
NoGaps, % top=3mm,
valign=center, halign=center, % Box content to page center
%Top Title ==========================
\node[align=left, anchor=north west] at (title.south west){\TopTitleLeftBelow};
% Bottom Title ========================
space to upper,
lower separated=false
% Images:
\begin{tcbitemize}[CommonStyle, RasterStyle, NoGaps, ShowHelps=cyan,
raster columns=2, %boxsep=\HelpGap,
halign=center, valign=center,
raster left skip=-1mm, raster right skip=-1mm,% not needed
raster force size=false, %size=tight,
\tcbitem[remember as=LeftRasterbox, ShowHelps=pink,
width=\LeftWidth+\HelpBoxRule+\HelpBoxRule+\HelpGap+\HelpGap] \ImageLeft{\NiceForEachLeftElement}%
\tcbitem[remember as=RightRasterbox,
width=\RightWidth+\HelpBoxRule+\HelpBoxRule+\HelpGap+\HelpGap] \ImageRight{\NiceForEachRightElement}%
\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture,
Help/.style={|-|, very thick, yellow!77!orange, fill, text=red, inner sep=0.5pt, align=left},
\coordinate[shift={(\hbr,\hbr)}] (LL) at (LeftRasterbox.south west);% Lower Left
\coordinate[shift={(-\hbr,\hbr)}] (LR) at (RightRasterbox.south east);% Lower Right
\coordinate[shift={(\hbr,-\hbr)}] (UL) at (LeftRasterbox.north west);% Upper Left
\coordinate[shift={(-\hbr,-\hbr)}] (UR) at (RightRasterbox.north east);% Upper Right
\coordinate[shift={(-\hbr,\hbr)}] (LLM) at (LeftRasterbox.south east);% Lower Left Middle
\coordinate[shift={(-\hbr,-\hbr)}] (ULM) at (LeftRasterbox.north east);% Upper Left Middle
\coordinate[shift={(\hbr,\hbr)}] (LRM) at ([xshift=0]RightRasterbox.south west);% Lower Right Middle
\coordinate[shift={(\hbr,-\hbr)}] (URM) at ([xshift=0]RightRasterbox.north west);% Upper Left Middle
% Image Ruler x
\draw[Help, transform canvas={yshift=25mm}] (LL) -- +(\w,0) node[Help, pos=0.65, below=2pt] {LeftWidth = \LeftWidth \\
LL--LLM = w = \w \\
No. x divisions w/u = \NoXdiv};
\draw[Help, transform canvas={yshift=25mm}] (LRM) -- +(\w,0) node[Help, pos=0.65, below=2pt] {RightWidth = \RightWidth \\
LRM--LR = w = \w \\
No. x divisions w/u = \NoXdiv};
% Image Ruler y
\draw[Help, transform canvas={xshift=5mm}] (LL) -- +(0,\h) node[Help, pos=0.85, right=2pt] {(Left) Image Height h= \h \\ No. y divisions h/u= \NoYdiv};
% Image Ruler y BIS
\def\ifzero{1} % do show zero
\draw[Help, transform canvas={xshift=5mm}] (LRM) -- +(0,\h) node[Help, pos=0.85, right=2pt] {(Right) Image Height h= \h \\ No. y divisions h/u= \NoYdiv};
\draw[Help, transform canvas={yshift=5mm}] (LL) -- +(\u,0) node[Help, pos=1.05, anchor=west]{Unit-length set u= \u};
\node[draw=cyan, fill=cyan!22, text=cyan, anchor=west, line width=\HelpBoxRule, align=left, inner sep=\HelpBoxRule] at ([yshift=3*\u, xshift=10mm]LRM) {HelpBoxRule = \HelpBoxRule \\ 0pt in result};
\foreach \Coord/\Anchor in {LL/{north east}, LR/{north west},
UL/{south east}, UR/{south west}, LLM/{south east}, ULM/{north east}, LRM/{south west}, URM/{north west}%
\draw[red, thick] (\Coord) circle(2pt) node[Help, opacity=0.5, anchor=\Anchor]{\Coord};
Adaptações da resposta de @cis:
Código 1:
Código 2:
Para imagens de altura igual: duas imagens separadas (com espaçamento mínimo entre elas), réguas y do meio em uma régua comum, com números compartilhados):
% arara: pdflatex
% arara: pdflatex
% arara: pdflatex
\documentclass[a4paper, landscape]{article}
%\geometry{paperwidth=15cm, paperheight=30cm, margin=2mm}% optional
\pgfkeys{/tikz/savevalue/.code 2 args={\global\edef#1{#2}}}
NoGaps/.style={boxsep=0mm, left=0pt, right=0pt, top=0pt, bottom=0pt, before skip=0pt, after skip=0pt,},
CommonStyle/.style={sharp corners,
enhanced, % allows TikZ etc.
