Longtable em ambiente paisagístico

Longtable em ambiente paisagístico

Preciso ter uma tabela longa com 7 colunas então escolhi o formato paisagem. Tudo está funcionando bem, exceto o texto da última coluna que não está no lugar certo. Não consigo entender porque o texto não está respeitando as margens da página (o texto que escrevi depois da tabela está). Na foto tem um exemplo disso.

Aqui estão algumas linhas do código para reproduzir o problema:




\caption{EEG table} \\
\textbf{} & \textbf{Cohort} & \textbf{MI Task} & \textbf{NC} &
\textbf{Network Nodes} & \textbf{Metrics} & \textbf{Main Findings} 

{{\bfseries \tablename\ \thetable{} -- continued from previous page}} \\
 \textbf{} & \textbf{Cohort} & \textbf{MI Task} & \textbf{NC} 
& \textbf{Network Nodes} & \textbf{Metrics} & \textbf{Main Findings}\\ \hline 

{{\cellcolor[rgb]{0.714,0.714,0.714}}\textbf{Effective Connectivity}}   

\rowcolor[rgb]{0.871,0.871,0.871} Vukelić, Mathias et al. (2014)                 & 16 HS                                                                            & kinesthetic imagination of opening the right hand; each trial consisted of a preparation (2s), MI (6s), and rest (8s) phase                                                                                                                                                                                                      & 32                                                                      & 24 electrodes as nodes                                                                                                                                                                                   & PSI                                                  & activation of an ipsilateral sensorimotor–parietal EC network is an indicator of a low ability for regional sensorimotor $\beta$-modulation                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               \\
Yi, Weibo et al. (2014)                                                          & 10 HS                                                                            & imagine left hand, right hand, feet, both hands and hand combined with foot movements; each trial consisted of a preparation cue (1s), MI (4s) and rest (1s) phase                                                                                                                                                               & 64                                                                      & 21 electrodes as nodes                                                                                                                                                                                   & \textcolor{red}{PLV}, SDTF       & findings imply that there exist apparent intrinsic distinctions of neural mechanism between simple and compound limb MI, which presents a more complex EC network and may involve a more complex cognitive process during information processing                                                                                                                                                           \\
\rowcolor[rgb]{0.871,0.871,0.871} Liang, Shuang et al. (2016)                    & 9 HS                                                                             & imagination of movement of the left hand, right hand, both feet and tongue; each trial consisted of a cue (1.25s), MI (3s, no feedback was provided) and rest (1.5s) phase                                                                                                                                                       & 22                                                                      & 9 electrodes used as nodes                                                                                                                                                                               & PDC                                                  & significant EC exists in the bilateral hemisphere during the tasks, regardless of the left or right-hand MI tasks. Furthermore, the out-in rate results of the information flow reveal the existence of contralateral lateralisation; \textcolor{red}{using PDC to compute EC provides efficient features for the detection of MI tasks and has great potential to be applied in BCIs}  


\textbf{ADTF} Adaptive Directed Transfer Function,
\textbf{BCI} Brain Computer Interface,
\textbf{CCorr} Cross Correlation,
\textbf{CMA} Cingulate Motor Areas,
\textbf{Coh} Coherence,
\textbf{Corr} Correlation,
\textbf{DCM} Dynamic Causal Modelling



insira a descrição da imagem aqui


Com o uso longtblrde tabularraypackage em vez de longtalble, você pode escrever um código mais curto que fornece uma tabela melhor formatada. Usando Xcolunas a largura da tabela é igual a \linewidth(= \textheight) e também pode ser determinada a proporção entre as larguras das colunas, exceto para a segunda e quarta colunas, nas quais é preservada a largura natural determinada com o conteúdo das células. A segunda e a última coluna possuem texto justificado, o que na minha opinião dá uma melhor aparência à tabela.


