Я задал эллипс и три точки следующим образом:
\draw[thick] (0,0) ellipse [x radius=\aa,y radius=\bb];
\path coordinate (c) at (0,0)
coordinate (d) at (-\focus,0)
coordinate (r) at ($(0,0)+(36:{\aa} and {\bb})$);
\fill (c) circle (2pt)
(d) circle (2pt)
(r) circle (2pt);
Теперь мне нужно
- касательный вектор к эллипсу через (r);
- линия, параллельная этой касательной, проходящая через (c);
- координата на пересечении этой последней линии с линией, соединяющей (r) и (d).
Похоже, я не могу найти решение задачи 1, которое позволило бы мне решить задачи 2 и 3. Есть какие-нибудь предложения, пожалуйста?
Вот способ сделать это, используя подход изКак нарисовать касательную линию произвольной точки на траектории в TikZ
\usetikzlibrary{calc, decorations.markings, intersections}
markings,% switch on markings
at position #1
\coordinate (tangent point-\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/decoration/mark info/sequence number}) at (0pt,0pt);
\coordinate (tangent unit vector-\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/decoration/mark info/sequence number}) at (1,0pt);
\coordinate (tangent orthogonal unit vector-\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/decoration/mark info/sequence number}) at (0pt,1);
use tangent/.style={
shift=(tangent point-#1),
x=(tangent unit vector-#1),
y=(tangent orthogonal unit vector-#1)
use tangent/.default=1
\draw[thick, tangent=0.07] (0,0) ellipse [x radius=\aa,y radius=\bb];
\path coordinate (c) at (0,0)
coordinate (d) at (-\focus,0);
\fill (c) circle (2pt)
(d) circle (2pt);
\fill (tangent point-1) circle [radius=2pt];
\draw [red, name path=rd] (tangent point-1) -- (d);
\draw [use tangent] (2,0) -- (-2,0);
\draw [use tangent, red, name path=parallel] (c) ++(2,0) -- +(-4,0);
\fill [red, name intersections={of={rd and parallel}}] (intersection-1) circle [radius=2pt];
И Asymptote
вместе с переводом на tikz через svg
void Dot(... pair[] p){ // function takes a variable number of arguments
for(int i=0;i<p.length;++i){
real a=2.5, b=2, focus=sqrt(a*a-b*b);
pair c=(0,0), d=(-focus,0);
path el=ellipse(c,a,b);
path tline=rotate(36)*(c--(2a,0));
real tr=intersect(el,tline)[0];
pair r=point(el,tr);
pair tan_dir=dir(el,tr);
path tan_line=scale(b)*(-tan_dir--tan_dir);
pair w=intersectionpoint(d--r,shift(c)*tan_line);
pen linePen=darkblue+1.2pt;
pen elPen=red+1.5pt;
draw(el,elPen); draw(d--r,linePen);
запустить asy ellipse.asy
для получения ellipse.eps
или asy -f pdf ellipse.asy
для получения ellipse.pdf
. Или поместить его в asy
среду в LaTeX
документе (см texdoc asymptote
. ).
Редактировать:Добавлены некоторые комментарии.
Пользовательская функция для рисования списка точек, который будет использоваться в дальнейшем как Dot(c,d,r,w);
void Dot(... pair[] p){ // function takes a variable number of arguments
for(int i=0;i<p.length;++i){
Функция Dot
определена с помощью ... pair[] p
конструкции, что означает, что она может принимать переменное количество аргументов, все они будут помещены в массив пар (двумерные координаты) p[]
real a=2.5, b=2, focus=sqrt(a*a-b*b);
определяет размеры.
pair c=(0,0), d=(-focus,0);
определяет точки c
и d
по x,y
path el=ellipse(c,a,b);
определяет кривую (контур эллипса), которая будет использоваться в дальнейшем;
path tline=rotate(36)*(c--(2a,0));
определяет прямую линию как повернутую на 36 градусов горизонтальную линиюc--(2a,0)
real tr=intersect(el,tline)[0];
определяет так называемое время пересечения, параметр t
для пути el
, который соответствует точке пересечения tline
с контуром эллипса el
pair r=point(el,tr);
определить саму точку пересечения.