boxrule=0mm, % 0.5mm = default
colframe=white, %frame hidden,
raster equal skip=\SeperationBetweenImages,
raster equal height=rows,
raster halign=center, raster valign=center,
% Input ============
\xdef\author{The Author}
\def\TopTitleMiddle{Found in August 2020 at 51.2 North, 49.1 East}
\def\TopTitleRight{Picture 1 of 16}
\def\TopTitleLeftBelow{Weight: 65g \\ Volume: ? \\ Density: ?}
\pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\u}{15.07425pt}% unitlength
\def\ShowHelps{0} % 1 'yes' 0 'no'
% Input ============
\pagecolor{lightgray!22} % see page margins
\tcbset{ShowHelps/.style={boxrule=\HelpBoxRule, colframe=#1},
\tcbset{ShowHelps/.style=,} \fi
\begin{tcbitemize}[CommonStyle, RasterStyle, ShowHelps=brown,
NoGaps, boxsep=1mm,
raster columns=100, % Trick: '100 percent'...
\tcbitem[raster multicolumn=23, halign=left] \TopTitleLeft
\tcbitem[raster multicolumn=54, halign=center] \TopTitleMiddle
\tcbitem[raster multicolumn=23, halign=right] \TopTitleRight
% Page Box:
\begin{tcolorbox}[CommonStyle, ShowHelps=red,
NoGaps, % top=3mm,
valign=center, halign=center, % Box content to page center
%Top Title ==========================
\node[align=left, anchor=north west] at (title.south west){\TopTitleLeftBelow};
% Bottom Title ========================
space to upper,
lower separated=false
% Images:
\begin{tcbitemize}[CommonStyle, RasterStyle, NoGaps, ShowHelps=cyan,
raster columns=2, %boxsep=\HelpGap,
halign=center, valign=center,
raster left skip=-1mm, raster right skip=-1mm,% not needed
raster force size=false, %size=tight,
\tcbitem[remember as=LeftRasterbox, ShowHelps=pink,
width=\LeftWidth+\HelpBoxRule+\HelpBoxRule+\HelpGap+\HelpGap] \ImageLeft
\tcbitem[remember as=RightRasterbox,
width=\RightWidth+\HelpBoxRule+\HelpBoxRule+\HelpGap+\HelpGap] \ImageRight
\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture,
Help/.style={|-|, very thick, yellow!77!orange, fill, text=red, inner sep=0.5pt, align=left},
\coordinate[shift={(\hbr,\hbr)}] (LL) at (LeftRasterbox.south west);% Lower Left
\coordinate[shift={(-\hbr,\hbr)}] (LR) at (RightRasterbox.south east);% Lower Right
\coordinate[shift={(\hbr,-\hbr)}] (UL) at (LeftRasterbox.north west);% Upper Left
\coordinate[shift={(-\hbr,-\hbr)}] (UR) at (RightRasterbox.north east);% Upper Right
\coordinate[shift={(-\hbr,\hbr)}] (LLM) at (LeftRasterbox.south east);% Lower Left Middle
\coordinate[shift={(-\hbr,-\hbr)}] (ULM) at (LeftRasterbox.north east);% Upper Left Middle
\coordinate[shift={(\hbr,\hbr)}] (LRM) at ([xshift=0]RightRasterbox.south west);% Lower Right Middle
\coordinate[shift={(\hbr,-\hbr)}] (URM) at ([xshift=0]RightRasterbox.north west);% Upper Left Middle
% Images Ruler x
\path let \p1=($(#1)-(#2)$) in
\pgfextra{ \pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\RasterboxesWidth}{veclen(\x1,\y1)} }
\pgfmathsetmacro\NoXdiv{\w/\u} % Number of x dividions
\draw[Ruler] (#1) coordinate(X) -- (#2);
\foreach \n in {0,1,...,\NoXdiv}{%%
