Alterar o alinhamento vertical das linhas em uma tabela

Alterar o alinhamento vertical das linhas em uma tabela

Estou tentando produzir uma tabela que altere o alinhamento vertical das células para linhas diferentes. No momento, configurei minha mesa para que todas as colunas fiquem alinhadas no meio e no centro. No entanto, gostaria que as duas últimas linhas fossem alinhadas verticalmente na parte superior, além de alinhadas à esquerda em vez de centralizadas (ou seja, \raggedrightem vez de \centering). Eu queria saber se havia alguma maneira de fazer isso, por favor.

Sou novo no TeX, então agradeço que meu código provavelmente não seja muito organizado! Eu apreciaria qualquer ajuda, por favor!

Meu código é o seguinte:


\begin{longtable}[width=1\textwidth]{>{\raggedright}m{3.2cm}>{\centering}m{1.8cm}>{\centering}m{1.8cm}>{\centering}m{1.8cm}>{\centering}m{1.8cm}>{\centering\arraybackslash}m{1.8cm}} \toprule[0.03cm]
\textbf{Property} & \textbf{Methane} & \textbf{Carbon Dioxide} & \textbf{Carbon Monoxide} & \textbf{Hydrogen Sulphide} & \textbf{Hydrogen}\\ \midrule[0.03cm] \endhead
Chemical Symbol & CH\textsubscript{4} & CO\textsubscript{2} & CO & H\textsubscript{2}S & H\textsubscript{2}\\
Molecular Weight & 16 & 44 & 28 & 34 & 2\\
Melting Point (\textdegree C) & -184 & \multirow{2}{*}{\parbox{1.8cm}{\centeringSublimes at -78.5}} & -205 & -85 & -259.14\\
Boiling Point (\textdegree C) & -164 &  & -191 & -61 & -252.87\\ \midrule[0.01cm]
Density (kg/m\textsuperscript{3}) & 0.71 & 1.98 & 1.25 & 1.53 & 0.085\\
Solubility in H\textsubscript{2}O at STP (mg/l) & 25 & 1,450 & 21.4 & 4,100 & \parbox{1.8cm}{1.62 at 21\textdegree C}\\
Viscosity (Ns/m\textsuperscript{2}) & 1.03$\times$10\textsuperscript{-5} & 1.4$\times$10\textsuperscript{-5} & 1.66$\times$10\textsuperscript{-5} & 1.0$\times$10\textsuperscript{-5} & 8.7$\times$10\textsuperscript{-6}\\
Diffusion Coefficient in Air (m\textsuperscript{2}/s at STP) & 1.5$\times$10\textsuperscript{-5} & 1.39$\times$10\textsuperscript{-5} & \parbox{1.8cm}{\centering 1.96$\times$10\textsuperscript{-5} at 9\textdegree C} & 1.76$\times$10\textsuperscript{-5} & 6.1$\times$10\textsuperscript{-5}\\ \midrule[0.01cm]
Physical Description and Attributes & Colourless, odourless and flammable gas. Important greenhouse gas. & Colourless, odourless and toxic gas. Important greenhouse gas. & Colourless, toxic, odourless and flammable gas. & Colourless, flammable and toxic gas. Rotten eggs odour at low concentration $<$ 1 ppm. Odourless at concentration $>$ 50 ppm due to anaesthesia of olfactory sense. & Colourless, odourless and flammable gas.\\ \midrule[0.01cm]
Formation & Anaerobic degradation of organic material. & Aerobic and anaerobic degradation of organic materials, action of acid water in carbonate rocks and respiration of soil bacteria. & \ce{SO4^2-}-reducing bacteria obtain energy by oxidising organic matter or H\textsubscript{2} with sulphates and produce H\textsubscript{2}S. Happens in low-O\textsubscript{2} environments (e.g. standing water). Other anaerobic bacteria produce H\textsubscript{2}S by digesting amino acids containing \ce{SO4^2-}. & Incomplete combustion of organic materials. In landfill waste can also be produced by the reduction of CO\textsubscript{2} by nascent H\textsubscript{2}. & Chemical reaction between water and finely divide metal (e.g. Al) in the ground.\\ \bottomrule[0.03cm]
\caption{Chemical and Physical Properties of Hazardous Ground Gases}


Para cada um doscélulasdentro da linha que você deseja reajustar, use

\multicolumn{1}{p{<len>}}{\raggedright <stuff>}

Isto ajustará o alinhamento vertical para o topo e o alinhamento horizontal para \raggedright. Uma coluna de largura fixa pdefine um ponto de ancoragem na parte superior por padrão.

insira a descrição da imagem aqui

  \multicolumn{1}{p{3.2cm}}{Formation} & 
    Anaerobic degradation of organic material.} & 
    Aerobic and anaerobic degradation of organic materials, 
    action of acid water in carbonate rocks and respiration of soil bacteria.} & 
    \ce{SO4^2-}-reducing bacteria obtain energy by oxidising organic matter or \ce{H2} 
    with sulphates and produce \ce{H2S}. Happens in low-\ce{O2} environments (e.g.\ 
    standing water). Other anaerobic bacteria produce \ce{H2S} by digesting amino acids 
    containing \ce{SO4^2-}.} & 
    Incomplete combustion of organic materials. In landfill waste can also be produced 
    by the reduction of \ce{CO2} by nascent \ce{H2}.} & 
    Chemical reaction between water and finely divide metal (e.g. Al) in the ground.} \\
  \caption{Chemical and Physical Properties of Hazardous Ground Gases}

Se suas colunas forem estreitas, você pode estar interessado em usarragged2eé \RaggedRight.

Como um aparte... seja consistente com o uso demhchem.


A solução simples do TeX segue. Você pode comparar isso com soluções LaTeX.