pair tan_dir=dir(el,tr);
определяет направление касательной в точке r
(в момент времени tr
path tan_line=scale(b)*(-tan_dir--tan_dir);
определяет линию, проходящую через начало координат и параллельную касательной.
pair w=intersectionpoint(d--r,shift(c)*tan_line);
определяет интересующую точку пересечения между прямой d--r
и прямой, параллельной касательной, проходящей через начало координат (точка c
pen linePen=darkblue+1.2pt;
pen elPen=red+1.5pt;
определены перья (цвет и толщина), которые будут использоваться для линий и эллипсов
draw(el,elPen); draw(d--r,linePen);
нарисуйте эллипс и линиюd--r
проведите две параллельные прямые через точки r
и c
, используя определенную функцию Dot
нарисуйте причудливые точки во всех четырех точках c,d,r,w
и, наконец, нарисовать метки, отформатированные в виде (La)TeX
строки (например, "$C$"
) в указанной позиции (например, ,c
), ориентированные указанным образом (ed NE
означает северо-запад от точки).
Редактирование 2: добавлен перевод tikz
Спасибо Harish Kumar
за его ответ [здесь][2], я только что установил inkscape2tikz
из [источника][3] и после запуска asy -f svg ellipse.asy
svg2tikz ellipse.svg > ellipse.tex
здесь появился LaTeX
документ с tikz
решением, переведенный из ellipse.asy
кода, показанного выше:
\begin{tikzpicture}[y=0.80pt,x=0.80pt,yscale=-1, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt]
\path[draw=cff0000,line join=round,line cap=round,miter limit=10.04,line
width=1.200pt] (75.2812,0.0000) .. controls (75.2812,-33.2613) and
(41.5767,-60.2250) .. (0.0000,-60.2250) .. controls (-41.5767,-60.2250) and
(-75.2812,-33.2613) .. (-75.2812,-0.0000) .. controls (-75.2812,33.2613) and
(-41.5767,60.2250) .. (0.0000,60.2250) .. controls (41.5767,60.2250) and
(75.2812,33.2613) .. (75.2812,0.0000) -- cycle;
\path[draw=c000040,line join=round,line cap=round,miter limit=10.04,line
width=0.960pt] (-45.1687,-0.0000) -- (55.7293,-40.4897);
\path[draw=c000040,line join=round,line cap=round,miter limit=10.04,line
width=0.960pt] (100.9330,-0.6942) -- (10.5257,-80.2853);
\path[draw=c000040,line join=round,line cap=round,miter limit=10.04,line
width=0.960pt] (45.2036,39.7955) -- (-45.2036,-39.7955);
\path[fill=black] (1.8068,0.0000) .. controls (1.8068,-0.9978) and
(0.9978,-1.8068) .. (0.0000,-1.8068) .. controls (-0.9978,-1.8068) and
(-1.8068,-0.9978) .. (-1.8068,-0.0000) .. controls (-1.8068,0.9978) and
(-0.9978,1.8068) .. (0.0000,1.8068) .. controls (0.9978,1.8068) and
(1.8068,0.9978) .. (1.8068,0.0000) -- cycle;
\path[fill=cffffff] (1.2045,0.0000) .. controls (1.2045,-0.6652) and
(0.6652,-1.2045) .. (0.0000,-1.2045) .. controls (-0.6652,-1.2045) and
(-1.2045,-0.6652) .. (-1.2045,-0.0000) .. controls (-1.2045,0.6652) and
(-0.6652,1.2045) .. (0.0000,1.2045) .. controls (0.6652,1.2045) and
(1.2045,0.6652) .. (1.2045,0.0000) -- cycle;
\path[fill=black] (-43.3620,-0.0000) .. controls (-43.3620,-0.9978) and
(-44.1709,-1.8068) .. (-45.1687,-1.8068) .. controls (-46.1666,-1.8068) and
(-46.9755,-0.9978) .. (-46.9755,-0.0000) .. controls (-46.9755,0.9978) and
(-46.1666,1.8068) .. (-45.1687,1.8068) .. controls (-44.1709,1.8068) and
(-43.3620,0.9978) .. (-43.3620,-0.0000) -- cycle;
