Tabela com uma seção de descrição

Tabela com uma seção de descrição

Estou tendo alguns problemas com o pacote xltabular ao tentar desenhar essa tabela, o problema quando tento fazer outras tabelas o resultado será igual ao primeiro, mas quando eu excluo o pacote do meu tex principal a tabela fica completa. Então, posso fazer isso sem usar este pacote? O código da primeira tabela


\begin{xltabular}{\linewidth}{ l | X }
  \caption{Data description  of dependent \& independent variables.}
 \label{table: vardescription}\\
 \hline \hline

\textbf{\normalsize Variable} & \textbf{\normalsize Description}  \\
 \hline \hline

\textbf{Excess  returns} & In this research, our main goal is in showing the directional predictability, where the \textbf{dependent variable} is the dummy sign return indicator.
\mathit{Excess\ return} =
    1,  \quad\text{if the excess returns is } >0\\
    0, \quad\text{if the excess returns is } < 0 
\\ \hline

\textbf{Recession} &
The recession defined by the \textbf{NBER} are used.
\[ \mathit{Recession} =
    1,  \quad\text{if the  economy is in a recession},\\
     0, \quad\text{if the economy  is in an expansion}
\\ \hline

\textbf{Dividend to price} & Dividends from past year divided by closing value of index at month end.
\textbf{Earning to price} & Earnings over the past year divided by closing value of index at month end.
\textbf{Term spread} & The 10 year US Treasury Bill less 3 month US Treasury Bill. \\ \hline
\caption{This is the heading}
\caption*{\footnotesize Smaller note of table that describes what the table is all about.}
                &\multicolumn{1}{c}{(1)}   &\multicolumn{1}{c}{(2)}   &\multicolumn{1}{c}{(3)}   \\
                &     Base   &   Robust   &  Cluster   \\
Size            &-0.000645   &-0.000645   &-0.000645   \\
                &  (-0.83)   &  (-0.83)   &  (-0.39)   \\
Observations    &     5035   &     5035   &     5035   \\
\multicolumn{4}{l}{\footnotesize \textit{t} statistics in parentheses}\\
\multicolumn{4}{l}{\footnotesize * p<0.10, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.01}\\

Esta tabela com o pacote O resultado da segunda tabela


Para mim funciona bem ao carregar os pacotes relevantes. Adicionei algumas pequenas melhorias e simplificações de código.

\usepackage{xltabular, booktabs}


\begin{xltabular}{\linewidth}{ l | >{\arraybackslash}X }
 \caption{Data description of dependent \& independent variables.}
 \label{table: vardescription}\\
 \hline \hline
\textbf{\normalsize Variable} & \textbf{\normalsize Description} \\
 \hline \hline
\textbf{Excess returns} & In this research, our main goal is in showing the directional predictability, where the \textbf{dependent variable} is the dummy sign return indicator.
\[ \textit{Excess\ return} =
 1, & if the excess returns is $ >0 $,\\
 0, & if the excess returns is $ < 0 $. 
 \end{cases*} \]
\\ \hline
\textbf{Recession} &
The recession defined by the \textbf{NBER} are used.
\[ \textit{Recession} =
 1, & if the economy is in a recession,\\
 0, & if the economy is in an expansion.
\\ \hline
\textbf{Dividend to price} & Dividends from past year divided by closing value of index at month end.
\textbf{Earning to price} & Earnings over the past year divided by closing value of index at month end.
\textbf{Term spread} & The 10 year US Treasury Bill less 3 month US Treasury Bill. \\ \hline


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