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  \caption{Related works Comparison table}
{\small %
\thead Title & Goal & Idea & Event \&\ Others & Technique and \&\ Model \\
Soccer Event Detection  & Automatic systems for detection event in video &  Detect Object from single video frame with a confidence scores and followed by event detection. Instead of resampling pixels and features and classify those proposals, which is computationally expensive. A method is used to combine the region proposal and classification into one. & Ball possession event and kicking the ball. &    Event detection and Object Detection. \\

A Discriminative CNN Video Representation for Event Detection & The idea is to effectively leverage deep Convolutional Neural Networks to advance event detection, where only frame level static descriptors can be extracted by the existing CNN toolkits. & Performance can be significantly improved by taking advantage of an appropriate encoding method. Second, we propose using a set of latent concept descriptors as the frame descriptor, which enriches visual information while keeping it computationally affordable. &   Event detection & VLAD Encoding, Fisher Vector encoding, CNN Latent Concept descriptors. \\

\end{document}[![enter image description here][1]][1]


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\caption{Related works Comparison table}
Title & Goal & Idea & Event \&\ Others & Technique \&\ Model \\
\caption{Related works Comparison table - continued from previous page}\\
Title & Goal & Idea & Event \&\ Others & Technique \&\ Model \\
Soccer Event Detection  & Automatic systems for detection event in video &  Detect Object from single video frame with a confidence scores and followed by event detection. Instead of resampling pixels and features and classify those proposals, which is computationally expensive. A method is used to combine the region proposal and classification into one. & Ball possession event and kicking the ball. &    Event detection and Object Detection. \\

A Discriminative CNN Video Representation for Event Detection & The idea is to effectively leverage deep Convolutional Neural Networks to advance event detection, where only frame level static descriptors can be extracted by the existing CNN toolkits. & Performance can be significantly improved by taking advantage of an appropriate encoding method. Second, we propose using a set of latent concept descriptors as the frame descriptor, which enriches visual information while keeping it computationally affordable. &   Event detection & VLAD Encoding, Fisher Vector encoding, CNN Latent Concept descriptors. \\


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