Ubuntu 16.04: Nvidia não conseguiu encontrar o arquivo de chave de registro

Ubuntu 16.04: Nvidia não conseguiu encontrar o arquivo de chave de registro

Estou no Ubuntu 16.04 com Nvidia 940M. Instalei nvidia-prime, bumblebee e os drivers nvidia (370). Ao usar o comando nvidia-settings, recebo:

** Message: PRIME: Requires offloading
** Message: PRIME: is it supported? yes

ERROR: nvidia-settings could not find the registry key file. This file should
       have been installed along with this driver at
       /usr/share/nvidia/nvidia-application-profiles-key-documentation. The
       application profiles will continue to work, but values cannot be
       prepopulated or validated, and will not be listed in the help text.
       Please see the README for possible values and descriptions.

O que devo fazer para remover esses erros?

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