Girar o tikzpicture bagunça os cruzamentos

Girar o tikzpicture bagunça os cruzamentos

Estou trabalhando em uma imagem usando TikZ e estou usando interseções para desenhar alguns pontos (os $α(t_{j+i}$). Vi que a imagem caberia melhor na página se eu a redimensionasse e girasse 90 graus, e para minha surpresa isso bagunça completamente as interseções. Esta é a saída sem rotações ou escalas:

Imagem normal

Isso é o que acontece quando dimensiono a imagem (as interseções estão fora dos pontos correspondentes, mas não muito):

Imagem em escala

E é isso que acontece quando eu giro: completamente bagunçado.

Imagem girada

Parece que o TikZ está aplicando duas vezes a transformação: dimensionar para 0,64 em vez de 0,8 ou girar 180 graus em vez de apenas 90. Aqui está o MWE




\tikzstyle{nodepoint}=[inner sep=1pt, circle, draw, black, fill=black]

\begin{tikzpicture}[rotate = 0, scale=1]


\clip[rotate around={\uiinclination:(-\uimajoraxis,0)}] (0,0) ellipse ({\uimajoraxis} and {\uiminoraxis});
\fill[pattern=north east lines, pattern color=orange!80!white] (0,0) ellipse ({\uimajoraxis} and {\uiminoraxis});

\foreach[count=\i] \a in {\uiinclination, 0, -\uiinclination}
    \begin{scope}[rotate around={\a:(-\uimajoraxis,0)}, scale=1]
        \draw[name path global=open\i] (0,0) ellipse ({\uimajoraxis} and {\uiminoraxis});
        \draw[dotted, name path global=axis\i] ({-\uimajoraxis},0) -- ({\uimajoraxis}, 0);
        \node at ({\uimajoraxis*\uilabelfactor}, 0) {$U_\i$};

\node[nodepoint, label={left:$x_0$}] (X) at (-\uimajoraxis / 2,0) {};

\draw[rotate around={\uiinclination:({-\uimajoraxis},0)}, (-), red] ({-\uimajoraxis / 2}, {1}) to[bend left] node[midway, above, sloped, yshift=4] {$A_j$} (1,1);

\draw[dotted, name path=outercircle] ({-\uimajoraxis},{1.44*\uimajoraxis}) arc[start angle = {\uiinclination*2}, end angle = {-\uiinclination * 2}, radius={1.44*\uimajoraxis}];

\draw[dotted, name path=joiner1, name intersections={of=open1 and open2}] (intersection-1)  -- (intersection-2);
\draw[dotted, name path=joiner2, name intersections={of=open2 and open3}] (intersection-1)  -- (intersection-2);

\node[name intersections={of=axis1 and outercircle}, nodepoint, label={above:{$\alpha(t_j)$}}] (AJ0) at (intersection-1) {};
\node[name intersections={of=axis2 and outercircle}] (AJ1) at (intersection-1) {};
\node[name intersections={of=axis3 and outercircle}, nodepoint, label={below:{$\alpha(t_{j+3})$}}] (AJ2) at (intersection-1) {};

\node[nodepoint, name intersections={of=joiner1 and outercircle}, label={right:{$\alpha(t_{j+1})$}}] (J1) at (intersection-1) {};
\node[nodepoint, name intersections={of=joiner2 and outercircle}, label={left:{$\alpha(t_{j+2})$}}] (J2) at (intersection-1) {};

\draw[blue, thick] (AJ0) to[bend left] node[midway, right] {$A_j$} (J1);
\draw[blue, thick] (J1) to[bend left] node[midway, right] {$A_{j+1}$} (J2);
\draw[blue, thick] (J2) to[bend left] node[midway, right] {$A_{j+2}$} (AJ2);

\draw[green!70!black, thick] (X) to[bend left] node[midway, above] {$\beta_j$} (J1);
\draw[green!70!black, thick] (J2) to[bend right] node[midway, below] {$\beta_{j_1}^-$} (X);


Alguém sabe o que pode estar acontecendo?


