Вызов --bootstrap-to терпит неудачу

Вызов --bootstrap-to терпит неудачу

Эта проблема похожа на:JUJU bootstrap зависает. Загрузка Juju Agent версии 2.0.2 для amd64

Я следую инструкциям:https://www.ubuntu.com/download/cloud/autopilot

Я пытаюсь запустить Autopilot для развертывания openstack. Мой сервер MAAS запущен, и у меня 5 подключенных узлов. Я запускаю conjure-up с моего контроллера MAAS.

Когда я запускаю conjure-up --bootstrap-to {MAAS commissioned node in READY state}, я выбираю ландшафт, а затем выбираю maas в качестве типа облака, ввожу учетные данные и конечную точку. Conjure-up продолжает работу и успешно развертывает узел.

Conjure-up зависает на этом этапе. Вот вывод conjure-up.....bootstrap.err:

Creating Juju controller "conjure-up-cloud-maas-0d1-93a" on cloud-maas-0d1
Looking for packaged Juju agent version 2.2.2 for amd64  
Launching controller instance(s) on cloud-maas-0d1...
 - te3f68 (arch=amd64 mem=32G cores=8)   
Fetching Juju GUI 2.7.5  
Attempting to connect to  
sudo: unable to resolve host quiet-boa: Connection timed out*

**Following is from my MAAS server**:  
$ which juju  
$ which conjure-up  
$ which lxd  
$ juju version  
$ conjure-up --version  
conjure-up 2.2.2  
$ lxd --version  
$ lsb_release -a  
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS
Release:    16.04
Codename:   xenial

