Я хотел установить odt для visual studio 2017. Я скачал установщик с сайтаhttps://www.oracle.com/technetwork/topics/dotnet/downloads/odacmsidownloadvs2017-3806459.html. Запускается установщик, и через некоторое время появляется ошибка, сообщающая, что инструменты не могут быть установлены, и мне говорят посмотреть в файле журнала, который он сгенерировал, и удалить ошибку, но я не могу найти, в чем ошибка в файле журнала. Содержимое файла журнала следующее:
24/07/2019 2:33:48 PM - Microsoft VSIX Installer
24/07/2019 2:33:48 PM - -------------------------------------------
24/07/2019 2:33:48 PM - vsixinstaller.exe version:
24/07/2019 2:33:48 PM - 15.0.26228.9 built by: D15RTWSVC
24/07/2019 2:33:48 PM - -------------------------------------------
24/07/2019 2:33:48 PM - Command line parameters:
24/07/2019 2:33:48 PM - C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\Common7\ide\vsixinstaller,/skuName:Enterprise,/skuVersion:15.0,/quiet,/admin,C:\Program Files (x86)\Oracle Developer Tools for VS2017\odt\Oracle.VsDevTools.15.0.vsix,/logFile:C:\Users\maaz\AppData\Local\Temp\Oracle.VsDevTools.15.0_vsix_7-24-2019_14-33-47.log
24/07/2019 2:33:48 PM - -------------------------------------------
24/07/2019 2:33:48 PM - Microsoft VSIX Installer
24/07/2019 2:33:48 PM - -------------------------------------------
24/07/2019 2:33:48 PM - Failed to initialize settings for Isolated Shell C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 18\Common7\IDE\ssms.exe: Unable to find an entry point named '?' in DLL 'PkgdefMgmt.dll'.
24/07/2019 2:33:49 PM - Initializing Install...
24/07/2019 2:33:49 PM - Extension Details...
24/07/2019 2:33:49 PM - Identifier : Oracle.VsDevTools.15.0
24/07/2019 2:33:49 PM - Name : Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2017
24/07/2019 2:33:49 PM - Author : Oracle Corporation
24/07/2019 2:33:49 PM - Version : 18.3.0
24/07/2019 2:33:49 PM - Description : Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2017 is a free VS addin that makes it easy to browse and modify Oracle schema objects and data, edit and debug PL/SQL, generate SQL deployment scripts, perform schema comparisons, tune SQL and .NET app performance, and much more.
24/07/2019 2:33:49 PM - Locale : en-US
24/07/2019 2:33:49 PM - MoreInfoURL : http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/visual-studio/overview/index- 097110.html
24/07/2019 2:33:49 PM - InstalledByMSI : False
24/07/2019 2:33:49 PM - SupportedFrameworkVersionRange : [4.5,)
24/07/2019 2:33:49 PM -
24/07/2019 2:33:49 PM - SignatureState : Unsigned
24/07/2019 2:33:49 PM - Supported Products :
24/07/2019 2:33:49 PM - Microsoft.VisualStudio.Community
24/07/2019 2:33:49 PM - Version : [15.0]
24/07/2019 2:33:49 PM - Microsoft.VisualStudio.Pro
24/07/2019 2:33:49 PM - Version : [15.0]
24/07/2019 2:33:49 PM - Microsoft.VisualStudio.Enterprise
24/07/2019 2:33:49 PM - Version : [15.0]
24/07/2019 2:33:49 PM -
24/07/2019 2:33:49 PM - References :
24/07/2019 2:33:49 PM - Prerequisites :
24/07/2019 2:33:49 PM - -------------------------------------------- -----------
24/07/2019 2:33:49 PM - Identifier : Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.CoreEditor
24/07/2019 2:33:49 PM - Name : Visual Studio core editor
24/07/2019 2:33:49 PM - Version : [15.0,16.0)
24/07/2019 2:33:49 PM -
24/07/2019 2:33:49 PM - Signature Details...
24/07/2019 2:33:49 PM - Extension is not signed.
24/07/2019 2:33:49 PM -
24/07/2019 2:33:51 PM - PKGDEF Information: Looking for master PkgDef file, Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\Common7\IDE\master.pkgdef
24/07/2019 2:33:51 PM - PKGDEF Information: Creating PkgDefCacheNonVolatile
24/07/2019 2:33:51 PM - PKGDEF Information: Double-checking master pkgdef file
24/07/2019 2:33:51 PM - PKGDEF Information: PkgDefManagement initialized
24/07/2019 2:33:51 PM - PKGDEF Information: RootFolder, Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\
24/07/2019 2:33:51 PM - PKGDEF Information: ShellFolder, Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\
24/07/2019 2:33:51 PM - PKGDEF Information: PkgDefSearchPath, Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\Common7\IDE\Extensions;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\Common7\IDE\devenv.admin.pkgdef
24/07/2019 2:33:51 PM - PKGDEF Information: ImageManifestSearchPath, Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\Common7\IDE\Extensions;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions;C:\Users\maaz\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\15.0_ae723756\Extensions
24/07/2019 2:33:51 PM - PKGDEF Information: ApplicationExtensionsFolder, Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\Common7\IDE\Extensions
24/07/2019 2:33:51 PM - PKGDEF Information: "ZeroImpact" = dword:0, "MergeRegistry" = dword:3
24/07/2019 2:33:51 PM - PKGDEF Information: Could not find ConfigurationChanged timestamp., PKGDEF: 80070002
24/07/2019 2:33:51 PM - PKGDEF Information: Could not find ConfigurationChanged timestamp., PKGDEF: 80070002
24/07/2019 2:33:51 PM - PKGDEF Information: User extensions enabled by setting, Path: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\15.0_ae723756\ExtensionManager\EnableAdminExtensions
24/07/2019 2:33:51 PM - PKGDEF Information: PkgDefCache flags, PKGDEF: 7001
24/07/2019 2:33:51 PM - PKGDEF Information: Could not find ConfigurationChanged timestamp., PKGDEF: 80070002
24/07/2019 2:33:51 PM - PKGDEF Information: Could not find ConfigurationChanged timestamp., PKGDEF: 80070002
24/07/2019 2:33:51 PM - PKGDEF Information: PkgDefManagement startup complete
24/07/2019 2:33:52 PM - The extension with ID 'Oracle.VsDevTools.15.0' is not installed to Visual Studio Enterprise 2017.
