Como tornar o espaço superior e inferior iguais usando matriz

Como tornar o espaço superior e inferior iguais usando matriz

Eu tentei com:


Outputs to machine learning models are also often represented as vectors. For instance, consider an object recognition model that takes an image as input and emits a set of numbers indicating the probabilities that the image contains a  dog, human, or cat, respectively.  The output of such a model is a three element vector $\vec{y} = \begin{bmatrix}y_{0}\\y_{1}\\y_{2}\\\dfrac{1}{2}\end{bmatrix}$, where the number $y_{0}$ denotes the probability that the image contains a dog, $y_{1}$ denotes the~probability that the image contains a human, and $y_{2}$ denotes the probability that the image contains a cat. Figure~\ref{fig:vec_out} shows some possible input images and corresponding output vectors.
p\left( x \right)
&= \overbrace{ \pi_{1}}^{0.33}\mathcal{N}\left( \vec{x}; \, \overbrace{ \vec{\mu}_{1} }^{\begin{bmatrix}
\end{bmatrix}} \overbrace{ \bm{\Sigma}_{1}}^{ \begin{bmatrix}
20 &0\\0 &28
\end{bmatrix} } \right)
+ \overbrace{ \pi_{2} }^{0.33} \mathcal{N}\left(\vec{x}; \, \overbrace{ \vec{\mu}_{2}  }^{  \begin{bmatrix}
\end{bmatrix}  }, \overbrace{ \bm{\Sigma}_{2}}^{ \begin{bmatrix}
35 & 39\\39 & 51
\end{bmatrix} } \right)\\
&+ \overbrace{ \pi_{3} }^{0.33} \mathcal{N}\left(\vec{x}; \, \overbrace{ \vec{\mu}_{3} }^{  \begin{bmatrix}
\end{bmatrix} }, \overbrace{ \bm{\Sigma}_{3}}^{ \begin{bmatrix}
10 & 0\\0 & 10
\end{bmatrix} } \right)


Saída produzida como:

insira a descrição da imagem aqui

Como posso criar espaços iguais na parte superior e inferior da matriz? por favor, avise

Além disso, é mais útil que alguém explique por que isso aconteceu.


Não tenho certeza se é isso que você deseja, mas você pode incluir o conteúdo de cada parte com \vcenter{\hbox{$ ... $}}.

insira a descrição da imagem aqui


p\left( x \right)
&= \overbrace{ \pi_{1}}^{0.33}\mathcal{N}\left(\vcenter{\hbox{$ \vec{x}; \, \overbrace{ \vec{\mu}_{1} }^{\begin{bmatrix}
\end{bmatrix}} \overbrace{ \bm{\Sigma}_{1}}^{ \begin{bmatrix}
20 &0\\0 &28
\end{bmatrix} } $}}\right)
+ \overbrace{ \pi_{2} }^{0.33} \mathcal{N}\left(\vcenter{\hbox{$ \vec{x}; \, \overbrace{ \vec{\mu}_{2}  }^{  \begin{bmatrix}
\end{bmatrix}  }, \overbrace{ \bm{\Sigma}_{2}}^{ \begin{bmatrix}
35 & 39\\39 & 51
\end{bmatrix} } $}}\right)\\
&+ \overbrace{ \pi_{3} }^{0.33} \mathcal{N}\left(\vcenter{\hbox{$ \vec{x}; \, \overbrace{ \vec{\mu}_{3} }^{  \begin{bmatrix}
\end{bmatrix} }, \overbrace{ \bm{\Sigma}_{3}}^{ \begin{bmatrix}
10 & 0\\0 & 10
\end{bmatrix} } $}}\right)



Você recebeu uma boa resposta, mas sugiro calorosamente que você siga em frente \overbrace:



