linha extra na tabela látex

linha extra na tabela látex

Quero fazer uma tabela em LaTeX e escrevi o seguinte programa:


\begin {center}
\begin {tabular}{| l | l | l | l | l | l |}
& \multicolumn{5}{ |c| }{$\eta_{\infty}$} \\  \cline{2-6}  
&  i=1,f=6 & i=1,f=3 & i=3,f=5& i=4,f=2& i=6,f=3 \\ \hline
$k,l=0,0$  & \textcolor{blue}{0.1811} & \textcolor{blue}{0.1811}&       \textcolor{blue}{0.1811}& \textcolor{blue}{0.1811}& \textcolor{blue}{0.1811} \\ \hline
$k,l=1,2$  &0.3788 &0.3788 &0.2898 &0.2220 &0.2898 \\ \hline
$k,l=1,3$  &0.3788 &\textcolor{red}{0.9393} &0.2898 &0.2898 &0.2220  \\ \hline
$k,l=1,4$  &0.3788 &0.3788 &0.2898 &0.3788 &0.2898  \\ \hline
$k,l=1,5$  &0.3788 &0.3788 &0.2220 &0.2898 &0.2898 \\ \hline
$k,l=1,6$  &\textcolor{red}{0.9393} &0.3788 &0.2898 &0.2898 &0.3788 \\ \hline
$k,l=2,3$  &0.2898 &0.2220 &0.3788 &0.2220 &0.2220 \\ \hline
$k,l=2,4$  &0.2898 &0.2898 &0.2898 &\textcolor{red}{0.9393} &0.2898 \\ \hline
$k,l=2,5$  &0.2898 &0.2898 &0.2220 &0.2220 &0.2898 \\ \hline
$k,l=2,6$  &0.2220 &0.2898 &0.2898 &0.2220 &0.3788\\ \hline
$k,l=3,4$  &0.2898 &0.2220 &0.3788 &0.3788 &0.2220  \\ \hline
$k,l=3,5$  &0.2898 &0.2220 &\textcolor{red}{0.9393} &0.2898 &0.2220  \\ \hline
$k,l=3,6$  &0.2220 &0.2220 &0.3788 &0.2898 &\textcolor{red}{0.9393}  \\ \hline
$k,l=4,5$  &0.2898 &0.2898 &0.2220 &0.3788 &0.2898  \\ \hline
$k,l=4,6$  &0.2220 &0.2898 &0.2898 &0.3788 &0.3788 \\ \hline
$k,l=5,6$  &0.2220 &0.2898 &0.2220 &0.2898 &0.3788  \\ \hline

\end {tabular}\\ 
 Table 2: System efficiency for different k,l and i,f.
\end {center}

Algumas células possuem uma linha vertical extra na primeira coluna, como posso omiti-la? Obrigado pela sua resposta em breve!


insira a descrição da imagem aqui


\begin {table}\centering
\begin {tabular}{| l | l | l | l | l | l |}
\multicolumn{1}{c|}{}&\multicolumn{5}{c| }{$\eta_{\infty}$} \\  \cline{2-6}  
\multicolumn{1}{c|}{}&  i=1,f=6 & i=1,f=3 & i=3,f=5& i=4,f=2& i=6,f=3 \\ \hline
$k,l=0,0$  & \textcolor{blue}{0.1811} & \textcolor{blue}{0.1811}&       \textcolor{blue}{0.1811}& \textcolor{blue}{0.1811}& \textcolor{blue}{0.1811} \\ \hline
$k,l=1,2$  &0.3788 &0.3788 &0.2898 &0.2220 &0.2898 \\ \hline
$k,l=1,3$  &0.3788 &\textcolor{red}{0.9393} &0.2898 &0.2898 &0.2220  \\ \hline
$k,l=1,4$  &0.3788 &0.3788 &0.2898 &0.3788 &0.2898  \\ \hline
$k,l=1,5$  &0.3788 &0.3788 &0.2220 &0.2898 &0.2898 \\ \hline
$k,l=1,6$  &\textcolor{red}{0.9393} &0.3788 &0.2898 &0.2898 &0.3788 \\ \hline
$k,l=2,3$  &0.2898 &0.2220 &0.3788 &0.2220 &0.2220 \\ \hline
$k,l=2,4$  &0.2898 &0.2898 &0.2898 &\textcolor{red}{0.9393} &0.2898 \\ \hline
$k,l=2,5$  &0.2898 &0.2898 &0.2220 &0.2220 &0.2898 \\ \hline
$k,l=2,6$  &0.2220 &0.2898 &0.2898 &0.2220 &0.3788\\ \hline
$k,l=3,4$  &0.2898 &0.2220 &0.3788 &0.3788 &0.2220  \\ \hline
$k,l=3,5$  &0.2898 &0.2220 &\textcolor{red}{0.9393} &0.2898 &0.2220  \\ \hline
$k,l=3,6$  &0.2220 &0.2220 &0.3788 &0.2898 &\textcolor{red}{0.9393}  \\ \hline
$k,l=4,5$  &0.2898 &0.2898 &0.2220 &0.3788 &0.2898  \\ \hline
$k,l=4,6$  &0.2220 &0.2898 &0.2898 &0.3788 &0.3788 \\ \hline
$k,l=5,6$  &0.2220 &0.2898 &0.2220 &0.2898 &0.3788  \\ \hline
\end {tabular}