\draw[Ruler] ([xshift=\n*\u]X) -- +(0,#4) node[#3, inner sep=1pt]{\ifnum\n=1 \n\,cm \else \n\fi};
\foreach \n in {0.1,0.2,...,\NoXdiv}{%%
\draw[] ([xshift=\n*\u]X) -- +(0,#5);
\draw[Help, transform canvas={yshift=25mm}] (LL) -- +(\w,0) node[Help, pos=0.65, below=2pt] {LeftWidth = \LeftWidth \\
LL--LLM = w = \w \\
No. x divisions w/u = \NoXdiv};
\draw[Help, transform canvas={yshift=25mm}] (LRM) -- +(\w,0) node[Help, pos=0.65, below=2pt] {RightWidth = \RightWidth \\
LRM--LR = w = \w \\
No. x divisions w/u = \NoXdiv};
% Image Ruler y
\def\ifzero{1} % show zero
\path let \p1=($(#1)-(#2)$) in
\pgfextra{ \pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\RasterboxesHeight}{veclen(\x1,\y1)} }
\pgfmathsetmacro\NoYdiv{\h/\u} % Number of y dividions
\draw[Ruler] (#1) coordinate(Y) -- (#2);
\foreach \n in {0,1,...,\NoYdiv}{%%
\draw[Ruler] ([yshift=\n*\u]Y) -- +(#4,0) node[#3, inner sep=1pt]{
\ifnum\n=0 \ifnum\ifzero=1 \n \fi%
\ifnum\n=1 \n\,cm%
\else \n%
\foreach \n in {0.1,0.2,...,\NoYdiv}{%%
\draw[] ([yshift=\n*\u]Y) -- +(#5,0);
% Image Ruler y BIS
\def\ifzero{1} % show zero
\path let \p1=($(#1)-(#2)$) in
\pgfextra{ \pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\RasterboxesHeight}{veclen(\x1,\y1)} }
\pgfmathsetmacro\NoYdiv{\h/\u} % Number of y dividions
\draw[Ruler] (#1) coordinate(Y) -- (#2);
\foreach \n in {0,1,...,\NoYdiv}{%%
\ifnum\n=1 \ifdim#4>0pt \draw[Ruler] ([yshift=\n*\u]Y) -- +(#4,0) node[#3, inner sep=1pt]{\n\,cm};% 1cm (from left image): bar + text
\draw[Ruler] ([yshift=\n*\u]Y) -- +(#4,0);\fi% 1cm (from right image): bar
\ifdim#4>0pt \draw[Ruler] ([yshift=\n*\u]Y) -- +(#4,0) node[#3, inner sep=1pt, minimum width=2.15em]{\n};% all numbers lower than 10 (from left image), excluding 1: bar + text
\draw[Ruler] ([yshift=\n*\u]Y) -- +(#4,0);\fi;% all numbers (from right image), excluding 1: bar
\foreach \n in {0.1,0.2,...,\NoYdiv}{%%
\draw[] ([yshift=\n*\u]Y) -- +(#5,0);
\draw[Help, transform canvas={xshift=5mm}] (LL) -- +(0,\h) node[Help, pos=0.85, right=2pt] {(Left) Image Height h= \h \\ No. y divisions h/u= \NoYdiv};
\def\ifzero{1} % do show zero
\draw[Help, transform canvas={xshift=5mm}] (LRM) -- +(0,\h) node[Help, pos=0.85, right=2pt] {(Right) Image Height h= \h \\ No. y divisions h/u= \NoYdiv};
\draw[Help, transform canvas={yshift=5mm}] (LL) -- +(\u,0) node[Help, pos=1.05, anchor=west]{Unit-length set u= \u};
\node[draw=cyan, fill=cyan!22, text=cyan, anchor=west, line width=\HelpBoxRule, align=left, inner sep=\HelpBoxRule] at ([yshift=3*\u, xshift=10mm]LRM) {HelpBoxRule = \HelpBoxRule \\ 0pt in result};
\foreach \Coord/\Anchor in {LL/{north east}, LR/{north west},
UL/{south east}, UR/{south west}, LLM/{south east}, ULM/{north east}, LRM/{south west}, URM/{north west}%
\draw[red, thick] (\Coord) circle(2pt) node[Help, opacity=0.5, anchor=\Anchor]{\Coord};
O que resta agora é ter um loop, de forma que várias imagens possam ser carregadas, 2 por página.