Outputs to machine learning models are also often represented as vectors. 
For instance, consider an object recognition model that takes an image as 
input and emits a set of numbers indicating the probabilities that the 
image contains a  dog, human, or cat, respectively.  The output of such 
a model is a three element vector
$\vec{y} = [\begin{matrix}y_{0} & y_{1} & y_{2} & \frac{1}{2}\end{matrix}]^T$, 
where the number $y_{0}$ denotes the probability that the image contains a dog, 
$y_{1}$ denotes the~probability that the image contains a human, and $y_{2}$ 
denotes the probability that the image contains a cat. Figure~\ref{fig:vec_out} 
shows some possible input images and corresponding output vectors.
p(x) = \pi_{1} \mathcal{N} ( \vec{x}; \, \vec{\mu}_{1}, \bm{\Sigma}_{1})
     + \pi_{2} \mathcal{N} ( \vec{x}; \, \vec{\mu}_{2}, \bm{\Sigma}_{2})
     + \pi_{3} \mathcal{N} ( \vec{x}; \, \vec{\mu}_{3}, \bm{\Sigma}_{3})
\pi_1&=0.33 & \pi_2&=0.33 & \pi_3&=0.33
\vec{\mu}_{1}&=\begin{bmatrix} 152 \\ 55 \end{bmatrix}, &
\vec{\mu}_{2}&=\begin{bmatrix} 175 \\ 70 \end{bmatrix}, &
\vec{\mu}_{3}&=\begin{bmatrix} 135 \\ 40 \end{bmatrix}
\bm{\Sigma}_{1}&=\begin{bmatrix} 20 &  0 \\  0 & 28 \end{bmatrix}, &
\bm{\Sigma}_{2}&=\begin{bmatrix} 35 & 39 \\ 39 & 51 \end{bmatrix}, &
\bm{\Sigma}_{3}&=\begin{bmatrix} 10 &  0 \\  0 & 10 \end{bmatrix}


Observe o vetor coluna escrito como a transposta de um vetor linha, o que evita espaços entre as linhas.

insira a descrição da imagem aqui

Com um alinhamento alternativo



Outputs to machine learning models are also often represented as vectors. 
For instance, consider an object recognition model that takes an image as 
input and emits a set of numbers indicating the probabilities that the 
image contains a  dog, human, or cat, respectively.  The output of such 
a model is a three element vector
$\vec{y} = [\begin{matrix}y_{0} & y_{1} & y_{2} & \frac{1}{2}\end{matrix}]^T$, 
where the number $y_{0}$ denotes the probability that the image contains a dog, 
$y_{1}$ denotes the~probability that the image contains a human, and $y_{2}$ 
denotes the probability that the image contains a cat. Figure~\ref{fig:vec_out} 
shows some possible input images and corresponding output vectors.
p(x) = \pi_{1} &\mathcal{N} ( \vec{x}; \, \vec{\mu}_{1}, \bm{\Sigma}_{1})
     &{}+ \pi_{2} &\mathcal{N} ( \vec{x}; \, \vec{\mu}_{2}, \bm{\Sigma}_{2})
     &{}+ \pi_{3} &\mathcal{N} ( \vec{x}; \, \vec{\mu}_{3}, \bm{\Sigma}_{3})
\pi_1&=0.33 & \pi_2&=0.33 & \pi_3&=0.33
\vec{\mu}_{1}&=\begin{bmatrix} 152 \\ 55 \end{bmatrix}, &
\vec{\mu}_{2}&=\begin{bmatrix} 175 \\ 70 \end{bmatrix}, &
\vec{\mu}_{3}&=\begin{bmatrix} 135 \\ 40 \end{bmatrix}
\bm{\Sigma}_{1}&=\begin{bmatrix} 20 &  0 \\  0 & 28 \end{bmatrix}, &
\bm{\Sigma}_{2}&=\begin{bmatrix} 35 & 39 \\ 39 & 51 \end{bmatrix}, &
\bm{\Sigma}_{3}&=\begin{bmatrix} 10 &  0 \\  0 & 10 \end{bmatrix}


insira a descrição da imagem aqui

Para completar, veja como você pode realizar a tarefa proposta. Deixei o grande vetor de coluna embutido para mostrar por que ele é realmente ruim.

Comparando os resultados não tenho nenhuma dúvida.