caption = {EEG table},
  label = {tab:EEG}
                  colspec = {X[0.5,l,m] Q[c,m]
                             X[1.8,j,m] Q[c,m] X[0.7,l,m] X[0.3,c,m]
                  cell{2}{1} = {c=7}{c},
                  row{1,2} = {c, font=\bfseries},
                  row{2}   = {font=\bfseries, bg=gray!45},
                  row{odd[3]} = {bg=gray!15},
                  rowhead  = 1}
    &   Cohort  
        &   MI Task 
            &   NC  
                &   Network Nodes   
                    &   Met\-rics 
                        &   Main Findings   \\
Effective Connectivity
    &   &   &   &   &   &                   \\
Vukelić, Mathias et al. (2014)                 
    &   16 HS   
        &   kinesthetic imagination of opening the right hand; each trial consisted of a preparation (2s), MI (6s), and rest (8s) phase
            &   32
                &   24 electrodes as nodes
                    &   PSI
                        &   activation of an ipsilateral sensorimotor–parietal EC network is an indicator of a low ability for regional sensorimotor $\beta$-modulation
Yi, Weibo et al. (2014)
    &   10 HS 
        &   imagine left hand, right hand, feet, both hands and hand combined with foot movements; each trial consisted of a preparation cue (1s), MI (4s) and rest (1s) phase
            &   64
                &   21 electrodes as nodes
                    & \textcolor{red}{PLV}, SDTF
                        &   findings imply that there exist apparent intrinsic distinctions of neural mechanism between simple and compound limb MI, which presents a more complex EC network and may involve a more complex cognitive process during information processing                                                                                                                                                           \\
Liang, Shuang et al. (2016)                    
    &   9 HS                                                                             
        &   imagination of movement of the left hand, right hand, both feet and tongue; each trial consisted of a cue (1.25s), MI (3s, no feedback was provided) and rest (1.5s) phase                                                                                                                                                     
            &   22
                &   9 electrodes used as nodes
                    &   PDC
                        &   significant EC exists in the bilateral hemisphere during the tasks, regardless of the left or right-hand MI tasks. Furthermore, the out-in rate results of the information flow reveal the existence of contralateral lateralisation; \textcolor{red}{using PDC to compute EC provides efficient features for the detection of MI tasks and has great potential to be applied in BCIs}

\textbf{ADTF} Adaptive Directed Transfer Function,
\textbf{BCI} Brain Computer Interface,
\textbf{CCorr} Cross Correlation,
\textbf{CMA} Cingulate Motor Areas,
\textbf{Coh} Coherence,
\textbf{Corr} Correlation,
\textbf{DCM} Dynamic Causal Modelling

insira a descrição da imagem aqui


Você estava forçando a tabela a ser mais larga que o bloco de texto com um explícito 1.089\linewidthem uma multicoluna, e a soma das larguras e \tabcolsepespaçamentos das colunas era maior que \linewidth, reduzi \tabcolsepaqui.

insira a descrição da imagem aqui



\noindent X\dotfill X

\caption{EEG table} \\
\textbf{} & \textbf{Cohort} & \textbf{MI Task} & \textbf{NC} &
\textbf{Network Nodes} & \textbf{Metrics} & \textbf{Main Findings} 

{{\bfseries \tablename\ \thetable{} -- continued from previous page}} \\
 \textbf{} & \textbf{Cohort} & \textbf{MI Task} & \textbf{NC} 
& \textbf{Network Nodes} & \textbf{Metrics} & \textbf{Main Findings}\\ \hline 

{{\cellcolor[rgb]{0.714,0.714,0.714}}\textbf{Effective Connectivity}}   

\rowcolor[rgb]{0.871,0.871,0.871} Vukelić, Mathias et al. (2014)                 & 16 HS                                                                            & kinesthetic imagination of opening the right hand; each trial consisted of a preparation (2s), MI (6s), and rest (8s) phase                                                                                                                                                                                                      & 32                                                                      & 24 electrodes as nodes                                                                                                                                                                                   & PSI                                                  & activation of an ipsilateral sensorimotor–parietal EC network is an indicator of a low ability for regional sensorimotor $\beta$-modulation                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               \\
Yi, Weibo et al. (2014)                                                          & 10 HS                                                                            & imagine left hand, right hand, feet, both hands and hand combined with foot movements; each trial consisted of a preparation cue (1s), MI (4s) and rest (1s) phase                                                                                                                                                               & 64                                                                      & 21 electrodes as nodes                                                                                                                                                                                   & \textcolor{red}{PLV}, SDTF       & findings imply that there exist apparent intrinsic distinctions of neural mechanism between simple and compound limb MI, which presents a more complex EC network and may involve a more complex cognitive process during information processing                                                                                                                                                           \\
\rowcolor[rgb]{0.871,0.871,0.871} Liang, Shuang et al. (2016)                    & 9 HS                                                                             & imagination of movement of the left hand, right hand, both feet and tongue; each trial consisted of a cue (1.25s), MI (3s, no feedback was provided) and rest (1.5s) phase                                                                                                                                                       & 22                                                                      & 9 electrodes used as nodes                                                                                                                                                                               & PDC                                                  & significant EC exists in the bilateral hemisphere during the tasks, regardless of the left or right-hand MI tasks. Furthermore, the out-in rate results of the information flow reveal the existence of contralateral lateralisation; \textcolor{red}{using PDC to compute EC provides efficient features for the detection of MI tasks and has great potential to be applied in BCIs}  


\textbf{ADTF} Adaptive Directed Transfer Function,
\textbf{BCI} Brain Computer Interface,
\textbf{CCorr} Cross Correlation,
\textbf{CMA} Cingulate Motor Areas,
\textbf{Coh} Coherence,
\textbf{Corr} Correlation,
\textbf{DCM} Dynamic Causal Modelling



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