Tikz: Texto não centralizado nas caixas Tikz

Tikz: Texto não centralizado nas caixas Tikz

Estou tentando construir um diagrama do tipo fluxograma usando o pacote tikzpicture (Mathcha). Por que o texto nas caixas do Tikz não está centralizado? Desde já, obrigado.

%uncomment if require: \path (0,634); %set diagram left start at 0, and has height of 634

%Shape: Rectangle [id:dp08909796923277336] 
\draw  [line width=1.5]  (51,41) -- (609,41) -- (609,81) -- (51,81) -- cycle ;
%Shape: Rectangle [id:dp293971635997501] 
\draw  [line width=1.5]  (210,359.72) -- (520,359.72) -- (520,401.3) -- (210,401.3) -- cycle ;
%Shape: Rectangle [id:dp015112508692092352] 
\draw  [line width=1.5]  (190,210.2) -- (310,210.2) -- (310,250) -- (190,250) -- cycle ;
%Shape: Rectangle [id:dp9224449615071879] 
\draw  [line width=1.5]  (490,209.82) -- (610,209.82) -- (610,250.13) -- (490,250.13) -- cycle ;
%Straight Lines [id:da2085806199614264] 
\draw [line width=1.5]    (550,249.95) -- (550,379.8) -- (525,380.07) ;
\draw [shift={(521,380.12)}, rotate = 359.37] [fill={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 }  ][line width=0.08]  [draw opacity=0] (11.61,-5.58) -- (0,0) -- (11.61,5.58) -- cycle    ;
%Straight Lines [id:da6918276956657493] 
\draw [line width=1.5]    (180,81.59) -- (180,149.45) ;
%Straight Lines [id:da8143556798116779] 
\draw [line width=1.5]    (110,250.35) -- (110,310.21) -- (250,310.01) -- (250,249.93) ;
%Straight Lines [id:da6498353350246521] 
\draw [line width=1.5]    (180,310.11) -- (180,379.97) -- (205,380.35) ;
\draw [shift={(209,380.42)}, rotate = 180.89] [fill={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 }  ][line width=0.08]  [draw opacity=0] (11.61,-5.58) -- (0,0) -- (11.61,5.58) -- cycle    ;
%Shape: Rectangle [id:dp6903312621520653] 
\draw  [line width=1.5]  (50,210.2) -- (170,210.2) -- (170,250) -- (50,250) -- cycle ;
%Straight Lines [id:da6819495654480933] 
\draw [line width=1.5]    (110,209.57) -- (110,149.57) -- (250,149.68) -- (250,209.87) ;
%Straight Lines [id:da4777805352746255] 
\draw [line width=1.5]    (400,81.72) -- (400,205.1) ;
\draw [shift={(400,209.1)}, rotate = 270] [fill={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 }  ][line width=0.08]  [draw opacity=0] (11.61,-5.58) -- (0,0) -- (11.61,5.58) -- cycle    ;
%Straight Lines [id:da6994702521621938] 
\draw [line width=1.5]    (480,310.37) -- (480,354.55) ;
\draw [shift={(480,358.55)}, rotate = 270] [fill={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 }  ][line width=0.08]  [draw opacity=0] (11.61,-5.58) -- (0,0) -- (11.61,5.58) -- cycle    ;
%Straight Lines [id:da5755824703070298] 
\draw [line width=1.5]    (400,250.37) -- (400,354.55) ;
\draw [shift={(400,358.55)}, rotate = 270] [fill={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 }  ][line width=0.08]  [draw opacity=0] (11.61,-5.58) -- (0,0) -- (11.61,5.58) -- cycle    ;
%Straight Lines [id:da11378713626826986] 
\draw [line width=1.5]    (550,81.72) -- (550,205.1) ;
\draw [shift={(550,209.1)}, rotate = 270] [fill={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 }  ][line width=0.08]  [draw opacity=0] (11.61,-5.58) -- (0,0) -- (11.61,5.58) -- cycle    ;
%Shape: Rectangle [id:dp2737101017997946] 
\draw  [line width=1.5]  (340,209.82) -- (460,209.82) -- (460,250.13) -- (340,250.13) -- cycle ;
%Shape: Rectangle [id:dp04718661092413878] 
\draw  [line width=1.5]  (430,270.07) -- (530,270.07) -- (530,309.88) -- (430,309.88) -- cycle ;
%Straight Lines [id:da40081723928825497] 
\draw [line width=1.5]    (400,290.1) -- (425,290.1) ;
\draw [shift={(429,290.1)}, rotate = 180] [fill={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 }  ][line width=0.08]  [draw opacity=0] (11.61,-5.58) -- (0,0) -- (11.61,5.58) -- cycle    ;