Outputs to machine learning models are also often represented as vectors. 
For instance, consider an object recognition model that takes an image as 
input and emits a set of numbers indicating the probabilities that the 
image contains a  dog, human, or cat, respectively.  The output of such 
a model is a three element vector
$\vec{y} = \begin{bmatrix}y_{0} \\ y_{1} \\ y_{2} \\ \dfrac{1}{2}\end{bmatrix}$, 
where the number $y_{0}$ denotes the probability that the image contains a dog, 
$y_{1}$ denotes the~probability that the image contains a human, and $y_{2}$ 
denotes the probability that the image contains a cat. Figure~\ref{fig:vec_out} 
shows some possible input images and corresponding output vectors.
&= \overbrace{ \pi_{1}}^{0.33}\mathcal{N}
\vec{x}; \, \overbrace{ \vec{\mu}_{1} }^{\begin{bmatrix}
\end{bmatrix}} \overbrace{ \bm{\Sigma}_{1}}^{ \begin{bmatrix}
20 &0\\0 &28
\end{bmatrix} }
+ \overbrace{ \pi_{2} }^{0.33} \mathcal{N}
\vec{x}; \, \overbrace{ \vec{\mu}_{2}  }^{  \begin{bmatrix}
\end{bmatrix}  }, \overbrace{ \bm{\Sigma}_{2}}^{ \begin{bmatrix}
35 & 39\\39 & 51
\end{bmatrix} }
&+ \overbrace{ \pi_{3} }^{0.33} \mathcal{N}
\begin{array}[b]({c})\vec{x}; \, \overbrace{ \vec{\mu}_{3} }^{  \begin{bmatrix}
\end{bmatrix} }, \overbrace{ \bm{\Sigma}_{3}}^{ \begin{bmatrix}
10 & 0\\0 & 10
\end{bmatrix} }


insira a descrição da imagem aqui


Basta substituir as três instâncias de \left( ... \right)por \bigl( ... \bigr). Observe que, uma vez que os segundos argumentos das \overbraceconstruções maiores são explicativos e não definicionais, eles não precisam ser colocados entre parênteses (agora não muito altos).

Ah, e a menos que você queira chamar muita atenção para a definição de \vec{y}no parágrafo que precede o align*ambiente, eu o escreveria como um vetor linha em vez de um vetor coluna.

insira a descrição da imagem aqui


Outputs to machine learning models are also often represented as vectors. For instance, consider an object recognition model that takes an image as input and emits a set of numbers indicating the probabilities that the image contains a  dog, human, or cat, respectively.  The output of such a model is a three element vector
$\vec{y} = \begin{bmatrix} y_{0} & y_{1} & y_{2} \end{bmatrix}'$, 
where the number $y_{0}$ denotes the probability that the image contains a dog, $y_{1}$ denotes the~probability that the image contains a human, and $y_{2}$ denotes the probability that the image contains a cat. Figure~\ref{fig:vec_out} shows some possible input images and corresponding output vectors.
&=\overbrace{ \pi_{1}\mathstrut}^{0.33}\mathcal{N}
  \bigl( \vec{x};  
  \overbrace{ \vec{\mu}_{1} }^{
      \begin{bmatrix} 152\\55 \end{bmatrix}} ,
  \overbrace{ \bm{\Sigma}_{1}}^{ 
      \begin{bmatrix} 20 &0\\0 &28 \end{bmatrix} } 
 +\overbrace{ \pi_{2}\mathstrut}^{0.33} \mathcal{N}
  \overbrace{ \vec{\mu}_{2}  }^{  
      \begin{bmatrix} 175\\70 \end{bmatrix}  }, 
  \overbrace{ \bm{\Sigma}_{2}}^{ 
      \begin{bmatrix} 35 & 39\\39 & 51 \end{bmatrix} } 
  \\[2\jot] % insert a bit more vertical whitespace
&\quad+\overbrace{ \pi_{3}\mathstrut}^{0.33} \mathcal{N}
 \overbrace{ \vec{\mu}_{3} }^{  
     \begin{bmatrix} 135\\40 \end{bmatrix} }, 
 \overbrace{ \bm{\Sigma}_{3}}^{ 
     \begin{bmatrix} 10 & 0\\0 & 10 \end{bmatrix} } 


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