Talvez com
\foreach \i in {\PictureIndexStartsAt,...,\PictureIndexEndsAt}{
Usandoa resposta de Ulrich Diezdeste OP:\pgfmathsetlengthmacro incompatível com um loop?, cheguei até aqui:
Código 3:
% arara: pdflatex
% arara: pdflatex
% arara: pdflatex
\documentclass[a4paper, landscape]{article}
%\geometry{paperwidth=15cm, paperheight=30cm, margin=2mm}% optional
\pgfkeys{/tikz/savevalue/.code 2 args={\global\edef#1{#2}}}
NoGaps/.style={boxsep=0mm, left=0pt, right=0pt, top=0pt, bottom=0pt, before skip=0pt, after skip=0pt,},
CommonStyle/.style={sharp corners,
enhanced, % allows TikZ etc.
boxrule=0mm, % 0.5mm = default
colframe=white, %frame hidden,
raster equal skip=\SeperationBetweenImages,
raster equal height=rows,
raster halign=center, raster valign=center,
% #1 preceding phrase "image-"
% #2 number of image
% #1 preceding phrase "image-"
% #2 number of image
% Input ============
\xdef\author{The Author}
\def\TopTitleMiddle{Found in August 2020 at 51.2 North, 49.1 East}
\def\TopTitleRight{Picture 1 of 16}
\def\TopTitleLeftBelow{Weight: 65g \\ Volume: ? \\ Density: ?}
\pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\u}{15.07425pt}% unitlength
\def\ShowHelps{0} % 1 'yes' 0 'no'
% Input ============
\pagecolor{lightgray!22} % see page margins
\tcbset{ShowHelps/.style={boxrule=\HelpBoxRule, colframe=#1},
\tcbset{ShowHelps/.style=,} \fi
\begin{tcbitemize}[CommonStyle, RasterStyle, ShowHelps=brown,
NoGaps, boxsep=1mm,
raster columns=100, % Trick: '100 percent'...
\tcbitem[raster multicolumn=23, halign=left] \TopTitleLeft
\tcbitem[raster multicolumn=54, halign=center] \TopTitleMiddle
\tcbitem[raster multicolumn=23, halign=right] \TopTitleRight
% Definition of Image Ruler x
\path let \p1=($(#1)-(#2)$) in
\pgfextra{ \pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\RasterboxesWidth}{veclen(\x1,\y1)} }
\pgfmathsetmacro\NoXdiv{\w/\u} % Number of x dividions
\draw[Ruler] (#1) coordinate(X) -- (#2);
\foreach \n in {0,1,...,\NoXdiv}{%%
\draw[Ruler] ([xshift=\n*\u]X) -- +(0,#4) node[#3, inner sep=1pt]{\ifnum\n=1 \n\,cm \else \n\fi};
\foreach \n in {0.1,0.2,...,\NoXdiv}{%%
\draw[] ([xshift=\n*\u]X) -- +(0,#5);
% Definition of Image Ruler y
\def\ifzero{1} % show zero
\path let \p1=($(#1)-(#2)$) in
\pgfextra{ \pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\RasterboxesHeight}{veclen(\x1,\y1)} }
\pgfmathsetmacro\NoYdiv{\h/\u} % Number of y dividions
\draw[Ruler] (#1) coordinate(Y) -- (#2);
\foreach \n in {0,1,...,\NoYdiv}{%%
\draw[Ruler] ([yshift=\n*\u]Y) -- +(#4,0) node[#3, inner sep=1pt]{
\ifnum\n=0 \ifnum\ifzero=1 \n \fi%
\ifnum\n=1 \n\,cm%
\else \n%
\foreach \n in {0.1,0.2,...,\NoYdiv}{%%
\draw[] ([yshift=\n*\u]Y) -- +(#5,0);
% Definition of Image Ruler y BIS
\def\ifzero{1} % show zero
\path let \p1=($(#1)-(#2)$) in
\pgfextra{ \pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\RasterboxesHeight}{veclen(\x1,\y1)} }
\pgfmathsetmacro\NoYdiv{\h/\u} % Number of y dividions
\draw[Ruler] (#1) coordinate(Y) -- (#2);
\foreach \n in {0,1,...,\NoYdiv}{%%
\ifnum\n=1 \ifdim#4>0pt \draw[Ruler] ([yshift=\n*\u]Y) -- +(#4,0) node[#3, inner sep=1pt]{\n\,cm};% 1cm (from left image): bar + text
\draw[Ruler] ([yshift=\n*\u]Y) -- +(#4,0);\fi% 1cm (from right image): bar
\ifdim#4>0pt \draw[Ruler] ([yshift=\n*\u]Y) -- +(#4,0) node[#3, inner sep=1pt, minimum width=2.15em]{\n};% all numbers lower than 10 (from left image), excluding 1: bar + text