Вот вывод conjure-up.log

2017-07-31 10:43:31,964 [INFO] conjure-up/_unspecified_spell - events.py:178 - Watching for shutdown
2017-07-31 10:43:32,011 [DEBUG] conjure-up/_unspecified_spell - events.py:55 - Awaiting Shutdown at conjureup/events.py:180
2017-07-31 10:43:37,404 [DEBUG] conjure-up/landscape - download.py:60 - Path is local filesystem, copying /snap/conjure-up/561/spells/landscape to /home/ernie/.cache/conjure-up/landscape
2017-07-31 10:43:37,410 [DEBUG] conjure-up/landscape - utils.py:392 - Pulling bundle for landscape-dense-maas from channel: stable
2017-07-31 10:46:11,237 [INFO] conjure-up/landscape - common.py:77 - Bootstrapping Juju controller.
2017-07-31 10:46:11,238 [DEBUG] conjure-up/landscape - juju.py:170 - bootstrap cmd: ['juju', 'bootstrap', 'cloud-maas-0d1', 'conjure-up-cloud-maas-0d1-93a', '--default-model', 'conjure-landscape-1b1', '--config', 'image-stream=daily', '--config', 'enable-os-upgrade=false', '--to', 'trusty-cicada', '--bootstrap-series', 'xenial', '--credential', 'conjure-cloud-maas-0d1-fee']
2017-07-31 10:46:11,257 [DEBUG] conjure-up/landscape - events.py:55 - Awaiting ModelConnected at conjureup/controllers/deploy/common.py:23
2017-07-31 10:46:11,261 [DEBUG] conjure-up/landscape - juju.py:179 - waiting for proc
2017-07-31 10:46:11,471 [DEBUG] conjure-up/landscape - maas.py:401 - Found endpoint: http://maas:5240/MAAS for cloud: cloud-maas-0d1
2017-07-31 10:46:11,472 [DEBUG] conjure-up/landscape - events.py:55 - Setting MAASConnected at conjureup/controllers/deploy/gui.py:285
2017-07-31 10:46:36,934 [DEBUG] conjure-up/landscape - gui.py:13 - Rendering bootstrap wait
2017-07-31 10:46:37,034 [DEBUG] conjure-up/landscape - events.py:55 - Awaiting MAASConnected at conjureup/controllers/deploy/gui.py:209 in task _do_deploy at conjureup/controllers/deploy/gui.py:239
2017-07-31 10:46:37,035 [DEBUG] conjure-up/landscape - events.py:55 - Received MAASConnected at conjureup/controllers/deploy/gui.py:209 in task _do_deploy at conjureup/controllers/deploy/gui.py:239
2017-07-31 10:46:37,036 [DEBUG] conjure-up/landscape - events.py:55 - Awaiting PreDeployComplete at conjureup/juju.py:517 in task _do_deploy at conjureup/controllers/deploy/gui.py:239
2017-07-31 10:46:37,130 [DEBUG] conjure-up/landscape - events.py:55 - Awaiting MAASConnected at conjureup/controllers/deploy/gui.py:209 in task _do_deploy at conjureup/controllers/deploy/gui.py:239
2017-07-31 10:46:37,131 [DEBUG] conjure-up/landscape - events.py:55 - Received MAASConnected at conjureup/controllers/deploy/gui.py:209 in task _do_deploy at conjureup/controllers/deploy/gui.py:239
2017-07-31 10:46:37,132 [DEBUG] conjure-up/landscape - events.py:55 - Awaiting PreDeployComplete at conjureup/juju.py:517 in task _do_deploy at conjureup/controllers/deploy/gui.py:239
2017-07-31 10:46:37,226 [DEBUG] conjure-up/landscape - events.py:55 - Awaiting MAASConnected at conjureup/controllers/deploy/gui.py:209 in task _do_deploy at conjureup/controllers/deploy/gui.py:239
2017-07-31 10:46:37,227 [DEBUG] conjure-up/landscape - events.py:55 - Received MAASConnected at conjureup/controllers/deploy/gui.py:209 in task _do_deploy at conjureup/controllers/deploy/gui.py:239
2017-07-31 10:46:37,228 [DEBUG] conjure-up/landscape - events.py:55 - Awaiting PreDeployComplete at conjureup/juju.py:517 in task _do_deploy at conjureup/controllers/deploy/gui.py:239
2017-07-31 10:46:37,322 [DEBUG] conjure-up/landscape - events.py:55 - Awaiting MAASConnected at conjureup/controllers/deploy/gui.py:209 in task _do_deploy at conjureup/controllers/deploy/gui.py:239
2017-07-31 10:46:37,323 [DEBUG] conjure-up/landscape - events.py:55 - Received MAASConnected at conjureup/controllers/deploy/gui.py:209 in task _do_deploy at conjureup/controllers/deploy/gui.py:239
2017-07-31 10:46:37,324 [DEBUG] conjure-up/landscape - events.py:55 - Awaiting PreDeployComplete at conjureup/juju.py:517 in task _do_deploy at conjureup/controllers/deploy/gui.py:239
2017-07-31 10:46:37,330 [DEBUG] conjure-up/landscape - events.py:55 - Awaiting Bootstrapped at conjureup/controllers/bootstrapwait/gui.py:37
2017-07-31 10:46:37,336 [DEBUG] conjure-up/landscape - events.py:55 - Awaiting RelationsAdded:landscape-server at /snap/conjure-up/561/usr/lib/python3.6/asyncio/events.py:127 in task wait at conjureup/events.py:95
2017-07-31 10:46:37,338 [DEBUG] conjure-up/landscape - events.py:55 - Awaiting RelationsAdded:rabbitmq-server at /snap/conjure-up/561/usr/lib/python3.6/asyncio/events.py:127 in task wait at conjureup/events.py:95
2017-07-31 10:46:37,340 [DEBUG] conjure-up/landscape - events.py:55 - Awaiting RelationsAdded:postgresql at /snap/conjure-up/561/usr/lib/python3.6/asyncio/events.py:127 in task wait at conjureup/events.py:95
2017-07-31 10:46:37,341 [DEBUG] conjure-up/landscape - events.py:55 - Awaiting RelationsAdded:haproxy at /snap/conjure-up/561/usr/lib/python3.6/asyncio/events.py:127 in task wait at conjureup/events.py:95
2017-07-31 11:01:00,945 [DEBUG] conjure-up/landscape - juju.py:181 - proc done
2017-07-31 11:01:00,945 [ERROR] conjure-up/landscape - common.py:36 - Error bootstrapping controller: ['Creating Juju controller "conjure-up-cloud-maas-0d1-93a" on cloud-maas-0d1', 'Looking for packaged Juju agent version 2.2.2 for amd64', 'Launching controller instance(s) on cloud-maas-0d1...', ' - te3f68 (arch=amd64 mem=32G cores=8) ', 'Fetching Juju GUI 2.7.5', 'Waiting for address', 'Attempting to connect to', 'sudo: unable to resolve host trusty-cicada: Connection timed out', 'Connection to closed by remote host.', 'ERROR failed to bootstrap model: subprocess encountered error code 255']
2017-07-31 11:01:00,947 [DEBUG] conjure-up/landscape - events.py:55 - Setting Error at conjureup/events.py:147
2017-07-31 11:01:01,028 [ERROR] conjure-up/landscape - events.py:166 - Unhandled exception
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/snap/conjure-up/561/lib/python3.6/site-packages/conjureup/controllers/bootstrap/common.py", line 39, in do_bootstrap
Exception: Unable to bootstrap (cloud type: maas)
2017-07-31 11:01:01,033 [DEBUG] conjure-up/landscape - __init__.py:21 - Showing dialog for exception: Unable to bootstrap (cloud type: maas)


По словам отправителя, проблема заключалась в неправильной настройке DNS.

Да, я нашел проблему. DNS-сервер для VLAN не был настроен должным образом. Я использовал IP-адрес сервера MAAS, и это помогло мне обойти эту проблему. – Ernest Martinez 31 июля 2017 в 16:46

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