Minha tabela aparece antes do título do Apêndice, no topo da página. Tentei usar vários comandos como [H], [H!] , [hbt!] etc, mas não move minha mesa. Poderia haver um conflito com pacotes aqui, talvez?
A parte inferior do meu documento fica assim:
% Loading bibliography database
\caption{Average peer effect - Pre-COVID sample.}
\begin{tabular}{l D{)}{)}{10)3} D{)}{)}{10)3} D{)}{)}{11)3} D{)}{)}{11)3}}
& \multicolumn{1}{c}{Model 1} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Model 2} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Model 3} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Model 4} \\
\item \textit{Notes:} The table reports results of a logistic regression, explaining the probability for a dwelling to adopt a retrofit measure. 0-50 meters is a dummy variable for location between 0 and 50 meters from the nearest block leader; other distance variables are defined correspondingly (The reference category is a distance larger than 500 meters). Standard errors (clustered at community level) are in parentheses. *,**,*** indicate statistical significance at the 10\%, 5\% and 1\% level respectively.
Os pacotes que uso:
% If the frontmatter runs over more than one page
% use the longmktitle option.
Não estou familiarizado com a classe cas-dc e estou com preguiça de baixá-la, então usei o artigo. Além disso, desisti do próprio tabular.
Isso coloca ambos \section
e o tabular dentro \twocolumn[...]
para torná-los com largura total e na ordem correta.
\usepackage{lipsum}% random text
\captionof{table}{Average peer effect - Pre-COVID sample.}
\item \textit{Notes:} The table reports results of a logistic regression, explaining the probability for a dwelling to adopt a retrofit measure. 0-50 meters is a dummy variable for location between 0 and 50 meters from the nearest block leader; other distance variables are defined correspondingly (The reference category is a distance larger than 500 meters). Standard errors (clustered at community level) are in parentheses. *,**,*** indicate statistical significance at the 10\%, 5\% and 1\% level respectively.