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hey \cite{toral_fokker-planck_2003}
И в моем случае ex.bib
(просто пример):
title = {A Fokker-Planck description for Parrondo's games},
volume = {5114},
url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.490173},
doi = {10.1117/12.490173},
abstract = {We discuss in detail two recently proposed relations between the Parrondo's games and the Fokker-Planck equation describing the flashing ratchet as the overdamped motion of a particle in a potential landscape. In both cases it is possible to relate exactly the probabilities of the games to the potential in which the overdamped particle moves. We will discuss under which conditions current-less potentials correspond to fair games and vie versa.},
urldate = {2013-12-27},
booktitle = {Proc. {SPIE}},
author = {Toral, Raul and Amengual, Pau and Mangioni, Sergio},
year = {2003},
pages = {309--317}
Вывод списка литературы выглядит примерно так: R. Toral, P. Amengual и S. Mangioni, в Proc. SPIE, т. 5114 (2003) стр. 309–317.
В таких журналах, как Physical Review E, 309
вместо pp. 309-137
. Мой вопрос: есть ли способ заставить latex показывать только номер первой страницы, не редактируя файл .bib вручную?