\path[fill=cffffff] (-43.9642,-0.0000) .. controls (-43.9642,-0.6652) and
(-44.5035,-1.2045) .. (-45.1687,-1.2045) .. controls (-45.8340,-1.2045) and
(-46.3732,-0.6652) .. (-46.3732,-0.0000) .. controls (-46.3732,0.6652) and
(-45.8340,1.2045) .. (-45.1687,1.2045) .. controls (-44.5035,1.2045) and
(-43.9642,0.6652) .. (-43.9642,-0.0000) -- cycle;
\path[fill=black] (57.5361,-40.4897) .. controls (57.5361,-41.4876) and
(56.7272,-42.2965) .. (55.7293,-42.2965) .. controls (54.7315,-42.2965) and
(53.9226,-41.4876) .. (53.9226,-40.4897) .. controls (53.9226,-39.4919) and
(54.7315,-38.6830) .. (55.7293,-38.6830) .. controls (56.7272,-38.6830) and
(57.5361,-39.4919) .. (57.5361,-40.4897) -- cycle;
\path[fill=cffffff] (56.9338,-40.4897) .. controls (56.9338,-41.1550) and
(56.3946,-41.6942) .. (55.7293,-41.6942) .. controls (55.0641,-41.6942) and
(54.5248,-41.1550) .. (54.5248,-40.4897) .. controls (54.5248,-39.8245) and
(55.0641,-39.2852) .. (55.7293,-39.2852) .. controls (56.3946,-39.2852) and
(56.9338,-39.8245) .. (56.9338,-40.4897) -- cycle;
\path[fill=black] (-12.3358,-12.4506) .. controls (-12.3358,-13.4484) and
(-13.1447,-14.2573) .. (-14.1426,-14.2573) .. controls (-15.1404,-14.2573) and
(-15.9493,-13.4484) .. (-15.9493,-12.4506) .. controls (-15.9493,-11.4528) and
(-15.1404,-10.6438) .. (-14.1426,-10.6438) .. controls (-13.1447,-10.6438) and
(-12.3358,-11.4528) .. (-12.3358,-12.4506) -- cycle;
\path[fill=cffffff] (-12.9381,-12.4506) .. controls (-12.9381,-13.1158) and
(-13.4774,-13.6551) .. (-14.1426,-13.6551) .. controls (-14.8078,-13.6551) and
(-15.3471,-13.1158) .. (-15.3471,-12.4506) .. controls (-15.3471,-11.7854) and
(-14.8078,-11.2461) .. (-14.1426,-11.2461) .. controls (-13.4774,-11.2461) and
(-12.9381,-11.7854) .. (-12.9381,-12.4506) -- cycle;
\path (8.9640,-8.3400) .. controls (8.9640,-8.4480) and (8.8800,-8.4480) ..
(8.8560,-8.4480) .. controls (8.8320,-8.4480) and (8.7840,-8.4480) ..
(8.6880,-8.3280) -- (7.8600,-7.3200) .. controls (7.4400,-8.0400) and
(6.7800,-8.4480) .. (5.8800,-8.4480) .. controls (3.2880,-8.4480) and
(0.6000,-5.8200) .. (0.6000,-3.0000) .. controls (0.6000,-0.9960) and
(2.0040,0.2520) .. (3.7560,0.2520) .. controls (4.7160,0.2520) and
(5.5560,-0.1560) .. (6.2520,-0.7440) .. controls (7.2960,-1.6200) and
(7.6080,-2.7840) .. (7.6080,-2.8800) .. controls (7.6080,-2.9880) and
(7.5120,-2.9880) .. (7.4760,-2.9880) .. controls (7.3680,-2.9880) and
(7.3560,-2.9160) .. (7.3320,-2.8680) .. controls (6.7800,-0.9960) and
(5.1600,-0.0960) .. (3.9600,-0.0960) .. controls (2.6880,-0.0960) and
(1.5840,-0.9120) .. (1.5840,-2.6160) .. controls (1.5840,-3.0000) and
(1.7040,-5.0880) .. (3.0600,-6.6600) .. controls (3.7200,-7.4280) and
(4.8480,-8.1000) .. (5.9880,-8.1000) .. controls (7.3080,-8.1000) and
(7.8960,-7.0080) .. (7.8960,-5.7840) .. controls (7.8960,-5.4720) and
(7.8600,-5.2080) .. (7.8600,-5.1600) .. controls (7.8600,-5.0520) and
(7.9800,-5.0520) .. (8.0160,-5.0520) .. controls (8.1480,-5.0520) and
(8.1600,-5.0640) .. (8.2080,-5.2800) -- (8.9640,-8.3400) -- cycle;
\path (1.8840,-0.8880) .. controls (1.7760,-0.4680) and (1.7520,-0.3480) ..