\draw[Ruler] ([yshift=\n*\u]Y) -- +(#4,0);\fi;% all numbers (from right image), excluding 1: bar
\foreach \n in {0.1,0.2,...,\NoYdiv}{%%
\draw[] ([yshift=\n*\u]Y) -- +(#5,0);
% outside the loop the width of Image-7.jpg or example-image.jpg:
% inside the loop:
\foreach \NiceForEachElement in {1,...,3}{%
% \show\LeftWidth
% Page Box:
\begin{tcolorbox}[CommonStyle, ShowHelps=red,
NoGaps, % top=3mm,
valign=center, halign=center, % Box content to page center
%Top Title ==========================
\node[align=left, anchor=north west] at (title.south west){\TopTitleLeftBelow};
% Bottom Title ========================
space to upper,
lower separated=false
% Images:
\begin{tcbitemize}[CommonStyle, RasterStyle, NoGaps, ShowHelps=cyan,
raster columns=2, %boxsep=\HelpGap,
halign=center, valign=center,
raster left skip=-1mm, raster right skip=-1mm,% not needed
raster force size=false, %size=tight,
\tcbitem[remember as=LeftRasterbox, ShowHelps=pink,
width=\LeftWidth+\HelpBoxRule+\HelpBoxRule+\HelpGap+\HelpGap] \ImageLeft{\NiceForEachElement}%
\tcbitem[remember as=RightRasterbox,
width=\RightWidth+\HelpBoxRule+\HelpBoxRule+\HelpGap+\HelpGap] \ImageRight{\NiceForEachElement}%
\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture,
Help/.style={|-|, very thick, yellow!77!orange, fill, text=red, inner sep=0.5pt, align=left},
\coordinate[shift={(\hbr,\hbr)}] (LL) at (LeftRasterbox.south west);% Lower Left
\coordinate[shift={(-\hbr,\hbr)}] (LR) at (RightRasterbox.south east);% Lower Right
\coordinate[shift={(\hbr,-\hbr)}] (UL) at (LeftRasterbox.north west);% Upper Left
\coordinate[shift={(-\hbr,-\hbr)}] (UR) at (RightRasterbox.north east);% Upper Right
\coordinate[shift={(-\hbr,\hbr)}] (LLM) at (LeftRasterbox.south east);% Lower Left Middle
\coordinate[shift={(-\hbr,-\hbr)}] (ULM) at (LeftRasterbox.north east);% Upper Left Middle
\coordinate[shift={(\hbr,\hbr)}] (LRM) at ([xshift=0]RightRasterbox.south west);% Lower Right Middle
\coordinate[shift={(\hbr,-\hbr)}] (URM) at ([xshift=0]RightRasterbox.north west);% Upper Left Middle
% Image Ruler x
\draw[Help, transform canvas={yshift=25mm}] (LL) -- +(\w,0) node[Help, pos=0.65, below=2pt] {LeftWidth = \LeftWidth \\
LL--LLM = w = \w \\
No. x divisions w/u = \NoXdiv};
\draw[Help, transform canvas={yshift=25mm}] (LRM) -- +(\w,0) node[Help, pos=0.65, below=2pt] {RightWidth = \RightWidth \\
LRM--LR = w = \w \\
No. x divisions w/u = \NoXdiv};
% Image Ruler y
\draw[Help, transform canvas={xshift=5mm}] (LL) -- +(0,\h) node[Help, pos=0.85, right=2pt] {(Left) Image Height h= \h \\ No. y divisions h/u= \NoYdiv};
% Image Ruler y BIS
\def\ifzero{1} % do show zero
\draw[Help, transform canvas={xshift=5mm}] (LRM) -- +(0,\h) node[Help, pos=0.85, right=2pt] {(Right) Image Height h= \h \\ No. y divisions h/u= \NoYdiv};
\draw[Help, transform canvas={yshift=5mm}] (LL) -- +(\u,0) node[Help, pos=1.05, anchor=west]{Unit-length set u= \u};
\node[draw=cyan, fill=cyan!22, text=cyan, anchor=west, line width=\HelpBoxRule, align=left, inner sep=\HelpBoxRule] at ([yshift=3*\u, xshift=10mm]LRM) {HelpBoxRule = \HelpBoxRule \\ 0pt in result};
\foreach \Coord/\Anchor in {LL/{north east}, LR/{north west},
UL/{south east}, UR/{south west}, LLM/{south east}, ULM/{north east}, LRM/{south west}, URM/{north west}%
\draw[red, thick] (\Coord) circle(2pt) node[Help, opacity=0.5, anchor=\Anchor]{\Coord};
Ainda precisa de i+16 para a imagem à direita...