24/07/2019 2:33:52 PM - Beginning to install extension to Visual Studio Enterprise 2017...
24/07/2019 2:33:52 PM - Install Error : System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Unable to find the specified file.
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.ExtensionManager.ExtensionEngineImpl.GetInstanceForSetupI nstance(ISetupInstance2 currentSetupInstance, ServiceProvider setupServiceProvider)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.ExtensionManager.ExtensionEngineImpl.PerformSetupEngineInstall(InstallableExtensionImpl extension, Boolean installPerMachine, Boolean isPackComponent, IDictionary`2 extensionsInstalledSoFar, List`1 extensionsUninstalledSoFar, IInstalledExtensionList modifiedInstalledExtensionsList, IProgress`1 progress, InstallFlags installFlags, AsyncOperation asyncOp, IInstalledExtension& newExtension)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.ExtensionManager.ExtensionEngineImpl.InstallInternal(InstallableExtensionImpl extension, InstallFlags installFlags, IDictionary`2 extensionsInstalledSoFar, List`1 extensionsUninstalledSoFar, IInstalledExtensionList modifiedInstalledExtensionsList, AsyncOperation asyncOp, IProgress`1 progress)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.ExtensionManager.ExtensionEngineImpl.BeginInstall(IInstallableExtension installableExtension, InstallFlags installFlags, AsyncOperation asyncOp)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.ExtensionManager.ExtensionEngineImpl.Install(IInstallableExtension extension, InstallFlags installFlags)
at VSIXInstaller.App.InstallSilently(IInstallableExtension extension, IReadOnlyList`1 installSKUs)
24/07/2019 2:33:52 PM - VSIX TaskScheduler: VSIX Auto Updatetask already exists.
24/07/2019 2:33:52 PM - System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Unable to find the specified file.
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.ExtensionManager.ExtensionEngineImpl.GetInstanceForSetupInstance(ISetupInstance2 currentSetupInstance, ServiceProvider setupServiceProvider)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.ExtensionManager.ExtensionEngineImpl.PerformSetupEngineInstall(InstallableExtensionImpl extension, Boolean installPerMachine, Boolean isPackComponent, IDictionary`2 extensionsInstalledSoFar, List`1 extensionsUninstalledSoFar, IInstalledExtensionList modifiedInstalledExtensionsList, IProgress`1 progress, InstallFlags installFlags, AsyncOperation asyncOp, IInstalledExtension& newExtension)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.ExtensionManager.ExtensionEngineImpl.InstallInternal(InstallableExtensionImpl extension, InstallFlags installFlags, IDictionary`2 extensionsInstalledSoFar, List`1 extensionsUninstalledSoFar, IInstalledExtensionList modifiedInstalledExtensionsList, AsyncOperation asyncOp, IProgress`1 progress)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.ExtensionManager.ExtensionEngineImpl.BeginInstall(IInstallableExtension installableExtension, InstallFlags installFlags, AsyncOperation asyncOp)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.ExtensionManager.ExtensionEngineImpl.Install(IInstallableExtension extension, InstallFlags installFlags)
at VSIXInstaller.App.InstallSilently(IInstallableExtension extension, IReadOnlyList`1 installSKUs)
at VSIXInstaller.App.OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e)
Я скачал последнюю версию ODT для Visual Studio 2017.
Я использую последнюю версию Oracle Developer Tools для Visual Studio 2017.
Возможно, вы используете самую последнюю копию надстройки, но у вас не установлена текущая версия Visual Studio 2017, поскольку проблема, с которой вы столкнулись, была исправлена в Visual Studio 2017 15.3.2
. После обновления до Visual Studio 2017 15.9.14
вы сможете установить надстройку без проблем.
Эта проблема была исправлена и теперь доступна в нашем последнем обновлении. Вы можете загрузить обновление через уведомление в продукте или отсюда:https://www.visualstudio.com/vs/Спасибо всем, кто оставил отзыв.
Обновление Visual Studio завершается ошибкой AccessDenied во время установки/удаления VSIX.
Источник:Visual Studio 2017 версии 15.3.2