(0.9120,-0.3480) .. controls (0.6840,-0.3480) and (0.5640,-0.3480) ..
(0.5640,-0.1320) .. controls (0.5640,0.0000) and (0.6360,0.0000) ..
(0.8760,0.0000) -- (4.6800,0.0000) .. controls (7.1040,0.0000) and
(9.4680,-2.5080) .. (9.4680,-5.1840) .. controls (9.4680,-6.9120) and
(8.4360,-8.1960) .. (6.7200,-8.1960) -- (2.8680,-8.1960) .. controls
(2.6400,-8.1960) and (2.5320,-8.1960) .. (2.5320,-7.9680) .. controls
(2.5320,-7.8480) and (2.6400,-7.8480) .. (2.8200,-7.8480) .. controls
(3.5520,-7.8480) and (3.5520,-7.7520) .. (3.5520,-7.6200) .. controls
(3.5520,-7.5960) and (3.5520,-7.5240) .. (3.5040,-7.3440) -- (1.8840,-0.8880)
-- cycle(4.4160,-7.3800) .. controls (4.5240,-7.8240) and (4.5720,-7.8480) ..
(5.0400,-7.8480) -- (6.3600,-7.8480) .. controls (7.4880,-7.8480) and
(8.5200,-7.2360) .. (8.5200,-5.5800) .. controls (8.5200,-4.9800) and
(8.2800,-2.8920) .. (7.1160,-1.5720) .. controls (6.7800,-1.1760) and
(5.8680,-0.3480) .. (4.4880,-0.3480) -- (3.1200,-0.3480) .. controls
(2.9520,-0.3480) and (2.9280,-0.3480) .. (2.8560,-0.3600) .. controls
(2.7240,-0.3720) and (2.7120,-0.3960) .. (2.7120,-0.4920) .. controls
(2.7120,-0.5760) and (2.7360,-0.6480) .. (2.7600,-0.7560) -- (4.4160,-7.3800)
-- cycle;
\path (4.4160,-7.3800) .. controls (4.5240,-7.8240) and (4.5720,-7.8480) ..
(5.0400,-7.8480) -- (5.9040,-7.8480) .. controls (6.9360,-7.8480) and
(7.7040,-7.5360) .. (7.7040,-6.6000) .. controls (7.7040,-5.9880) and
(7.3920,-4.2240) .. (4.9800,-4.2240) -- (3.6240,-4.2240) -- (4.4160,-7.3800)
-- cycle(6.0840,-4.0800) .. controls (7.5720,-4.4040) and (8.7360,-5.3640) ..
(8.7360,-6.3960) .. controls (8.7360,-7.3320) and (7.7880,-8.1960) ..
