Estou tentando fazer um relatório de laboratório e quero que algumas seções/subseções estejam em duas colunas, mas quando tento alterá-lo para duas colunas, minha imagem não é gerada quando eu a compilo. Tentei usar \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{chapter/introduction/Thermionic.png}
o que funciona bem, mas quero usar \begin{figure} \end{figure}
porque preciso incluir uma legenda e rotulá-la. Abaixo está meu código para isso.
When a metal filament is heated in a vacuum by passing a sufficient large current along the filament, electrons are emitted. By applying a positive voltage to an anode nearby, a current will start flowing between the filament (which acts as a cathode) and the anode. This setup is known as the \textbf{thermionic diode}. Figure \ref{fig:thermdiode} shows the schematic of a thermionic diode similar to the one used in the experiment. \cite{labbook}
{\includegraphics[width = 0.5\textwidth]{chapter/introduction/Thermionic.png}}
\caption{Schematic Diagram of a Thermionic Diode \cite{labbook}}
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. Então você pode usar \captionof
When a metal filament is heated in a vacuum by passing a sufficient large current along the filament, electrons are emitted. By applying a positive voltage to an anode nearby, a current will start flowing between the filament (which acts as a cathode) and the anode. This setup is known as the \textbf{thermionic diode}. \figurename~\ref{fig:ThermDiode} shows the schematic of a thermionic diode similar to the one used in the experiment.
\includegraphics[width = 0.5\textwidth]{example-image}
\captionof{figure}{Schematic Diagram of a Thermionic Diode}