% Text Node
\draw (181,52) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt]  [font=\normalsize] [align=center] {High Position on Alphabetically Ordered List};
% Text Node
\draw (348,222) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt]  [font=\normalsize] [align=center] {Higher Visibility};
% Text Node
\draw (445,281) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt]  [font=\normalsize] [align=center] {Familiarity};
% Text Node
\draw (57,222.18) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt]  [font=\normalsize] [align=center] {Status quo bias};
% Text Node
\draw (251,371.18) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt]  [font=\normalsize] [align=center] {Higher Trading Activity + Liquiditiy};
% Text Node
\draw (495,222) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt]  [font=\normalsize] [align=center] {Superior Quality};
% Text Node
\draw (215,222.18) node [anchor=north west][inner sep=0.75pt]  [font=\normalsize] [align=center] {Satisficing};


insira a descrição da imagem aqui


A razão pela qual o texto nos nós não está centralizado é, na verdade, que o que parecem ser nós (os retângulos pretos) são na verdade apenas isso: retângulos pretos. O texto é então posicionado posteriormente usando nós sem bordas. Infelizmente, esses nós não estão posicionados corretamente no centro dos retângulos.

Eu recomendo que você não use esse resultado horrível produzido por algum software, mas tente entender como lidar com o TikZ e desenhe você mesmo. Eu sei que o TikO manual do Z/PGF é enorme e intimidante, mas também contém alguns tutoriais interessantes que explicam bem o básico. Basta mantê-lo em um ritmo lento, realmente compensa e você rapidamente se familiarizará com a sintaxe.

O diagrama mostrado pode ser desenhado da seguinte forma:



    line width=1pt,
    every node/.style={
        inner ysep=10pt,
        text width=3cm,
    narrow/.append style={
        text width=2cm,
    wide/.append style={
        text width=7cm,
    very wide/.append style={
        text width=13.5cm,

\node[very wide] at (0,0) (a1) {\textbf{High Position on Alphabetically Ordered List}};

\node at (-3,-2) (b1) {Status quo bias};
\node at (-1,-2) (b2) {Satisficing};
\node at (1,-2) (b3) {Higher Visibility};
\node at (3,-2) (b4) {Superior Quality};

\node[narrow] at (2,-2.75) (c1) {Familiarity};

\node[wide] at (0.5,-4) (d1) {\textbf{Higher Trading Activity $+$ Liquidity}};

\draw (-2,-1 |- a1.south) -- (-2,-1);
\draw (-2,-1) -| (b1.north);
\draw (-2,-1) -| (b2.north);

\draw (b1.south) |- (-2,-3);
\draw (b2.south) |- (-2,-3);
\draw[->] (-2,-3) |- (d1.west);

\draw[->] (b3.north |- a1.south) -- (b3.north);
\draw[->] (b4.north |- a1.south) -- (b4.north);

\draw[->] (b3.south) -- (b3.south |- d1.north);
\draw[->] (b3.south |- c1.west) -- (c1.west);
\draw[->] (c1.south) -- (c1.south |- d1.north);
\draw[->] (b4.south) |- (d1.east);



insira a descrição da imagem aqui

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