(6.1200,-8.1960) -- (2.8680,-8.1960) .. controls (2.6280,-8.1960) and
(2.5200,-8.1960) .. (2.5200,-7.9680) .. controls (2.5200,-7.8480) and
(2.6040,-7.8480) .. (2.8320,-7.8480) .. controls (3.5520,-7.8480) and
(3.5520,-7.7520) .. (3.5520,-7.6200) .. controls (3.5520,-7.5960) and
(3.5520,-7.5240) .. (3.5040,-7.3440) -- (1.8840,-0.8880) .. controls
(1.7760,-0.4680) and (1.7520,-0.3480) .. (0.9240,-0.3480) .. controls
(0.6480,-0.3480) and (0.5640,-0.3480) .. (0.5640,-0.1200) .. controls
(0.5640,0.0000) and (0.6960,0.0000) .. (0.7320,0.0000) .. controls
(0.9480,0.0000) and (1.2000,-0.0240) .. (1.4280,-0.0240) -- (2.8440,-0.0240)
.. controls (3.0600,-0.0240) and (3.3120,0.0000) .. (3.5280,0.0000) ..
controls (3.6240,0.0000) and (3.7560,0.0000) .. (3.7560,-0.2280) .. controls
(3.7560,-0.3480) and (3.6480,-0.3480) .. (3.4680,-0.3480) .. controls
(2.7360,-0.3480) and (2.7360,-0.4440) .. (2.7360,-0.5640) .. controls
(2.7360,-0.5760) and (2.7360,-0.6600) .. (2.7600,-0.7560) -- (3.5640,-3.9840)
-- (5.0040,-3.9840) .. controls (6.1440,-3.9840) and (6.3600,-3.2640) ..
(6.3600,-2.8680) .. controls (6.3600,-2.6880) and (6.2400,-2.2200) ..
(6.1560,-1.9080) .. controls (6.0240,-1.3560) and (5.9880,-1.2240) ..
(5.9880,-0.9960) .. controls (5.9880,-0.1440) and (6.6840,0.2520) ..
(7.4880,0.2520) .. controls (8.4600,0.2520) and (8.8800,-0.9360) ..
(8.8800,-1.1040) .. controls (8.8800,-1.1880) and (8.8200,-1.2240) ..
(8.7480,-1.2240) .. controls (8.6520,-1.2240) and (8.6280,-1.1520) ..
(8.6040,-1.0560) .. controls (8.3160,-0.2040) and (7.8240,0.0120) ..
(7.5240,0.0120) .. controls (7.2240,0.0120) and (7.0320,-0.1200) ..
(7.0320,-0.6600) .. controls (7.0320,-0.9480) and (7.1760,-2.0400) ..
(7.1880,-2.1000) .. controls (7.2480,-2.5440) and (7.2480,-2.5920) ..
(7.2480,-2.6880) .. controls (7.2480,-3.5640) and (6.5400,-3.9360) ..
(6.0840,-4.0800) -- cycle;
\path (10.8360,-6.8640) .. controls (11.1120,-7.3320) and (11.3760,-7.7760) ..
(12.0960,-7.8480) .. controls (12.2040,-7.8600) and (12.3120,-7.8720) ..
(12.3120,-8.0640) .. controls (12.3120,-8.1960) and (12.2040,-8.1960) ..
(12.1680,-8.1960) .. controls (12.1440,-8.1960) and (12.0600,-8.1720) ..
(11.2680,-8.1720) .. controls (10.9080,-8.1720) and (10.5360,-8.1960) ..
(10.1880,-8.1960) .. controls (10.1160,-8.1960) and (9.9720,-8.1960) ..
(9.9720,-7.9680) .. controls (9.9720,-7.8600) and (10.0680,-7.8480) ..
(10.1400,-7.8480) .. controls (10.3800,-7.8360) and (10.7640,-7.7640) ..
(10.7640,-7.3920) .. controls (10.7640,-7.2360) and (10.7160,-7.1520) ..
(10.5960,-6.9480) -- (7.3200,-1.2120) -- (6.8880,-7.4640) .. controls
(6.8880,-7.6080) and (7.0200,-7.8360) .. (7.6920,-7.8480) .. controls
(7.8480,-7.8480) and (7.9680,-7.8480) .. (7.9680,-8.0760) .. controls
(7.9680,-8.1960) and (7.8480,-8.1960) .. (7.7880,-8.1960) .. controls
(7.3680,-8.1960) and (6.9240,-8.1720) .. (6.4920,-8.1720) -- (5.8680,-8.1720)
.. controls (5.6880,-8.1720) and (5.4720,-8.1960) .. (5.2920,-8.1960) ..
