Estou usando o site Share Latex para criar slides para minha apresentação.
Eu tenho os seguintes códigos:
\item Introduction
\item Model 1
\item Main Results
\item Graphical Analysis
\item Model 2
\item Main Results
\item Graphical Analysis
\item Comparative statics
\item Conclusion
\item Appendix
\item Academic dishonesty is a serious issue in many developing countries.
\item Cheating in school is a social norm.
\item Generally, the professors do not take this issue seriously.
\item Low-level of punishment for the perpetrators.
\item The objective is to capture a student's decision to either plagiarize or be honest with two prisoner's dilemma models.
Eu tenho esse slide:
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\item Academic dishonesty is a serious issue in many developing countries.
\item Cheating in school is a social norm.
\item Generally, the professors do not take this issue seriously.
\item Low-level of punishment for the perpetrators.
\item The objective is to capture a student's decision to either plagiarize or be honest with two prisoner's dilemma models.