Parece haver um bug no node atuso de interseções.

Aqui está um exemplo :



\tikzstyle{nodepoint}=[inner sep=1pt, circle, draw, black, fill=black]

\begin{tikzpicture}[rotate = 30, scale=1]

  \draw[name path=a] (120:1) -- (10:1); 
  \draw[name path=b] (0:0) -- (90:1);

  \node[nodepoint, red, name intersections={of=a and b}] at (intersection-1) {};
  \path[name intersections={of=a and b}] (intersection-1) node[nodepoint, green] {};



insira a descrição da imagem aqui

Portanto, substituí- lo \node at (point)por \path (point) nodeele deve estar ok.

EDITAR:Aqui está o código corrigido:




\tikzstyle{nodepoint}=[inner sep=1pt, circle, draw, black, fill=black]

\begin{tikzpicture}[rotate = 30, scale=.9]


\clip[rotate around={\uiinclination:(-\uimajoraxis,0)}] (0,0) ellipse ({\uimajoraxis} and {\uiminoraxis});
\fill[pattern=north east lines, pattern color=orange!80!white] (0,0) ellipse ({\uimajoraxis} and {\uiminoraxis});

\foreach[count=\i] \a in {\uiinclination, 0, -\uiinclination}
    \begin{scope}[rotate around={\a:(-\uimajoraxis,0)}, scale=1]
        \draw[name path global=open\i] (0,0) ellipse ({\uimajoraxis} and {\uiminoraxis});
        \draw[dotted, name path global=axis\i] ({-\uimajoraxis},0) -- ({\uimajoraxis}, 0);
        \node at ({\uimajoraxis*\uilabelfactor}, 0) {$U_\i$};

\node[nodepoint, label={left:$x_0$}] (X) at (-\uimajoraxis / 2,0) {};

\draw[rotate around={\uiinclination:({-\uimajoraxis},0)}, (-), red] ({-\uimajoraxis / 2}, {1}) to[bend left] node[midway, above, sloped, yshift=4] {$A_j$} (1,1);

\draw[dotted, name path=outercircle] ({-\uimajoraxis},{1.44*\uimajoraxis}) arc[start angle = {\uiinclination*2}, end angle = {-\uiinclination * 2}, radius={1.44*\uimajoraxis}];

\draw[dotted, name path=joiner1, name intersections={of=open1 and open2}] (intersection-1)  -- (intersection-2);
\draw[dotted, name path=joiner2, name intersections={of=open2 and open3}] (intersection-1)  -- (intersection-2);

\path[name intersections={of=axis1 and outercircle}] (intersection-1) node[nodepoint, label={above:{$\alpha(t_j)$}}] (AJ0) {};
\path[name intersections={of=axis2 and outercircle}] (intersection-1) node (AJ1) {};
\path[name intersections={of=axis3 and outercircle}] (intersection-1) node[nodepoint, label={below:{$\alpha(t_{j+3})$}}] (AJ2) {};

\path[name intersections={of=joiner1 and outercircle}] (intersection-1) node[nodepoint, label={right:{$\alpha(t_{j+1})$}}] (J1) {};
\path[name intersections={of=joiner2 and outercircle}] (intersection-1) node[nodepoint, label={left:{$\alpha(t_{j+2})$}}] (J2) {};

\draw[blue, thick] (AJ0) to[bend left] node[midway, right] {$A_j$} (J1);
\draw[blue, thick] (J1) to[bend left] node[midway, right] {$A_{j+1}$} (J2);
\draw[blue, thick] (J2) to[bend left] node[midway, right] {$A_{j+2}$} (AJ2);

\draw[green!70!black, thick] (X) to[bend left] node[midway, above] {$\beta_j$} (J1);
\draw[green!70!black, thick] (J2) to[bend right] node[midway, below] {$\beta_{j_1}^-$} (X);


insira a descrição da imagem aqui

informação relacionada