controls (5.2200,-8.1960) and (5.0760,-8.1960) .. (5.0760,-7.9680) .. controls
(5.0760,-7.8480) and (5.1600,-7.8480) .. (5.3640,-7.8480) .. controls
(5.9160,-7.8480) and (5.9160,-7.8360) .. (5.9640,-7.1040) -- (6.0000,-6.6720)
-- (2.8920,-1.2120) -- (2.4480,-7.4040) .. controls (2.4480,-7.5360) and
(2.4480,-7.8360) .. (3.2640,-7.8480) .. controls (3.3960,-7.8480) and
(3.5280,-7.8480) .. (3.5280,-8.0640) .. controls (3.5280,-8.1960) and
(3.4200,-8.1960) .. (3.3480,-8.1960) .. controls (2.9280,-8.1960) and
(2.4840,-8.1720) .. (2.0520,-8.1720) -- (1.4280,-8.1720) .. controls
(1.2480,-8.1720) and (1.0320,-8.1960) .. (0.8520,-8.1960) .. controls
(0.7800,-8.1960) and (0.6360,-8.1960) .. (0.6360,-7.9680) .. controls
(0.6360,-7.8480) and (0.7320,-7.8480) .. (0.9000,-7.8480) .. controls
(1.4640,-7.8480) and (1.4760,-7.7760) .. (1.5000,-7.3920) -- (2.0280,-0.0240)
.. controls (2.0400,0.1800) and (2.0520,0.2520) .. (2.1960,0.2520) .. controls
(2.3160,0.2520) and (2.3400,0.2040) .. (2.4480,0.0240) -- (6.0240,-6.2280) --
(6.4680,-0.0240) .. controls (6.4800,0.1800) and (6.4920,0.2520) ..
(6.6360,0.2520) .. controls (6.7560,0.2520) and (6.7920,0.1920) ..
(6.8880,0.0240) -- (10.8360,-6.8640) -- cycle;
Графика выглядит хорошо, но надписи куда-то исчезли.
С PSTricks и объяснениями.
\edef\A{2}% semi-major
\edef\B{1}% semi-minor
\edef\Cx{3}% center abscissa
\edef\Cy{3}% center ordinate
% parametric representation of an ellipse
% the left focus point in RPN notation
% [-sqrt(A^2-B^2)+Cx,Cy]
\edef\F{!\A\space 2 exp \B\space 2 exp sub sqrt neg \Cx\space add
\Cy }
\psparametricplot{0}{Pi 2 mul}{\X(t)|\Y(t)}% plot the ellipse from 0 to 2*pi
\curvepnode{Pi 4 div}{\X(t)|\Y(t)}{P}% define the point P through which the tangent line passes
% \curvepnode also produces a unit tangent vector named Ptang
\pnode(\Cx,\Cy){C}% define the center
\pnode(\F){F}% define the focus
\nodexn{-2(Ptang)+(C)}{S}% vector S = -2 Ptang + C
\nodexn{2(Ptang)+(C)}{T}% vector T = 2 Ptang + C
\psline[linecolor=red](S)(T)% draw the line passing through C and parallel to the unit tangent vector
\psxline[linecolor=green](P){(S)-(C)}{(T)-(C)}% draw a line from vector P + S - C to P + T - C
\pcline[nodesep=-1,linecolor=blue](F)(P)% drawn a line from F to P
\pstInterLL[PointName=none]{F}{P}{S}{T}{I}% find the intersection point I between line FP and ST
\psdots(P)(C)(F)% draw the points P, C, F
\psparametricplot{0}{Pi 2 mul}{\X(t)|\Y(t)}
\pnode(!3 sqrt neg 3 add 3){F}
С использованиемtzplot
\tzellipse[thick]"AA"(0,0)(\aa cm and \bb cm)
\tzcoors*(0,0)(c){c}(-\focus,0)(d){d}($(0,0)+(36:{\aa} and {\bb})$)(r){r};(4pt)
% 1. tangent at (r)
% 2. parallel line through (c)
% 3. intersection