Remova o recuo de uma linha ou parágrafo no ambiente de enumeração

Remova o recuo de uma linha ou parágrafo no ambiente de enumeração

Veja a caixa azul na captura de tela. Eu tenho um parágrafoDENTROuma enumeração. Quero remover o recuo para que o parágrafo fique alinhado à esquerda SEM recuo.

Caixa azul

Abaixo está meu código de trabalho:


    This is a paragraph before the enumeration. This is a paragraph before the enumeration. This is a paragraph before the enumeration. This is a paragraph before the enumeration. This is a paragraph before the enumeration. \par
        \item First line. First line. First line. First line. First line. First line. First line. First line. 
        \item Second line. Second line. Second line. Second line. Second line. Second line. Second line. 
        \item Third line. Third line. Third line. Third line. Third line. Third line. Third line. Third line. Third line. 
        This is a paragraph \textbf{WITHIN the enumeration}. This is a paragraph \textbf{WITHIN the enumeration}. This is a paragraph \textbf{WITHIN the enumeration}. This is a paragraph \textbf{WITHIN the enumeration}.

        \item Fourth line. Fourth line. Fourth line. Fourth line. Fourth line. Fourth line. Fourth line. 

    The enumeration has ended here.\par

    This is a new story. This is a new story. This is a new story. This is a new story. This is a new story. This is a new story. This is a new story. This is a new story. 


A meu ver, o problema visual/estético é causado pelo fato de a mesa da esquerda ser um pouco mais larga que a 0.5\linewidth. Depois que você atribui larguras relativas mais apropriadas aos minipageambientes - digamos, 0.65\linewidthe 0.35\linewidth- a diferença entre os layouts das tabelas dentro e fora do enumerateambiente é muito menos aparente.

De qualquer forma, a menos que suas tabelas tenham muito espaço limitado (o que não é o caso aqui), eu gostarianãobagunçar o layout do enumerateambiente.

Separadamente, simplifique suas tabelas, livrando-se da infinidade de \multicolumn{1}{|l|}{...}wrappers \multicolumn{1}{l|}{...}e livrando-se do tabularambiente "externo". Dar à mesa uma "aparência" mais aberta - usando menos réguas horizontais, mas bem espaçadas, também pode ser uma boa ideia. Veja a captura de tela e o código a seguir para algumas sugestões de codificação específicas.

insira a descrição da imagem aqui

%\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % that's the default nowadays
\usepackage{setspace} \setstretch{1.1}
\usepackage{parskip} % zero \parindent, non-zero \parskip

\usepackage{enumerate} % I'd use 'enumitem' package



\item First line. First line. First line. First line. First line. First line. First line. First line. 
\item Second line. Second line. Second line. Second line. Second line. Second line. Second line. 
\item Third line. Third line. Third line. Third line. Third line. Third line. Third line. Third line.

% Table 1       
\captionof{table}{Major Losses from 2020 to 2023}
    Year & Bets & \multicolumn{1}{l}{Loss} \\
    2020 & AMZN, AAPL, GOOG, META  & \$12,067 \\ 
    2021 & PFE, T                  & \$10,559 \\ 
    2022 & LULU                    & \$10,565 \\ 
    2023 & BABA, C, WFC            & \$14,390 \\ 
& \multicolumn{1}{r}{\textbf{Total}} & \textbf{\$42,581}                       
% Table 2           
\captionof{table}{Largest Losses}
    Company & \multicolumn{1}{l}{Loss} \\ 
    BABA    & \$11,410 \\ 
    X       & \$11,854 \\ 
    D       & \$11,879 \\ 
    MU      & \$12,565 \\ 
    OUST    & \$8,752  \\ 
    MSFT    & \$3,804  \\ 
    \multicolumn{1}{r}{\textbf{Total}} & \textbf{\$60,264}        

\item Fourth line. Fourth line. Fourth line. Fourth line. Fourth line. Fourth line. Fourth line. 


The enumeration ends here.


This is a new story. This is a new story. This is a new story. This is a new story. 
This is a new story. This is a new story. This is a new story. This is a new story. 

% Table 3       
\captionof{table}{Major Losses from 2020 to 2023}
    Year & Bets & \multicolumn{1}{l}{Loss}    \\
    2020 & AMZN, AAPL, GOOG, META  & \$12,067 \\ 
    2021 & PFE, T                  & \$10,559 \\ 
    2022 & LULU                    & \$10,565 \\ 
    2023 & BABA, C, WFC            & \$14,390 \\ 
& \multicolumn{1}{r}{\textbf{Total}} & \textbf{\$42,581}                       
% Table 4           
\captionof{table}{Largest Losses}
    Company & \multicolumn{1}{l}{Loss} \\ 
    BABA    & \$11,410 \\ 
    X       & \$11,854 \\ 
    D       & \$11,879 \\ 
    MU      & \$12,565 \\ 
    OUST    & \$8,752  \\ 
    MSFT    & \$3,804  \\ 
    \multicolumn{1}{r}{\textbf{Total}} & \textbf{\$60,264}        




Termo aditivopara abordar a questão revisada do OP,viz.,

Tudo o que quero é remover o recuo DENTRO da enumeração de um parágrafo.

Para isso, basta (a) ter certeza de que o enumitempacote está carregado - como é o caso da consulta revisada postada pelo OP, (b) inserir


logo antes

This is a paragraph \textbf{WITHIN the enumeration}. 
This is a paragraph \textbf{WITHIN the enumeration}. 
This is a paragraph \textbf{WITHIN the enumeration}. 
This is a paragraph \textbf{WITHIN the enumeration}.

e (c) inserir


imediatamentedepoisdesse número, mas também antes da próxima \itemdirectiva.


Idéia roubada da aula de exame.


\newcommand{\fullwidth}[1]{% #1 = text
  \par\hspace*{-\@totalleftmargin}\parbox{\textwidth}{\strut #1\strut}\par}

    This is a paragraph before the enumeration. This is a paragraph before the enumeration. This is a paragraph before the enumeration. This is a paragraph before the enumeration. This is a paragraph before the enumeration. \par
        \item First line. First line. First line. First line. First line. First line. First line. First line. 
        \item Second line. Second line. Second line. Second line. Second line. Second line. Second line. 
        \item Third line. Third line. Third line. Third line. Third line. Third line. Third line. Third line. Third line. 
\fullwidth{This is a paragraph \textbf{WITHIN the enumeration}. This is a paragraph \textbf{WITHIN the enumeration}. This is a paragraph \textbf{WITHIN the enumeration}. This is a paragraph \textbf{WITHIN the enumeration}.}

        \item Fourth line. Fourth line. Fourth line. Fourth line. Fourth line. Fourth line. Fourth line. 

    The enumeration has ended here.\par

    This is a new story. This is a new story. This is a new story. This is a new story. This is a new story. This is a new story. This is a new story. This is a new story. 

informação relacionada