\caption{System efficiency for different $k,l$ and $i,f$.}
\end {table}


Além da solução de David Carlisle, prefiro suprimir todas as linhas verticais e usar o pacote booktabsand cellspace. Este pacote garante espaçamentos verticais mínimos na parte superior e inferior das células em colunas com um especificador prefixado com S. Também usei um table environment, and acomando \caption`, para que você possa ter referências cruzadas a esta tabela:

\usepackage{cellspace, booktabs}


\begin {tabular}{Sl*{5}{Sc}}
& \multicolumn{5}{Sc }{$\eta_{\infty}$} \\
 & i=1,f=6 & i=1,f=3 & i=3,f=5& i=4,f=2& i=6,f=3 \\
$k,l=0,0$ & \textcolor{blue}{0.1811} & \textcolor{blue}{0.1811}& \textcolor{blue}{0.1811}& \textcolor{blue}{0.1811}& \textcolor{blue}{0.1811} \\
$k,l=1,2$ &0.3788 &0.3788 &0.2898 &0.2220 &0.2898 \\
$k,l=1,3$ &0.3788 &\textcolor{red}{0.9393} &0.2898 &0.2898 &0.2220 \\
$k,l=1,4$ &0.3788 &0.3788 &0.2898 &0.3788 &0.2898 \\
$k,l=1,5$ &0.3788 &0.3788 &0.2220 &0.2898 &0.2898 \\
$k,l=1,6$ &\textcolor{red}{0.9393} &0.3788 &0.2898 &0.2898 &0.3788 \\
$k,l=2,3$ &0.2898 &0.2220 &0.3788 &0.2220 &0.2220 \\
$k,l=2,4$ &0.2898 &0.2898 &0.2898 &\textcolor{red}{0.9393} &0.2898 \\
$k,l=2,5$ &0.2898 &0.2898 &0.2220 &0.2220 &0.2898 \\
$k,l=2,6$ &0.2220 &0.2898 &0.2898 &0.2220 &0.3788\\ 
$k,l=3,4$ &0.2898 &0.2220 &0.3788 &0.3788 &0.2220 \\
$k,l=3,5$ &0.2898 &0.2220 &\textcolor{red}{0.9393} &0.2898 &0.2220 \\
$k,l=3,6$ &0.2220 &0.2220 &0.3788 &0.2898 &\textcolor{red}{0.9393} \\
$k,l=4,5$ &0.2898 &0.2898 &0.2220 &0.3788 &0.2898 \\
$k,l=4,6$ &0.2220 &0.2898 &0.2898 &0.3788 &0.3788 \\
$k,l=5,6$ &0.2220 &0.2898 &0.2220 &0.2898 &0.3788 \\
\end {tabular}
\caption{System efficiency for different $ k,l $ and i,f.}\label{effi}
\end {table}

insira a descrição da imagem aqui


Aqui está uma solução que reorganiza o material na segunda linha do cabeçalho para adaptá-lo ao formato da primeira coluna. Ele também usa o Stipo de coluna (do siunitxpacote) para alinhar os pontos de dados numéricos nas colunas 2 a 6 no marcador decimal. (Alterei alguns números, para que tenham dois ou três dígitos após o marcador decimal, para destacar o efeito dessa configuração.) Sugiro ainda que se livre de todas as regras verticais e da maioria das regras horizontais; acredite em mim, eles não farão falta.

insira a descrição da imagem aqui

\begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}{ @{} @{\extracolsep{\fill}} l *{5}{S[table-format=1.4]} @{} }
& \multicolumn{5}{ c@{} }{$\eta_{\infty}$} \\  
& {$i,f=1,6$}& {$i,f=1,3$}& {$i,f=3,5$}& {$i,f=4,2$}& {$i,f=6,3$} \\ 
$k,l=0,0$  & \color{blue}0.1811& \color{blue}0.1811&       \color{blue}0.1811& \color{blue}0.1811& \color{blue}0.1811 \\ 
$k,l=1,2$  &0.38 &0.38 &0.2898 &0.222 &0.2898 \\ 
$k,l=1,3$  &0.38 &\color{red}0.9393&0.2898 &0.2898 &0.222  \\ 
$k,l=1,4$  &0.38 &0.38 &0.2898 &0.38 &0.2898  \\ 
$k,l=1,5$  &0.38 &0.38 &0.222 &0.2898 &0.2898 \\ 
$k,l=1,6$  &\color{red}0.9393&0.38 &0.2898 &0.2898 &0.38 \\ 
$k,l=2,3$  &0.2898 &0.222 &0.38 &0.222 &0.222 \\ 
$k,l=2,4$  &0.2898 &0.2898 &0.2898 &\color{red}0.9393&0.2898 \\ 
$k,l=2,5$  &0.2898 &0.2898 &0.222 &0.222 &0.2898 \\ 
$k,l=2,6$  &0.222 &0.2898 &0.2898 &0.222 &0.38\\ 
$k,l=3,4$  &0.2898 &0.222 &0.38 &0.38 &0.222  \\ 
$k,l=3,5$  &0.2898 &0.222 &\color{red}0.9393&0.2898 &0.222  \\ 
$k,l=3,6$  &0.222 &0.222 &0.38 &0.2898 &\color{red}0.9393  \\ 
$k,l=4,5$  &0.2898 &0.2898 &0.222 &0.38 &0.2898  \\ 
$k,l=4,6$  &0.222 &0.2898 &0.2898 &0.38 &0.38 \\ 
$k,l=5,6$  &0.222 &0.2898 &0.222 &0.2898 &0.38  \\ 
\caption{System efficiency for various combinations of $k,l$ and $i,f$.}

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