{\parindent=0pt \everymath={\rm}
 \emergencystretch=2em \raggedright
 \def\e{\unskip\vrule depth7pt width0pt}

\halign{\quad\vtop{\hsize=3.2cm #\e}\quad&&\vtop{\hsize=1.8cm #\e}\quad\cr
\bf\dd Property & \bf\dd Methane & \bf Carbon Dioxide &
\bf Carbon Monoxide & \bf Hydrogen Sulphide & \bf Hydrogen\cr
Chemical Symbol  &\hfil $CH_4$ &\hfil $CO_2$ &\hfil CO &\hfil $H_2S$ &\hfil $H_2$\cr
Molecular Weight &\hfil 16 &\hfil 44 &\hfil 28 &\hfil 34 &\hfil 2\cr
Melting Point ($^\circ$C) &\hfil $-184$ &\hfil $-200$ &\hfil $-205$ &\hfil $-85$ &\hfil $-259.14$\cr
Physical Description and Attributes &
Colourless, odourless and flammable gas. Important greenhouse gas. &
Colourless, odourless and toxic gas. Important greenhouse gas. &
Colourless, toxic, odourless and flammable gas. &
Colourless, flammable and toxic gas. Rotten eggs odour at low
   concentration $<$ 1 ppm. Odourless at concentration $>$ 50 ppm due to
   anaesthesia of olfactory sense. &
Colourless, odourless and flammable gas.\cr
Formation &
Anaerobic degradation of organic material. &
Aerobic and anaerobic degradation of organic materials,
   action of acid water in carbonate rocks and respiration of soil bacteria. &
$SO_4^{2-}$-reducing bacteria obtain energy by oxidising organic matter
   or $H_2$ with sulphates and produce $H_2S$. Happens in
   low-$O_2$ environments (e.g. standing water). Other anaerobic
   bacteria produce $H_2S$ by digesting amino acids containing
   $SO_4^{2-}$. &
Incomplete combustion of organic materials. In landfill waste
   can also be produced by the reduction of $CO_2$ by nascent $H_2$. &
Chemical reaction between water and finely divide metal (e.g. Al) in the ground.\cr



Comentário: colunas estreitas parecem muito ruins, mas isso faz parte da tarefa.


Aqui está uma solução usando o ltablexpacote (adiciona as funcionalidades de longtableto tabularx. O uso de tabularx permite colunas um pouco mais largas; também carreguei ragged2e(para ter alguma hifenização em um contexto irregular), sinuitxpara uma composição tipográfica correta de unidades e números, com seus \si, \SIe \numcomandos e a possibilidade de usar abreviações para notações científicas O \theadcomando ( makecellpacote) permite uma formatação comum de cabeçalhos de colunas. Finalmente, usei sistematicamente o \cecomando, para mhchemter uma composição tipográfica simples de compostos químicos.

\usepackage[labelfont=bf, font = footnotesize]{caption}


\textbf{Property} &\thead{Methane} &\thead{Carbon\\ Dioxide} &\thead{Carbon\\ Monoxide} &\thead{Hydrogen\\ Sulphide} &\thead{Hydrogen}\\
Chemical Symbol & \ce{CH4} & \ce{CO2} & CO & \ce{H2S} & \ce{H2}\\
Molecular Weight & 16 & 44 & 28 & 34 & 2\\
Melting Point (\celsius) &\num{-184} & \multirowcell{2}{Sublimes at\\ \num{-78.5}} &\num{-205} &\num{-85} & \num{-259.14}\\
Boiling Point (\celsius) &\num{-164} & &\num{-191} &\num{-61} & \num{-252.87}\\
Density (\si{kg/m³ }) & 0.71 & 1.98 & 1.25 & 1.53 & 0.085\\
Solubility in \ce{H2O} at STP (\si{mg/l}) & 25 & 1,450 & 21.4 & 4,100 & \parbox{1.8cm}{1.62 at \SI{21}{\celsius}} \\%
Viscosity (\si{Ns/m²}) & \num{1.03e-5} & \num{1.4e-5} & \num{1.66e-5} & \num{1.0e-5} & \num{8.7e-6} \\
Diffusion Coefficient in Air (\si{m² /s} at STP) & \num{1.5e-5} & \num{1.39e-5} & \parbox{1.8cm}{\centering \num{1.96e-5} at \SI{9}{\celsius}} & \num{1.76e-5} & \num{6.1e-5} \\
Physical Description and Attributes & Colourless, odourless and flammable gas.

Important greenhouse gas.
& Colourless, odourless and toxic gas.

Important greenhouse gas.
& Colourless, toxic, odourless and flammable gas.
& Colourless, flammable and toxic gas.

Rotten eggs odour at low concentration \mbox{$<$ 1\,ppm}. Odourless at concentration \mbox{$>$ 50\,ppm} due to anaesthesia of olfactory sense.
& Colourless, odourless and flammable gas.\\
Formation & Anaerobic degradation of organic material. & Aerobic and anaerobic degradation of organic materials, action of acid water in carbonate rocks and respiration of soil bacteria. & \ce{SO4^2-}\mbox{-reducing} bacteria obtain energy by oxidising organic matter or \ce{H2} with sulphates and produce \ce{H2S}.

Happens in low-\ce{O2} environments (e.g. standing water).

Other anaerobic bacteria produce \ce{H2S} by digesting amino acids containing \ce{SO4^2-}.
& Incomplete combustion of organic materials.

In landfill waste can also be produced by the reduction of \ce{CO2} by nascent \ce{H2}.
& Chemical reaction between water and finely divide metal (e.g. Al) in the ground.\\
\captionof{table}{Chemical and Physical Properties of Hazardous Ground Gases}


insira a descrição da imagem aqui

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